Chen Yang's cold voice rang out in xianzhengyun's brain: "your sister and I are still outside. Do you want to play together?"

Xianzhengyun is scared.

He did not expect that Chen Yang's surveillance of him had reached this point. At the moment, xianzhengyun immediately said quietly: "moreover, he is also very suspicious."

He wanted to tell some elders that Chen Yang was extremely proficient in array. But now, he never dare to say.

Chen Yang monitors Xianyu snow and Xianzheng cloud at any time, and breaks the spiritual connection between Xianyu snow and Xianzheng cloud. When he entered Loulan heaven, he took a reverse route. Originally, Xian Zhengyun's route was hidden line, but Chen Yang knew that this hidden line had been exposed. Relying on the array, he opened up a new hidden line. This is the dream of light dust are unexpected.

Dream light dust this side, outline beginning and didn't follow to start. But at this time, they also joined the regiment and spared no effort to fight to mengwanshan.

They all know that mengqingchen can't be killed in a moment.

But they can kill mengwanshan first, and then all work together to trap mengqingchen. At that time, no matter how serious a dream is, it's hard to be alone.

Everyone's heart is like a mirror.

And at this time, Meng Wanshan was really complaining. These experts, all like crazy, come to kill him. He's about to die. Mengqingchen also takes care of mengwanshan. In a few flashes, he uses Wanfa mirror to help mengwanshan block several of the most ferocious attacks.

Yaserati's attack is even more fierce.

Dream light dust suddenly tired to deal with, her ten thousand magic mirror to rescue dream mountain. Then she herself was exposed to azeratti's supreme sword.

What Arthur ratty wanted was this opportunity. He was overjoyed. The supreme sword was running continuously in his hand, and then he used the sea spirit's unique secret method to turn the sword Qi to the extreme.

A sword containing the faith power of the infinite sea elves, such as the autumn water of Pinghu Lake, and the lone geese flying across the sea

In the presence, everything became dim, only this sword burst out incomparable light!


This sword directly cuts through the void to the top of the head of mengqingchen!

Kill with one sword!

Dream of light dust was cut, her eyes wide open, blood spilled out.

"She's dead!" Arthur ratty is ecstatic.

He's very positive.

This feeling of cutting the entity is not illusory.

But when Arthur ratty was ecstatic, a strong sense of crisis suddenly attacked him.

Behind him, Jonathan's eyes suddenly flashed poison.

His dark compass condenses a dark magic blade to attack yaserati's back!

The power of darkness, silent, but can burst out the most terrible lethality.

This is absolutely unexpected.

It's also Arthur ratty's most relaxed moment.

But even so, Arthur ratty is worthy of being the king of the elves. With a roar, he combined with the supreme sword.

The golden light is all over the sky, and the dark magic blade is killed on the supreme sword.

The collision of the two stimulated a huge fire.

Then the dark magic blade was annihilated in the golden light "Jonathan, you want to die!" Atherati's voice came from hell.

"You want to die!" At this time, the voice of dream light dust suddenly sounded. She actually appeared in front of yaserati not far away, at the same time, she clapped on yaserati's forehead.

The palm of mengqingchen contains the power of her creation Zifu, which can break the stars.

Arthur ratty had no time to resist, and his mana defense was shattered by the palm of mengqingchen.

"No It's impossible

Arthur ratty's last thought flashed through his mind.

But soon, Arthur ratty's whole body was shattered, and countless magnetic fields and fragments were scattered

A generation of heroes, King Arthur ratty Dead!

So he was killed by mengqingchen.

Chen Yang's rebel leader, the pillar of the people, that's it He died.

"Your Highness!" Dongfang Shen and nadolores saw the situation here and could not help exclaiming. The Oriental God is full of tears.

"You I'm defeated Dream light dust, cold eyes.

Her figure flickered, and she had caught the dream mountain in the magic mirror. Meanwhile, Jonathan stood behind her.

All the experts, such as dongfangnong, Chen wudaoshan, Gou Wushen, and so on.

The change of the situation was unexpected.

"You are loyal to me now. I will let bygones be bygones. When you are my confidant in the future, I swear that I will never break my promise. If you have an oath, you are willing to accept heaven's law! " Dream light dust voice sharp, sonorous and powerful.

Dream light dust these words also calculate is from the heart.

If she swears, it's true.With his eyes moving, he knew that the elves couldn't do it. At present, he immediately led his master to the dream light dust.

"Lord, we are wrong. From now on, we should try our best to be the main force and do our best Gouchen knelt down and said.

