Magic mountain sky has always thought that dream light dust is not so powerful. Otherwise, he won't be as tough all the time.

But at this time, both xianguinong and shangwudao stood up against it.

Xianguinong has just lost his son and is still in grief. But his life has been in the hands of the magic mountain sky. Two grandchildren are also in charge, and he can only be loyal.

Xianguinong said in a deep voice: "how many secrets the dreamers have accumulated over the years are still unclear to us old ministers. Dream light dust control Loulan heaven is enough to resist our attack. It is the stupidest behavior to fight with mengqingchen in Zifu. The best way is divided into two ways, one leads to dream dust. Another way to destroy Loulan heaven. That's the best policy. "

Shang Wudao said, "I like the old saying."

Arthur ratty nodded. He said, "well, the king knows." He then asked Chen Yang, "Chen Yang, what do you think?"

Arthur ratty now relies heavily on Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I think what Mr. Shang and Mr. xianlao said is reasonable."

Magic mountain sky's proposal was denied by everyone, and his face was not good-looking.

But Chen Yang didn't want to take his face into account in this life and death discussion.

Dongfang Shen also seconded Chen Yang's idea.

Chen Yang then said: "at present, what we have to do is to try our best to control the other two governments. As long as mengqingchen comes to fight, our experts will go to Loulan to save Mo language and destroy the kingdom of heaven. But the premise is to be able to trap Meng Qingchen and the four elders. "

Yaserati's eyes brightened and said, "Chen Yang, what you said is very reasonable. Now mengqingchen can't lose the other two houses. If we attack, she can't help it. "

Everyone also thinks that Chen Yang's idea is very good.

Chen Yang immediately said: "there is also a key problem, that is, mengqingchen can think of this. I'm afraid she's already deployed. She's a genius. After losing two games in a row, it's unlikely to lose three

Azeratti was silent.

He has to admit that Chen Yang's worries are also reasonable.

Arthur ratty then said, "we shouldn't delay any longer. Let's have a rest today and discuss it tomorrow morning. Come up with a solution as soon as possible! "

The meeting broke up.

Chen Yang is not with the Oriental God, but he goes to see xianzhengyun and xianyuxue.

Xianzhengyun and xianyuxue are together.

After Chen Yang enters the room, xianzhengyun and xianyuxue look at Chen Yang. They did not speak.

Chen Yang is very familiar, found a place to sit down, and then said: "xianzhengyun, I know what you want. In this way, you help me save Mo Yu. Then I'll take the restrictions off your brain and set you and your sister free. How about it? "

"Seriously?" Xianzhengyun was overjoyed at the news.

How much they want freedom. Fresh in snow eyes also appeared happy.

Chen Yang looked at xianzhengyun and said, "I always keep my word."

"But the ELF KING?" Xian Zhengyun is not at ease.

Chen Yang said, "I'm good at this. As for the Elven king, it's not something you need to consider. "

Xian Zhengyun nodded and said, "OK, I believe you!"

Chen Yang said: "well, you think, with our present strength and conditions. How to save Mo Yu? "

His first consideration is to save Mo language, and then to defeat Meng Qingchen!

Mo language is the sword of the great molysk hanging above his head. After taking down the sword, everyone will not be so anxious.

Xian Zhengyun said: "I don't know the power of the elves. And the attitude of the rest of them, that's crucial. "

Chen Yang gave a brief introduction.

After that, Xian Zhengyun said, "my father knows the Lord the most. It's not unreasonable for him to be afraid of him. Strong attack is definitely not good. Zifu can defeat the Terran in a short time. Today's savings are not as simple as they seem. "

Chen Yang said impolitely: "I promise you the terms, and I don't want to listen to your nonsense."

Xianyu Xue was upset and said, "Hey, how do you talk?"

Chen Yang takes a look at Xianyu snow, but ignores it.

Xianzhengyun is not angry. He is a very cultured man. He said in a deep voice, "I have an idea to save Mo Yu."

Chen Yang immediately said, "speak quickly!"

Xian Zhengyun said: "I am very familiar with Loulan heaven, and I also know about Mo language. I can sneak into Loulan heaven without disturbing the Lord. "

Chen Yang pondered.

"If you don't disturb mengqingchen, you can enter Loulan heaven?" Chen Yang asked again.

"That's right!" Xian Zhengyun said.

Chen Yang said, "do you know mengqingchen?"Xianzhengyun slightly embarrassed, said: "of course she knows."

Chen Yang said: "since she knows, I'm afraid you won't have this chance."

Xianzhengyun said: "not necessarily, she just thought I would not surrender."

"The risk is great," Chen said

"Of course, there will be risks," said Xian

Chen Yang said, "tell me, what is the way to enter Loulan heaven without being known by mengqingchen?"

Xianzhengyun now said nothing hidden, Chen Yang asked xianzhengyun more about Loulan heaven.

Chen Yang is a top talent in array, and he immediately began to understand the key points.

He and Xian Zhengyun argued for a whole night.

The next day, when he met again, Chen Yang had already made up his mind.

In purple mansion, dream light dust is not idle. Of course, she knew that ziyue mansion and Tianshan mansion would become her weakness. If the other side attacks, she can't help it. If not, the two governments will become the enemy's helpers.

However, if she called the two houses back to Zifu, they would not come back. Because as smoke dust and sketch, also afraid of dream light dust will settle accounts in autumn. Once in Zifu, I can't help myself.

So, dream light dust first did such a thing. Summon an elder to enter Loulan heaven

She didn't want to do such a thing, but now, it's so far, it's useless to balance power and show dignity.

She wants absolute control.

She first defeated an elder completely, and cut off the contact between the elder and the outside world with Loulan heaven. Mengqingchen threatened with life and death, and finally forced the elder to open his brain. Mengqingchen controls his brain.

Then, mengqingchen called other elders in succession. These elders never thought that mengqingchen would do this. Finally, all of them are controlled by dream dust.

After all this, mengqingchen did another thing.

Before, dreamers belonged to the royal family. Uncle Meng Huashan killed her father. She washed the royal family with blood, and most of them were killed. A small part of them obeyed, and some of them escaped

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