Mengwanshan is entangled by the golden characters, which are hidden in the universe. Combined with the surging mana suppression of mengqingchen, mengwanshan couldn't escape.

And Meng Wanshan's will is wearing away, and his mana is also passing away.

One is to attack and kill along the current, and the other is to resist against the current. So even if the mana is equal, the dream mountain is far from being able to resist. What's more, the magic power of mengqingchen is still on mengwanshan.

Mengqingchen holds a magic mirror with purple hair covering the sky!

Her face is so beautiful, delicate, her temperament is fierce but spotless.

At this time, she suppressed Meng Wanshan, her eyes were extremely cold, without any emotion fluctuation!


Finally, Meng Wanshan couldn't support it, so he knelt down and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Mengqingchen sneered and said, "mengwanshan, do you want to cheat me? When I'm done, then use your blood escape skill to escape? Is that possible? "

Dream Wanshan once again faded.

Once again, he really felt the horror of dream dust.

But everything, there is no room for regret.

Mengqingchen grabs mengwanshan's body with her big handprint. She is the power of Wanfa exerted by Wanfa divine mirror.

The big fingerprints were all surging out of the mirror of the God of Dharma.

Mengwanshan felt the bondage of Wanfa!

He couldn't get away from it at all. He was all over the place like a toaster.

He could feel that if he didn't comply, he would be reduced to ashes by this oven.

"Mengwanshan, open your brain, obey me and follow my orders! Otherwise, choose to die! " Dream light dust said coldly.

There was sweat on Meng Wanshan's forehead.

His son died in mengqingchen's hand, and he hated mengqingchen to the bone.

But now, in the face of life and death, what can he do?

Can you choose to die freely?

Obviously not!

An old man like him, who has lived for so many years, values his life more than anything else.

What kind of family, in the passage of time are extremely pale.

Meng Wanshan didn't hesitate for a long time, he chose obedience.

Therefore, the dream light dust successfully controlled the dream Wanshan.

After that, mengqingchen returned to Danube with mengwanshan.

Mengwanshan completely accepted his fate, and let him drive away in front of mengqingchen.

After returning to the purple mansion, the dream light dust does not stop.

She still let the four elders guard Loulan heaven.

When the four elders saw Meng Wanshan, they were stunned.

Mengqingchen said coldly, "next, I'm going to accept Tianshan mansion and ziyue mansion. In this Loulan kingdom of heaven, there is a good channel for me. If there is an irreversible change, I can come back at any time. You can control the array if you have a good command of all the right gods. "

The four elders should be.

Then, mengqingchen left with mengwanshan.

Before, mengqingchen was afraid that after going out, he would be trapped by the spirit king. But now, dream light dust has no fear, she chose to take the initiative.

When she gave up the shackles in her heart, she was truly unique.

Mengqingchen and mengwanshan come directly to the sky of ziyue mansion.

"Smoke and dust, get out!" Dream light dust in that purple moon mansion outside a big drink.

At the same time, she let Meng Wanshan with great magic power, the law will cover the whole purple moon house.

Ziyue mansion is located in the ice and snow. It is a beautiful palace.

Ruyanchen, an intellectual beauty, was shocked when she heard mengqingchen's drinking. She immediately led the experts to welcome her.

At the same time, ruyanchen has been summoned to gouchen. Gouchen also immediately sent a message to the magic mountain sky.

"All move!" Within the elf clan, yaserati and others immediately set out.

"The plan begins!" Chen Yang also said to Xian Zhengyun.

The grand drama was officially opened.

Such as smoke and dust, a group of people came to meet dream light dust.

"See Lord!" Like smoke and dust, I still saluted.

"Hum!" Dream light dust cold hum a, say: "if smoke dust, you should what crime?"

There are four masters behind ruyanchen, all at the level of creation purple mansion. This is her card!

Ruyanchen looks at mengqingchen, she sneers and says: "it seems that the Lord has come here today to ask questions."

"What do you think? To you? " Dream light dust said.

All along, mengqingchen has been very gentle. In addition to the war when she won the throne in those years, she was so gentle all the rest of the time.

But at the moment, the edge of dream light dust shows again.As the first master behind the smoke dust, Qiu Suyan immediately said: "Lord, what's our crime?"

"When you rebel in the sky of the demon mountain, you will stand idly by. This crime is the same as treason!" Dream light dust said: "such as smoke dust, you now give up, I can give you a way to live."

Such as smoke dust sneer repeatedly, say: "dream light dust, you this Lord is afraid to already be silly.". Why did the magic mountain sky rebel? Don't you count it in your heart? You have already regarded our three prefectures as enemies. You trapped me and told me that you were afraid that we would go to rescue the magic mountain sky. This led to the demon mountain sky was captured by the spirit king. It's all in your calculations. The life and death of the magic mountain sky are threatened, so they betray the purple mansion. We practitioners have seen everything clearly. Is it your dream dust? Don't you save your life when the knife rest is around your neck? So you don't have to sing a high profile here at all. "

"It seems that you are going to turn back too..." Dream light dust, cold eyes.

Like smoke dust says: "if reverse, also be you force."

At this time, the dust also showed her fierce.

At this time, Meng Wanshan said: "Lord, this woman is arrogant and arrogant. My ministers ask to go out and teach her a lesson."

"Hum!" Dream light dust cold hum. Later, she said to ruyanchen, "ruyanchen, you are so confident here. Don't you know what you are thinking? You must have informed Arthur ratty, the king of the elves. Do you have any more details? However, since I dare to come here today, if I don't have some means, the three words "dream light dust" will become a joke

Later, mengqingchen sacrificed the magic mirror.

Thus, the mirror world appeared over the purple moon mansion.

All directions are controlled by the magic mirror!

It's like countless white mirrors covering the world.

Like smoke and dust, you can't help losing color.

Dream light dust completely show her ferocious.

At this time, the essence of the magic mirror is still in the hands of mengqingchen. At this time, Arthur ratty and other experts all came, and he also led them all to come.

When they came, they found that the purple moon house was out of sight. The original purple moon house is surrounded by countless mirrors. Snow white transparent mirror, people can clearly see their own appearance in the mirror.

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