The Elves were in chaos. Some hate Jonathan, some even the dark elves. More hate Chen Yang, Oriental God, magic mountain sky this group of outsiders. There are also people who hate the sea elves. It's just out of control.

At this time, the two senior experts of the elves finally agreed to come out.

Before, the two senior masters did not act together, it is not that they did not cooperate. But if they also leave, the inner part of the Elves will become incomparably empty.

These two elder masters are the elder Adolf of the blood elves.

And the elder of the sea elves, Lynn!

Lynn and Adolf have been practicing in the depth of time and space, and rarely care about the world. They are very old. It is not easy for them to survive for a long time. However, their accomplishments are just like the four elders in the purple mansion.

They are not even yaserati's opponents.

Yaserati is young and has excellent cultivation, so he is the king. Because of this, he doesn't have to hide in the depth of time and space.

On Danube, although there is no so-called way of heaven. But in the dark, there is destiny. Moreover, as they grow older, they become more and more repellent to the surrounding magnetic field.

After all, everything is regular.

People on Danube are also born, aged, sick and dead. When these seniors are older than the limit, they begin to fight against the rules. The higher their accomplishments are, the more serious the rejection is.

Lynn and Adolf don't look old. They are middle-aged and elegant.

There was no political disagreement between Lynn and Adolf. They are good friends when they are companions in the depth of time and space.

At such a time of crisis, they came out to take charge of the overall situation.

In the golden palace, Lynn presided over the meeting.

Adolf sat by.

Chen Yang, Oriental God, magic mountain sky and others all came. And Dolores, andersenie, all of them.

All the other ministers are here.

The rest of the dark elves were sent to the meeting.

In the main hall of the golden palace, the atmosphere is deep and serious.

The second person in charge of the dark elves is Jonas, who is Jonathan's brother.

Jonas first said, "I don't approve of what my brother did. Besides, I don't know. Although we dark elves practice the dark Dharma, we are also elves after all. Elves should be united at this moment. From now on, the elders and I have agreed to expel Jonathan from the dark elves. I've officially become the leader of the dark elves. Since then, I and blood elves, sea elves together to protect our elves

And they all looked at Jonas.

Jonas's words really made people feel a little relieved. But there are doubts in people's minds.

Cohen, the minister in charge of farming, could not help saying, "chief Jonas, we are very glad that you have made such a choice in a time of crisis. But we are also afraid of a repeat. Isn't Jonathan really telling you something about such a big plan? "

Jonas was a handsome young elf. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Jonathon really didn't tell me. Now I don't understand when he took refuge in purple mansion."

Another minister, Op, came forward and said, "even now, the situation is very critical. It's really not suitable for us to be suspicious of each other. I don't want to suspect the dark elves, but I'm even more afraid that when we fight against the purple mansion, the Dark Elves will continue to stab us in the back. Therefore, the old minister suggested that the dark elves, including the chief Jonas, should be put in prison first. "

As soon as OPP's suggestion came out, the audience was speechless.

His words are not without reason.

But doing so will also completely hurt the heart of the dark elves. It may even push them to the opposite.

Jonas was silent.

There was a lot of discussion at the scene.

Lynn and Adolf have a headache. They haven't paid attention to these common things for a long time. These disputes make them feel at a loss.

Lynn looked at Adolf. Adolf spread out his hand and said with his mind, "you can do it. I support you."

Lynn felt more helpless.

Chen Yang immediately opened his mouth, he said: "everyone be quiet, I have something to say."

His voice is not big, but it is accurately transmitted to everyone's ears.

The scene was really quiet.

But immediately some elves said, "Chen Yang, we elves have come to this day because of you. If it wasn't for you, would your Highness the king of spirits be like this? Are you qualified to speak? "

It was a minister of the blood elves who was accused. His name was Payne.Penn looked angry.