"Good!" Meng Qingchen nodded and said, "get up, all of you. After you have killed the elves, I will reward you for your merits."

"Jonathan, you traitor!" Dolores was heartbroken. He was so angry that he glared at Jonathan and said, "you are pushing our elves to the end of their lives."

Jonathan gave a cold smile and said, "azeratti is so headstrong that he is no longer fit to be the king of spirits. You'd better submit to me. In the future, I will be the king of the elves. From now on, the elves are loyal to the Lord of purple mansion, from generation to generation

Mengqingchen nodded and said, "yes, the Dark Elves will be protected by the Lord. Dolores, if you surrender at this moment, I will also protect your blood elves. I will let you and Jonathan manage the elves together. Otherwise, none of the Blood Elves will stay! "

"You..." Dolores couldn't say a word.

Of course, he would not.

But yaserati's death gave him a great blow, he can have loyalty, but the fate of the blood elves he can not but care.

"But..." In Dolores' heart, there was a battle between heaven and man. If he does, he will become a sinner of the elves in the future.

Jonathan is certainly destined to be stigmatized.

"No, never!" Dolores's eyes flashed after a while.

He can't push the elves into the abyss.

He can see the end of the Terran clearly.

At this time, Dolores eyes incomparably firm.

The situation on the scene has changed. The situation is changing too fast.

Now there is a big situation That is The sky of magic mountain is free again. He's controlled by Arthur ratty. But now Arthur ratty is dead, so the magic mountain sky directly refines the mark belonging to Arthur ratty in the brain.

But at that time, Chen Yang had already had one more heart. They are controlled separately. Magic Mountain is controlled by Chen Yang. The deadly scholar and Quine are controlled by the Oriental God.

Magic mountain sky is very embarrassed now. He can't even surrender.

Even if mengqingchen swore not to kill him, he would not believe it. The resentment between him and mengqingchen is too deep.

Besides, he can't ignore the brothers behind him.

He had only one way to get to the black.

Then, he went to the black, business has no way, xianguinong and others are helpless. Because business has no way, xianguinong and others are controlled by the magic mountain sky.

These complicated situations are unexpected at the beginning.

At this time, mengqingchen looks at xianguinong, shangwudao and others. Feeling a little strange, she asked, "Arthur ratty is dead. You Not free yet? "

Business has no way, fresh back to agriculture also feel embarrassed.

Magic mountain sky sneered, said: "dream light dust, you can't think of it. They're under my control. "

"You..." The dream light dust pours a cool air, she this next some depressed.

But soon, mengqingchen regained his calm look.

"Magic mountain sky, do you think you still have a chance to win?" Dream light dust asked.

The sky of the magic mountain said coldly, "what if there is no chance of winning? Shall I give up my hand and give you my head? "

Dream light dust said: "you surrender to me, I control your brain, spare your life. In the future, you can do things well! "

"That won't do!" Dongfang Shen stood up. He was very sad and indignant, but at this time he held back his anger and sneered, "because his younger brother and his subordinates are controlled by me and Chen Yang. You can't give up your men, and he can't give up his men. "

Dream light dust's eyes scan to the Oriental God.

At that moment, a thousand grass mud horses were running in her heart.

It's all about what!

"So Mengqingchen took a deep breath and said, "you all depend on your fate. Today, none of you is going to leave." In her eyes, the opportunity to kill blooms.

The eyes of the magic mountain sky suddenly contracted.

He felt the threat of death.

Meng Qingchen now has help from the collusion, Jonathan and Meng Wanshan They really have no chance of winning.

The balance of victory is indeed tilted, seriously tilted.

But at this time, a voice came suddenly.

It's Chen Yang's voice.

"Mengqingchen, you don't think much of me. I didn't notice you were nervous, but you didn't notice. Is it because, you know, I can't save Mo Yu? " As soon as the words fall, Chen Yang comes to the center of the field with xianzhengyun and xianyuxue.

Chen Yang's appearance immediately gave hope to the magic mountain sky and the Oriental God.His arrival is like a magic weapon!

Chen Yang is dressed in white and elegant.

He stood ten meters in front of mengqingchen.

Dream light dust also looked at Chen Yang.

This is their first formal meeting.

But they have fought several times, and Meng Qingchen has suffered losses in Chen Yang's hands.

Dream of light dust valiant, Chen Yang's demeanor light formed a strange picture.

In the whole audience, the atmosphere was particularly depressing.

The magic mountain sky and others have been oppressed and have difficulty breathing But when Chen Yang came, everyone felt that he could see the fog in the clouds. He was suddenly enlightened!

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