Meng Qingchen stares at Chen Yang without saying a word.

Chen Yang also silent down, he also looked at the dream light dust.

After a long time, dream light dust heavy voice way: "what did you do?"

Before Chen Yang spoke, the Eastern god said with deep pain: "Jonathan is a traitor. He helped Meng Qingchen kill his highness."

Chen Yang said to the Oriental God, "I see it." After that, he said to mengqingchen, "mengqingchen, do you know what your biggest weakness is?"

Dream light dust light said: "you don't have to say." Of course, she knows her weakness. Her weakness is that she has no one to trust. Even though she has already controlled the four elders, she is also afraid that the four elders will make a difference. Therefore, she did not dare to let the four elders contact Loulan gold seal.

At this moment, Meng Qingchen thought of something, her face suddenly changed and said: "you Took my gold seal? It's impossible

The Loulan gold seal is deep in the central area, and the array space is extremely mysterious and complex. She doesn't believe that Chen Yang has the ability to break through many obstacles. Moreover, there are four elders to guard!

But at this time, Chen Yang has already taken out one thing.

It was like a golden seal, shining.

It's either other things or Loulan gold seal!

Chen Yang sneered and said, "now in your Loulan heaven, the 365 route God has lost the maintenance and suppression of the golden seal and is going crazy. The four elders are busy putting out the fire, but I don't think they can last long. I advise you to go back and put out the fire

"You want to die!" Mengqingchen is furious.

At this moment, dream light dust directly shot.

The magic mirror of ten thousand Dharma shined in her hand, and everyone fell into the magic mirror of ten thousand Dharma. Among them, Chen Yang is the first to bear the brunt.

The golden character of dream light dust directly envelops Chen Yang.

Then they saw that in the middle, Chen Yang was surrounded by characters like bees. Dream light dust and not to Chen Yang under the dead hand, she is also afraid will destroy the gold seal. Her golden character can subdue the opponent's heart, let it all involuntarily surrender. Can make the opponent gradually unable to operate mana.

Dream light dust is to take back the golden seal quickly with the power of thunder.

Chen Yang was wrapped by the golden characters, and immediately felt the golden halo all around him. Every aura is a word, and every word is a profound source of Taoism. There is a strange burning power hidden in these characters.

Chen Yang suddenly felt that his whole body was extremely hot, which his cold constitution could not resist.

These hot fonts are absorbing his mana and paralyzing him.

The magic mirror is extremely terrifying. In addition, the caster is the light dust of dreams. The Qi of creating purple mansion drives golden purple mansion and absorbs the power of Chen Yang. It's too simple.

Chen Yang was surprised.

But at this time, his reaction is also very fast. When you get into the black hole, you move into the crystal.

The golden characters all follow.

Chen Yang quickly started the black hole vortex, and the great phagocytosis also started.

He was trying to swallow up all these golden characters.

Dream light dust also felt this layer of change, she was slightly surprised, and then sneered: "the light of rice, also put Guanghua!"

The golden character in her mana, actually began to bite Chen Yang's black hole power. Chen Yang feels that the origin of his great phagocytosis is being absorbed by those golden characters.

"Bad!" Chen Yang was surprised. He was really flustered.

Monk Linghui immediately said, "the power of your universe heaven position forms the mystery of black hole, which can absorb all things. But this golden character is also the source of all Dharma. But your cultivation is far less than that of mengqingchen, so you can't suck her. "

Chen Yang felt that his power was being swallowed by the dream dust. He said, "now I know all this, but what should we do?"

Monk Linghui turned his eyes and said, "it's easy to do. Grab more than half of xuanhuang liquid for her to absorb. Xuanhuang liquid is specially used to wash memory and power, give her Wanfa wash a incomplete confusion, so you can suck her

"Good idea!" When Chen Yang heard the speech, he couldn't help laughing. He thinks monk Linghui is really a genius!

Chen Yang's absolute wisdom in front of the Oriental God.

When Chen Yang comes to Linghui monk, he feels as if he has become an Oriental God, and he is a little slow. To put it mildly, it's retarded.

Chen Yang quickly turned half of the xuanhuang liquid out, and then sprinkled it on the golden characters.

Dense golden characters are not refused, immediately greedy absorption of xuanhuang liquid.

Meng Qingchen didn't think much about it. She was about to take Chen Yang. It's impossible for you to sprinkle some water, and I was scared to go away immediately.

But soon, mengqingchen found something wrong. In the golden characters, countless sources of Taoism began to be assimilated and became a blank.

Wanfa Originally, it was a whole set of skills. But at this time, it began to be incomplete.Chen Yang immediately discovered this situation, he quickly operated the power of the black hole, and absorbed the power of the big phagocytosis. Countless blank gold characters were completely absorbed by Chen Yang. Although the golden character is blank, the energy and nutrition in it will quickly fill up Chen Yang's power and moisten him incomparably.

Mengqingchen was surprised.

This is the first time we have encountered such a strange situation.

"There are so many oddities in this smelly boy." Dream light dust helpless, quickly the remaining gold characters back.

Chen Yang immediately returned to the magic mountain sky and his party.

"Come on, dream light dust!" Chen Yang laughed and said, "if you dare to do it again, today I will destroy the gold seal and destroy your home in Zifu."

The color of fear flashed in the eyes of mengqingchen.

"Hand over the gold seal!" Dream light dust sink voice say.

Chen Yang said, "you know what I want. If I want a gold seal, I will exchange it with Mo Yu."

The dream light dust ponders.

At this time, she could feel the chaos in Loulan heaven.

"Let's go!" Dream light dust helpless, she can't talk with Chen Yang now. I'm also afraid that if Chen Yang is forced, Chen Yang will destroy the gold seal.

Dream light dust must first go back to appease Loulan heaven 365 Road God.

At this time, dream light dust to go. Of course, Chen Yang and others will not stop him.

After that, Meng Qingchen and his party left quickly.

Chen Yang left the place with all the people and returned to the elves.

The death of the Elven king is a devastating blow to the whole Elven clan.

When the news of the king's death spread, the whole Elves were boiling up.

Jonathan's rebellion was also advertised, and the dark elves were immediately hated by the other two. The people of the dark elves gathered together. They guarded the gate of the palace and did not let the other two elves break in.

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