Among the four continents, Zifu has the shallowest history. And in the long struggle, the founder of Zifu, the dreamer generation, suffered a great loss. The first few lords either died at the hands of the Terrans or were consumed by infighting. So later, in order to consolidate his position, mengqingchen carried out a cruel blood washing to Mengjia. Her father died at the hands of her uncle Meng Huashan, and she hated the dream family.

In this way, although dream light dust stabilized his position. But the dream family in this purple mansion, and show the power of thin. Over the years, she has intimidated others with Loulan heaven. She practiced hard and tried her best. She has firmly controlled the eight divisions, and let the four elders obey. Just wait for the third mansion to be accepted, and the whole purple mansion will be completely controlled by her.

Unfortunately, at this time, a Chen Yang from the earth completely destroyed her plan and forced her to this point.

In the blood washing of the dreamer, he once ran away from a dreamer's elder. The elder of the dreamer is the father of menghuashan. Menghuashan is mengqingchen's uncle. The father of menghuashan and the grandfather of mengqingchen are brothers.

Meng Qingchen's grandfather died early in the inner struggle.

Therefore, Meng Qingchen hates Meng Huashan's father to the bone.

The father of Menghua mountain is Mengmeng Wanshan.

Mengwanshan escaped from Danube, but he was always in the region near Danube.

Mengqingchen left Danube in the night and went to find mengwanshan.

As for the purple house, she let the four elders guard Loulan heaven.

Loulan heaven, the array is heavy, where the gold seal is, it is difficult to get close. The four elders have no such ability to rebel.

Dream light dust began to move dangerous, the road she took before, is steady, no accident.

But now, she's taking risks.

Once dream light dust, genius, fearless.

Today's dream dust has too many fetters and shackles. This is the reason why she failed these two times, and Meng Qingchen himself realized this.

Therefore, she began to show her unique style before she became the Lord.

At this time, leaving the purple mansion was beyond the imagination of the spirit king. All the information is sealed. Mengqingchen is not afraid that the other party will come.

Because only she knows the secret of mengwanshan.

In the endless starry sky, mengqingchen unfolds her ethereal body method, like a streamer shuttling through the void, tens of thousands of miles in an instant.

After a short time, the dream dust stays on a death star.

It's dark all around the death star. It's absolute vacuum, absolute ice cold.

Above the death star, there is rust and no life.

"Mengwanshan, come out!" Dream light dust stands on an iron ore and says coldly.

She is so beautiful in the dark, her hair is white with the wind.

It's like a dream of iron horse glacier, a bunch of red dust in the dark night!

Although the voice of dream light dust is very light, it spreads all over the world.

After a while, there was a wave in the inner core of the death star. A moment later, a figure rushed out from the bottom of the earth.

This figure soon came to mengqingchen.

He has purple hair and blue eyes. His face is more than sixty years old. He has many wrinkles on his face and is tall. His eyes are bright and sharp.

Dressed in black, very solemn!

This old man is Dream of mountains!

In the face of dream dust, mengwanshan has no fear.

"Girl, what's up? Are you going to kill them all? " Meng Wanshan said coldly. There's a murder in his eyes!

Mengqingchen took a look at mengwanshan and said, "you have been cultivating the star nucleus in this planet. You want to absorb the star nucleus and attack me. Do you think I really don't know? I don't want to start because you have to wait until you have cultivated the star nucleus to be mature before picking the fruit. "

"Can you? Smelly girl Meng Wanshan was furious when he heard the words: "you overestimate yourself. If you have many helpers on Danube and such artifacts as Loulan, I'm afraid of you. But here, you are looking for death! "

Dream light dust said: "my time is very tight, no time and you nonsense.". Mengwanshan, your star core has three years to mature. I can't wait for these three years. Now, I want you to submit to me and be loyal to me from now on. If you are obedient, we will write off the old grudge. In Zifu, I can give you status and dignity. Otherwise, you can only make me a dog

Dream Wanshan smell speech, burst into a rage: "smelly girl, good do not know the rank of smelly girl, today I want to teach you a good lesson."

Dream light dust sneer, said: "it seems, you are to choose the latter."

Now, her figure flashed.

In an instant, mengqingchen and mengwanshan started to work together. Both of them are extremely clean. Mengwanshan dare not look down upon mengqingchen. His hand is to exert all his strength.Mengwanshan's cultivation was no less than mengqingchen, but mengqingchen was defeated by Loulan heaven.

Today, after years of training, Meng Wanshan has the confidence to fight against the dream of light dust.

However, he is still afraid of Loulan heaven.

He is here to cultivate star core, in order to deal with Loulan heaven.

Meng Wanshan directly sacrificed his peerless magic weapon.

"The Creator!"