Chen Yang looked at Penn and said calmly, "I understand your anger. I'm sorry for your Highness's death, too. But have you ever thought about a question, that is, if I don't show up, will mengqingchen not attack the elves? If she's not going to do it, why would she buy Jonathan? Jonathan's defection is not a matter of these days. What does that mean? What did my appearance bring? Originally, in the purple mansion, the eighth division was already disabled. The three prefectures are all facing us. Moreover, the gold seal of Loulan is in my hand. "

As he spoke, he took out the Loulan gold seal.

"It's such a good situation that we are going to win. As long as his Royal Highness the spirit king does not die, now, Zifu dream light dust is just scabies. But it's all in Jonathan's hands. He attacked his highness Chen Yang a word, sonorous and powerful said.

The crowd was silent.

Chen Yang then said, "now that this is the end of the matter, complaining about each other has no effect. If the elves intend to surrender, they will be used by the purple mansion. Well, I have nothing to say. You can imprison us and give us to Zifu as a gift! If you don't intend to surrender, then I think the only thing we can do now is to cooperate sincerely. "

"He's right. Now we should unite!" Dolores said immediately.

Immediately, more people echoed Dolores.

Lin en nodded and said, "Chen Yang, you have a point. The elves yearn for freedom and peace. It is impossible to surrender to mengqingchen and become a second-class creature. We would rather die than compromise. Although the elves are gentle, it doesn't mean they have no blood

He paused and said, "well, do you have any good ideas now?"

Chen Yang accepted the Loulan gold seal in his hand and said: "we must unite sincerely now, but the things of the dark elves make everyone worried. I understand that. "

He looked at Jonas and said, "Jonas, can you understand their incomprehension?"

Jonas's eyes were complicated. He nodded and said, "I understand!"

Chen Yang said: "well, let master Lynn and master Adolf control the brain regions of the leaders of the dark elves. How about waiting for you to be free after this crisis? "

After he put forward this method, everyone's eyes were bright.

This is really the best way at the moment.

But they didn't think of it.

Jonas simply agreed.

So the matter was settled.

Next, there's something else. That is, who will be the new king of elves.

The more dangerous it is, the more it is necessary to choose the king of spirits as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the elves could not survive this disaster.

For the selection of spirit king, people first recommended Lynn and Adolf. Lynn refused, and now he felt really powerless.

Adolf doesn't do it either.

At this time, Anderson stood up and said, "you don't have to discuss this any more. Your highness had a talk with me before he went yesterday. He left a letter indicating who should be the new heir. "

After hearing the words, people's eyes lit up again.

Anderson Ni continued: "I hope you don't blame your Highness for bringing the elves to this point at this time. Because your highness always knows that if you don't fight, the Elves will end up being eaten away by the purple mansion. This time, had it not been for Jonathan's rebellion, we elves would not have come to this point. Your highness is ready to give his life to our elves before every departure! His whole life is glorious and unrepentant, and is always worthy of our respect! "

When she had finished, she knelt down in the sky with a dignified face.

And they all knelt down.

Of course, Lynn and Adolf don't kneel down. They are predecessors.

Chen Yang and others also knelt down.

After such a moment of silence, Lynn said: "the national crisis is at the forefront. Now is not the time for us to be sad. Let's get up. Anderson Ni, you and Dolores read out the letter from his Highness the Elven king

Anderson nodded.

She took out her suicide note.

Dolores also came to Anderson's side. After the verification of Dolores, this letter is indeed the true work of Arthur ratty, not imitation.

When Dolores saw the next choice of his highness, he was even more stunned.

Surprise, surprise, disbelief.

A variety of complex expressions appeared on his face, but soon Dolores chose to accept them.

Because he felt that this was the best candidate.

It's just, it's not in line with the rules.

The choice of the spirit king is Chen Yang!

When Anderson Ni and Dolores read out Chen Yang's name together, everyone was boiling and talkingLynn, Adolf was stunned, too.

Oriental God, magic mountain sky, these people are also stunned.

Even Chen Yang himself is confused. I'm not a member of the elves. What's your highness going to do?

"Absolutely not!" Cohen, the Minister of agriculture, was the first to speak out against it.

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