"How can a human be our king?" Cohen said angrily.

The rest of the Elven ministers also talked about it, and there were many voices against it.

"I know you have different opinions, but this is the last letter of your highness. Don't you want to comply with it?" she cried

"We doubt the authenticity of this suicide note!" There are elves shouting.

Dolores immediately said: "I can confirm the authenticity of this letter, and I am willing to comply with the wishes of my late highness."

Then he knelt down to Chen Yang and said, "see your highness!"

Anderson Ni immediately knelt down to Chen Yang.

There was an instant silence.

Many people can't react, including Lynn and Adolf.

The Eastern god didn't know how to react.

Chen Yang is on the side. He has recovered from the shock just now, and he wants to understand it in his heart. So he stepped forward and immediately picked up andrene and Dolores. He faced the crowd and said in a deep voice, "you don't have to be angry. I'm from earth, which I've said for a long time. I will return to earth as soon as the crisis of the elves is over. You don't have to worry about being the king of spirits. I can't do it. However, I also understand what your highness means. He hopes that I can help the elves. His Highness's death has something to do with me. Today, I can't walk away. Well, in three months, I would like to be the king of the elves for three months. In three months, I hope the Elves will listen to my orders. In three months, we will jointly elect a new elves king. Let's see, is this OK? "

"Three months?" A minister said, "do you think three months can help us solve the crisis?"

Chen Yang said: "not necessarily, if the crisis is not solved in three months. I should have been killed by mengqingchen. So, it's nothing for me

"If you are king, how are you going to take us out of the crisis?" Another minister asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet," Chen said

Anderson Ni immediately said: "I believe that no matter who is standing in the position of king, there is no good way. But one thing we can't forget is that Chen Yang created the good situation. This time, though we failed. But that doesn't mean Chen Yang failed. The reason why we fail is because there are traitors among us. I believe that if Chen Yang can't solve the immediate crisis, there will be no one among our elves who can help us solve the crisis. "

"I firmly support Chen Yang as king," Dolores said

Gradually, the elves below began to waver.

In fact, we all know that Wang at this moment is not a sweet cake. This is a hot potato.

As a result, more elves began to express their willingness to accept Chen Yang as king.

Even Jonas said, "I'd like to respect Chen Yang as king."

Soon all the ministers agreed to the decision. All of them knelt down and cried in unison, "see you, your highness!"

Even Lynn, Adolf saluted Chen Yang and said, "see your highness!"

It is needless to say that the magic mountain sky and others.

Chen Yang took a deep breath. He was officially seated on the throne of the king of spirits and accepted the worship of the people.

At the same time, Chen Yang got up and said, "thank you for looking up to me, Chen Yang. Today, I, Chen Yang, swear that if I can live all the time, I will only be the king of March. If I, Chen Yang, unfortunately die, you will set up a virtuous king again. If he disobeys his oath, Chen Yang is willing to be punished by heaven and abandoned by man and God! "

Dolores bowed deeply to Chen Yang and said, "Your Highness stands up when our elves are in trouble. The Elves will never forget this kindness."

"The elves never dare to forget!" All the elves cheered together.

The sound resounded throughout the Elven palace.

Chen Yang immediately waved his hand and said, "I want to simplify everything when I ascend the throne. Although the king can only be in power for three months, his words are the holy metaphor of the king. Those who do not follow will be killed! "

He deeply understood that without strict discipline, this battle would never be won.

"Obey your highness Cried the elves.

Later, Chen Yang dissolved the meeting. He kept Anderson, Dolores and Jonas.

Lynn, of course Adolf is there. In the sky of magic mountain, the Oriental God and his party are all here.

Chen Yang gave the order.

"Anderson Ni, Dolores, Jonas, you go down quickly and find out the available combat personnel, Dan medicine and array. Report to Wang in an hour

"Yes The three roared.

Then the three men went down.

The elder Lin en could not help asking Chen Yang: "Your Highness, what are you going to do next? Is there a way to defend the enemyChen Yang looks at Lin, and Adolf is also looking at Chen Yang. Chen Yang shook his head and said, "not yet. But mengqingchen is more headache than me. I need to make clear everything before I make a judgment."

Lynn and Adolf nodded and said, "it should be, it should be!"

Chen Yang said: "however, I still have some things to do at the moment. I need two predecessors to cooperate with me."

Lynn said, "just say it."

"Tonight, I have a funeral for my late highness. At the same time, I need to understand the strength of the two predecessors, so that I can arrange some defense matters Chen Yang said.

Lynn said, "how do you want to know?"

"I want to try my hand with two predecessors," Chen said

Lynn and Adolf were slightly stunned. Then, Lynn said, "just in time, I also want to know something about your highness. That's good! "

Chen Yang said with a smile, "now is the time."

Lynn said, "that's great."

Then, the figure of this group flashed, and soon they all came to the sky above the elves.

That xianzhengyun and xianyuxue had been sent to the room by Chen Yang to have a rest. Chen Yang won't let them meet Xian GUI Nong. Goodwill has been trapped in this room.

At this time, all the people were at the side of the temple.

Adolf was watching, too.

Chen Yang and Lin en fought quickly. Lynn has a magic weapon called the blood stone! He directly sacrificed the blood stone. Suddenly, the whole sky was dark and covered with blood light. This makes a lot of magnetic fields and molecules in the field all produce terrible changes.

The other's mana can't contain molecules and magnetic fields.

Lynn gave a big drink and said, "Your Highness, I'm not welcome."

"Master, though you do your best, if you can't catch it, you are not worthy to be the king of the elves." Chen Yang also replied.

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