At this time, the scholar said: "Your Highness, do you have a plan to set back the day for three days?"

As soon as their eyes brightened, they all looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang glanced at the people in the room. He thought about it and said, "I really have a plan, but there are so many people in this palace with mixed eyes that I can't tell you now. If you keep the spirit palace well, I will try my best to figure out a solution. "

Magic mountain sky and others smell speech, in the heart slightly relieved a breath. They always feel that with Chen Yang, everything will be solved in the end. It's a little complicated for these people to go back to agriculture and business. They hope to return to Zifu and serve mengqingchen again. It's just that I can't help myself now.

Later, Chen Yang ended the meeting, which was of little significance.

At the same time, Chen Yang let the magic mountain sky, the Eastern god and Lynn, and Adolf guard the spirit palace.

He's going out.

Magic mountain sky and the eastern God asked Chen Yang what he was going to do, but Chen Yang didn't say it clearly. At present, Chen Yang keeps everything in a cautious state.

Dongfangshen and others also expressed full understanding.

Later, Chen Yang left the elf family with Loulan gold seal. Loulan gold seal looks like gold seal, which is full of aura and energy body. External forces can't invade at all. Chen Yang tried several times but failed. So basically, it's impossible to work hard on Loulan gold seal.

The funeral of the Elven king has been held. Chen Yang came to the south of Xinjiang at night.

The South Xinjiang continent is where the orcs exist.

Chen Yang strafed over the southern Xinjiang mainland and soon found the place where Arabi, the beast God, was. Today, Chen Yang has great magic power, and he can already feel his strong existence. The beast God Alabi did not hide deliberately, so Chen Yang was able to find the existence of the beast God.

There is a towering Palace on the highest peak of the southern Xinjiang, Araby peak. This palace is the animal temple!

In front of the animal temple, there is a divine platform on which there are three different statues of orcs. According to legend, these three statues are the former three dead animal gods. The beast God is a one-way tradition. Each beast God is independent and has no subordinates. They will pass on all their accomplishments to the next beast God before they die.

This is a bit like the old demon of the northern underworld on earth, which is also passed down from one vein to another.

At the beginning, Chen Ling, the great emperor of China, was the next generation selected by the old demon of Beiming. Therefore, the great emperor of China is also the old demon of Beiming!

In front of the animal temple, there was heavy snow and the climate was extremely cold.

Chen Yang stood in front of the animal temple and immediately found that it was a magic weapon.

Chen Yang didn't think much about it, so he said out loud: "Chen Yang, the new king of the elves, meet the beast God!"

He called three times in a row, and his voice resounded through the air for a long time.

Soon, there was a response in the beast temple.

"The king of spirits? The last time you came to southern Xinjiang, you didn't seem to have such an identity. " A distant and dull voice came to Chen Yang's ears.

The voice was thick and indifferent, just like an old man who ignored the world.

Chen Yang immediately said: "the matter is complicated, please allow the beast God to enter the temple in detail."

After a moment's silence, there was another voice: "if so, please come in!"

Chen Yang got permission and immediately saw that there was a layer of energy barrier missing in the front door. In order to show respect, he walked into the hall.

The first hall is grand and solemn. There is a huge statue of beast God on the top of it.

Chen Yang also found that the sky above the hall of the beast God is infinite space, in which the stars of the universe rotate. There is no passage around, it seems that this is the only hall in the whole animal temple. Chen Yang also knows that this is just the performance of the array, does not mean that the animal temple is so simple.

Chen Yang looks at the statue of the beast God.

The statue is extremely tall. It is ten feet high and six feet wide. It is a half beast. Its lower body is like a bear, and its upper body is a simple, kind and dignified old man. The statue is made of pure gold and lifelike.

Especially that pair of eyes, the eyes are black, just like living, a look into, the whole person seems to fall into the infinite space.

Chen Yang's heart is like a mirror. He immediately understands that the statue of the beast God in front of him is exactly where the beast God is.

"I have seen the beast God!" Chen Yang holds his fist.

He's not a big gift.

Because from now on, he is the king of the elves. He can't disgrace the identity of the spirit king. He is equal to the beast God in identity.

"Did you really become your royal highness A voice came from the statue.

Chen Yang said: "although I am not talented, I dare not make such jokes in front of the beast God."

"So it is Said the beast God.