It is not a sword or a sword, but a strange word. The word reads soldier!

The last word is made of meteor soldiers.

When Danube was formed, there was chaos green lotus, in which there was chaos gas. The Qi of chaos creates the word "Bing", so it is known as the magic weapon of creation.

Mengwan mountain urges the magic power of creation purple mansion in the body, and the Qi of creation gushes out, all pouring into the creation magic weapon.

There are thirty-six strokes in this character. Thirty six strokes form thirty-six arms!

At that moment, the word "Bing" came to life, forming the original spirit of thirty-six kinds of killing troops.

The fierce spirit of the assassin rushed out like a huge Road, and this momentum rushed into the vast starry sky instantly, making the whole universe seem to be the assassin universe.

Thirty six Yuanshen, representing thirty-six kinds of extreme killing forces, have blasted to mengqingchen.

There is no place for mengqingchen to escape. If she escapes, she will be completely passive.

In a moment, she was surrounded by this kind of killing and cutting, and all kinds of fierce killing and cutting will form a real attack force to kill her body.

At this time, the Qi of creation is very pale.

It is a dead end for ordinary creation masters to come to this point.

Chen Yang's black hole whirlpool is also a dead end. Because Chen Yang can't swallow up or digest the power of such an overbearing soldier's spirit.

In the world, the body is immortal, but the spirit is immortal!

In the earth, the spirit of Laozi and Confucius is still alive thousands of years later.

Mengqingchen's whole body mana urges her, and her power of creation merges with her long purple hair. In a flash, the long purple hair turned into ten thousand purple dragons, surging out, and finally formed a huge Purple Dragon array, which trapped Mengwan mountain in it.

She didn't resist the magic weapon of creation, but was afraid of Meng Wanshan's escape and trapped Meng Wanshan first!

From here we can see how confident mengqingchen is in the face of mengwanshan.

At the same time, mengqingchen sacrificed her magic weapon.

"The magic mirror of ten thousand methods!"

"What?" Meng Wanshan was shocked when he saw the magic mirror.

Of course, he knows the magic mirror.

The magic mirror of Wanfa is in the supreme Pavilion of Zifu.

This mirror is a magic weapon produced in the universe. It is said that it can absorb all kinds of Dharma and Tao.

However, this mirror is extremely mysterious. No one in the purple mansion can participate in the mystery, and can't let the ten thousand Dharma gods recognize the Lord. Therefore, Wanfa mirrors have always been collected in the supreme Pavilion.

But now, mengqingchen has cast a magic mirror.

The magic mirror of ten thousand methods changed in her hands, instantly burst out colorful light, and infinite mysterious rules flashed in the light.

The next second, the light was like five colors of divine light, and it swept countless divine soldiers into the mirror.

All of a sudden, the killing became calm!

Meng Wanshan was surprised again. He wanted to take back the magic weapon and work hard to run the energy. He felt that the magic weapon was in a chaos, in which there was infinite space.

Mengwanshan's mana urges.

The magic power of mengqingchen is also stimulated.

In the chaos of the magic mirror, countless strange golden characters appear and turn into innumerable principles, which entangle the magic weapon of creation.

These golden characters make sounds like Sanskrit chants. It's like thousands of monks are turning this magic weapon.

Of course, Meng Wanshan didn't accept and struggled all the time. Dream light dust has been suppressed.

They had a stalemate for about half an hour. After half an hour, the truth gradually suppressed the magic weapon. Mengwanshan felt that he and Shenbing began to lose continuity.

In the next second, mengqingchen will accept all the magic soldiers.

Then there was a flash in her eyes.

"The magic mirror of ten thousand methods, the magic weapon will bite back!" Dream light dust a big drink.

The magic soldier immediately ran out, all body dyed with gold, killing with holy.

The former magic weapon was fierce.

Now the magic weapon has become the division of justice!

Boom! Thirty six magic soldiers with terrible momentum and strength all killed to Menghua mountain.

Meng Wanshan lost his magic weapon and was extremely passive. He blinked continuously in the air and started to fight back with his powerful Taoist boxing power.

Hit and kill for several times in a row, the starry sky shakes!

Finally, the magic soldier was repulsed by mengwanshan. But the magic mirror of dream light dust once again blooms countless golden characters. Those golden characters twined around mengwanshan, just like countless bees.Mengwanshan kills continuously, and the mana is stimulated and the Qi of creation is released. But the golden characters absorb energy and digest all the power of mengwanshan.

In this way, Meng Wanshan is more and more passive.

At this time, Meng Wanshan fell into despair.

He knows that today he is definitely not the opponent of mengqingchen. He never dreamed that mengqingchen had accepted the magic mirror. This magic mirror is a God in the universe!

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