The misty forest of the elves is decorated with a border. At the moment, although mengqingchen is under pressure, she doesn't break through. This sends out a strong signal that mengqingchen is willing to solve the problem through negotiation.

On Chen Yang's side, without saying a word, he immediately ordered his troops and generals to meet him. The whole elves are like enemies. Chen Yang shows the calmness that a king should have. He ordered Lynn, Adolf, xianguinong, Dolores, Anderson, Jonas and all the masters.

Magic mountain sky and others are also together.

This group of people all followed Chen Yang, they quickly came to the misty forest of the elves.

When he came, Chen Yang wore a silver robe and a crown! The dark green finger, which symbolizes the identity of the king of spirits, was also worn on his hand.

Heavy snow and strong north wind.

Outside the misty forest, in a snow-white place, Chen Yang and others come to the face of Meng Qingchen and other experts. They are only 20 meters away from each other, so everything can be seen clearly.

When mengqingchen sees Chen Yang's dress, her face changes slightly.

Obviously, mengqingchen has seen it. Chen Yang became the new king of spirits.

She did not expect that the elves chose Chen Yang as their king. But she must also admit that Chen Yang has become the king of spirits, which is not good news for her.

This is the worst state.

Mengqingchen took a deep breath, and she soon recovered her calm. What a proud person she is, how can she shrink from such a challenge.

"Congratulations Dream light dust to Chen Yang light cold said.

Chen Yang also stares at mengqingchen and says, "I don't want to be the king."

Dream light dust light said: "yes, but you still when."

Chen Yang said: "this is my responsibility. Since I have resisted with the elves, I can't ignore them at this time."

Dream light dust eyes flashed a touch of light, she said: "do you think you can protect them?"

Chen Yang said, "I'm not sure, but I have some good advice for you."

Dream light dust said: "yes, you say it, I listen to it."

Chen Yang said, "you give me Mo language and I will give you the gold seal. From then on, let's stop fighting. How about that? "

Dream light dust stayed for a while, then couldn't help laughing, said: "this is your good advice?"

Chen Yang said: "it's really good advice. If you have to fight with me, there will be no good result. Although my words sound harsh, they are true. Among the enemies defeated by me, those who are more powerful than you don't know. I have tried to persuade them, but like you, they are very stubborn and don't believe me. And in the end, without exception, they all died. I come from the earth, on the earth, I have many good friends. It's not something you can afford. "

Mengqingchen stares at Chen Yang.

She said nothing at this time.

She looks directly at Chen Yang, which makes Chen Yang feel a little hairy.

After a long time, Meng Qingchen laughs three times. After laughing, she looks sharp and says, "you are the first one who dares to threaten me. Originally, this matter may not have no room for discussion. But now, there is no room for negotiation. "

Chen Yang sighed and said, "I knew that no matter how much I said, it was nonsense. Only when the real disaster comes will you believe that I am not intimidating you. "

Dream light dust coldly said: "less nonsense, this day, is not to show off the benefit of this tongue with you. Now, Mo language, I have brought it. I will give you mo language, and you will return the gold seal to me. "

When she spoke, she took the Mo language out of the magic mirror.

The little girl was wearing a blue skirt, beautiful as a porcelain doll. She looked at everything around her and didn't quite understand what had happened. However, when she saw the dream dust, there was a color of fear in her eyes.

Chen Yang was stunned. He guessed that mengqingchen would submit. But mengqingchen's submission is too fast. It seems that mengqingchen wants to cut the mess quickly.

At present, the reason why Chen Yang is able to maintain balance is clear in his mind.

Dream light dust care about the gold seal, so the taboo.

At the same time, the loss of the golden seal in Loulan heaven now needs to be suppressed by the four elders. Once Loulan heaven is completely restored, there will be four more masters in mengqingchen. At that time, it will be more difficult for us to deal with it.

Chen Yang fell into thinking.

He can't promise blindly. Although all he did was to rescue Mo Yu.

If the spirit king Arthur ratty is still alive, Chen Yang can certainly exchange at this moment without hesitation.

Now, Chen Yang has to think about the overall situation.

"Jinyin, I can give it to you." Chen Yang takes a deep breath and stares into the eyes of mengqingchen. "But I'm not sure if you've done anything about Mo Yu. I want to make sure that Mo language has no problem, and then I will print the gold to you. Well, you give me Mo Yu first, and I'll give you the gold seal in three days"That's ridiculous!" Mengqingchen was angry and said, "do you think you are a fool? I gave it to Mo Yu, and you destroyed the gold seal to me. At that time, what can I do for you? "

Chen Yang stood up and said, "if you say that, I have nothing to do."

Dream light dust beautiful eyes burst out of light, said: "what do you mean? Stop talking? You want to lose both? "

Chen Yang said, "well, it's impossible for you to learn Mo language first. Three days, three days. I hope you will withdraw all your hands and feet from Mo Yu within three days. Three days later, we'll have another exchange! "

"I have never done anything in her hands. Only you can think of such inferior things." Dream light dust angry way.

Chen Yang said: "since there is no manipulation, it is better. You can't wait three days? "

Dream light dust said: "I'm afraid that you, the thief, will use the three days to make use of my gold seal."

Chen Yang said: "you know a lot about Jinyin. When the time comes, you can check it."

Dream light dust cold hum a, and then will catch Mo language in the ten thousand magic mirror, and then led the people to turn away.

Chen Yang was slightly relieved.

Then, Chen Yang led a group of horses back to the fairy palace.

In the golden palace, all the ministers and officials are here.

Lin en asked Chen Yang, "Your Highness, do you really want to exchange gold seals in three days?"

The magic mountain sky said: "once the gold seal is returned, the four elders can free their hands. At that time, we will not be able to fight any more. "

Chen Yang glanced at the crowd and said, "what you have considered, I have also considered. But even if it doesn't change, if the gold seal leaves Loulan heaven for a month, Loulan heaven will be abandoned. At that time, the dream light dust will have no scruples

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