Then a strange light flashed through the statue, and a figure appeared in front of Chen Yang.Bear as like as two peas, the same half as the statue, the orcs in front of us are the beast gods of the name and the name, Arabic!

Chen Yang sees that Araby has space rules flashing. He understands that Araby has shrunk his body. His real body should be enormous.

"Sit down!" Alabi reaches out to Chen Yang and signals him to take a seat.

There is a futon behind Chen Yang. He sits on his knees. Araby also sat down. He sat down like a lion king.

"How's your highness Arthur ratty?" Alabi asked Chen Yang first.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "Your Highness has been killed by mengqingchen. Just before I came here, we held a funeral for your highness."

"Your Highness?" Araby was surprised, and there was pain in his eyes.

Chen Yang went on quietly.

Araby immediately said: "Your Highness's strength is no less than mengqingchen. When your highness galloped, the dream of light dust was still in his infancy. Your highness, unifying the elves is the pride of heaven. How can you be killed by mengqingchen? "

Chen Yang said: "the cause of things is very long We have to start from... "

Chen Yang will now briefly describe his origin, including the feud with Zifu in the universe, and Mo xiangforgetting and saving in Yuantai, etc. And then to the elves and so on, plus the recent betrayal by Jonathan, plot Arthur ratty, finally let Arthur ratty hate.

It took Chen Yang two hours to explain the cause and effect to Araby.

Araby listened very carefully. After listening, he said to Chen Yang, "are you sure that the magic mirror has been used?"

Chen Yang said, "it's absolutely true."

"You escaped from the mirror of the God of Dharma?" Alabi felt unbelievable.

Chen Yang said: "yes, I have some special skills. Now, the magic mirror of mengqingchen has been damaged. Even if it is repaired, its power is not as good as before. "

Araby nodded and said, "good!" After a pause, he said, "so what's your intention to come to me today?"

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "I know. Now I ask the beast God to deal with mengqingchen. You must not want to. You will think that I have killed his highness azeratti, and I have come to harm you again, don't you

Araby was silent, but he did not object.

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly. He said: "in my hometown, there is a saying that if you are poor, you can be good at yourself, and if you are good, you can help the world at the same time! There is also a saying that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. It's not my wish to drag the elves into such a whirlpool. But his highness yaserati should also be aware of the ambition of Zifu, and would be willing to go out and fight. It's just a pity that he met his traitors and fell short. Now, in the east of Xinjiang, the Terrans have no resistance. All become tools of Zifu, regeneration tools. If there is no accident, the Elves will become the inferior subjects of Zifu. At that time, all resources will be tilted to Zifu. I don't know if mengqingchen will attack the orcs when her power reaches a certain level. "

He didn't ask for anything, but he completely expressed all the meaning he wanted to express to Araby.

Araby couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "I admire your sharp language."

Chen Yang said: "any words need the support of reason. If it doesn't make sense, it's just a shrew fight. "

First of all, Araby said, "it's not surprising that the Terrans are destroyed."

Chen Yang said, "Oh?"

Alabi said: "among the people's food, many livestock are extremely miserable. Of course, this is a law of survival, and I have no intention of criticizing it. I just want to say that the purple star insects are powerful and can enslave human beings. That's their ability. It's not against morality

Chen Yang said: "what you said is reasonable, so I'm not here to blame Zifu. But If you have such ability, would you like to see the people who believe in you become the members of Zifu in the future Slaves? "

Alabi said: "although your words are sharp, there are many things that are not tenable. The purple star clan will regard humans as the first echelon to become parasitoids. Orcs are stupid. They look down on them. Among the orcs, there are not many resources that Zifu needs. Therefore, orcs are not worried about the invasion of Zifu. Zifu deals with the elves because they have rich resources! "

Chen Yang stayed for a while.

"So you think orcs can rest easy?" he said

Araby said directly, "yes."

Chen Yang said, "so you don't care about the safety of the elves and the Terrans?"

Alabi said, "every living creature has a destiny and a death. Why bother?"

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "I can't seem to move you."

"It was a dangerous whirlpool, and I had no reason to step in," Araby said. The target of mengqingchen is not orcs. Even if I want to step in, I have to consider my people. I can't put them in danger. "Chen Yang said: "although I have three inches of eloquence, but today it seems doomed to failure."

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