Xianyu snow did not enter Loulan heaven, she did not have the ability to go in quietly.

Chen Yang and Xianyu Xue peep out of Zifu.

Xianzhengyun drives straight in, and soon enters the border of Zifu. Then, he found the location of Loulan kingdom of heaven, and entered Loulan kingdom of heaven with hidden method.

Xianzhengyun knows the boundary of Zifu very well, so he can go in without knowing it. He knew that his mark should have changed, so if he didn't use his means to enter the border, he would be found by mengqingchen.

It took a lot of energy to forge the border of Zifu.

Even dream light dust in a short period of time can not completely change the border.

After xianzhengyun goes in, xianyuxue and Chenyang stay quietly in a secret place outside.

Xianyu Xue is very worried that her brother will be found and will come to a miserable end.

Chen Yang comforted Xian Yu Xue and said, "don't worry, even if your brother is caught, Meng Qingchen won't kill him. He was forced, and your father So, he's not in any danger. "

Xian Yu Xue thinks of her father All of a sudden, sadness came from it.

After a while, Xian Yu Xue said, "but can my brother really succeed?"

Chen Yang light said: "of course not!"

Xian Yu Xue was stunned and said, "what do you mean?"

Chen Yang said: "Mo's hiding place must be heavily guarded. Even if your brother can come near quietly, it's impossible to save Mo Yu. "

"And you want him to go?" Fresh in Sherton's rage.

Chen Yang said, "your brother can't, I can! I'm just waiting for the signal from his Highness the Elven king. "

"Can you?" It's better than snow. I can't believe it.

Chen Yang said: "don't talk. Stay here patiently and don't act rashly. If I find anything wrong with you, I'll kill you and your brother right away. No accident is allowed in today's action. "

"I don't understand. Why do you have to save Mo Yu? Is it worth the effort? " Xianyu asked.

Chen Yang said: "there are many things you don't understand. I saved Mo Yu because I promised her mother. My life was saved by her mother, so no matter how hard it is, I must save her

"Ah?" Xianyu Xue stayed for a while, and then she knew that there were such things in the middle.

For a moment, her mind became complicated.

At this time, Chen Yang also received the signal from yaserati and confirmed that he could go out. Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "I'm leaving."

It's really dangerous for him to go.

Xianzhengyun is still alive after being arrested. But if he is caught, the dream light dust party to him Chen Yang but absolute hate to the bone, want to frustrate him.

In other words, xianzhengyun is safer in mengqingchen. But Xiao Ming is also held by Chen Yang. In fact, everyone is just like each other.

Chen Yang will be Xianzheng cloud teaching method in mind, the successful use of the weak points of the border, quietly broke into the border.

Chen Yang's knowledge of array is extremely strong. He also understands the array knowledge of Danube, which he learned from the spirit king. After learning, he felt that the formation boundary here was weaker than that on the earth.

In other words, Chen Yang, the master of array, will be more invincible when he comes to Danube.

These boundaries in his eyes, pediatrics.

Whether xianzhengyun cheated him or not, he knew it all.

And xianzhengyun didn't want to cheat Chen Yang, for example, trying to get Chen Yang arrested and control Chen Yang's life and death. So let him release the imprint of himself and his sister and so on. However, after Chen Yang simply asked a few array questions, Xian Zhengyun was completely honest.

He found that if he played tricks in front of Chen Yang, he would have a long life. He can't catch up with the other side in his eight life.

After entering the border, Chen Yang smoothly entered the Loulan kingdom of heaven.

In Loulan kingdom of heaven, xianzhengyun uses the origin of Loulan to integrate with Loulan kingdom of heaven. He smoothly goes through many obstacles and finally comes to the place where Mo language is imprisoned.

The place where Mo language is held is a mysterious space.

This mysterious space is vast, just like a fairyland on earth. It's very warm, with exotic flowers and trees, lush grass, blooming flowers, and all kinds of exotic fruits emitting bursts of fragrance.

In such a large and beautiful flowers, a six-year-old girl, wearing a blue skirt, walks in the flowers. She has nothing to do and seems a little bored. The little girl's eyes were black, like agate, with an indescribable aura.

Her face looks like a porcelain doll.

All over the body, are aura, people love without reason.

When Xian Zhengyun saw the child, he was very sure that she was the Mo language he was looking for.

Xianzhengyun is happy in his heart, but at the same time, he feels that things are going very well.Just as he was about to step forward, a cold voice came. "Young master Zhengyun, do you really want to step forward?"

The voice is the first of the four elders, the voice of the elder Xianyue.

Xianzhengyun was surprised, his heart suddenly jumped, and then hugged his fist and said: "I've seen xianzhengyun, elder!"

Xianyue elder and the other three elders also appeared in front of xianzhengyun.

"Young master Zhengyun." The elder of the moon string is dressed in a green robe. He said faintly: "your arrival was expected by the Lord. The Lord has told you not to trouble you. But this Mo language can't let you take away. You can stay here for a while before you leave. Just tell Chen Yang that you can't take it away. "

Xianzheng felt extremely ashamed when he was in yundun. He said, "I'm ashamed of the Lord and several elders."

Elder Xianyue sighed and said, "young master, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. The Lord has said that after she has refined the Amethyst and absorbed the spirit of Mo language, there will be a way to remove the control mark in the brain. Now the only thing you have to do is try to live

Xianzhengyun was overjoyed when he heard the speech. He said, "I'm very grateful. I'll be the master in the future

One side of Changle elder also light said: "young master, don't be polite, you are also the victim. But I have one more thing to ask you. "

Xianzhengyun immediately said: "elder, please."

Elder Changle said, "Chen Yang, is there any other arrangement?"

Xianzhengyun was stunned for a moment, and he immediately said, "well, I really don't know. He is a man of great shrewdness. I won't say a word to the younger generation. Besides, he... "

He is about to say that Chen Yang is extremely proficient in array.

Xianzhengyun's heart at the moment is completely towards the dream light dust side.

But just then, Chen Yang's cold voice suddenly reached his brain

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