"It looks like you're going to come back in vain," Alabi said. However, I think the dragon clan seems to have more interests and needs. The resources and constitution of Julong nationality are valued by Zixing nationality. You go to persuade the dragon clan to be more successful. "

Chen Yang said: "I have thought about this. The reason why I didn't go to the Julong clan first is that I came to you first. It is because although the dragon clan is powerful, its interior is complex. It's very difficult to decide to do one thing in a complicated internal environment. And I don't seem to have much time to waste. Also, I don't quite agree with what you said. "

"Which side doesn't agree?" Araby asked.

Chen Yang said: "whether the Julong people want to attack the Zifu, or the Zifu people want to devour the Julong people. I think the relatively weak orcs in the middle are a springboard. I'll take you in and deal with the Julong clan. The purple mansion will have a better chance of winning. After she killed the elves, she was rich in resources and expert. I believe mengqingchen will not mind taking the orcs under his command. What do you think? "

Araby's face changed slightly.

Chen Yang's words are like the top of his mind.

It did give Araby a sense of crisis.

Chen Yang's words are reasonable!

Araby was silent.

Chen Yang continued: "at the moment, I also know that winning you alone may not bring the war over. At most, there is more chance of winning, but there is still a great possibility of failure. That's why you don't want to step in, but I don't want to rely on you to turn the war around. I need about a month to ask for help, I hope you can go to the elves to help me guard for a month. As long as you can guarantee that the Elves will be safe and sound in a month, I will completely destroy the purple mansion and return the Danube to a peaceful world. "

Araby was slightly stunned. He looked at Chen Yang and said, "please help? Where are the rescuers? "

"The rescuers of my hometown, I come from the earth, on the earth, I have some friends. During these days, relying on his highness Arthur ratty, I had a few fights with mengqingchen, and I was tired. Now I want to be clear. It's useless to rack one's brains and use one's tricks. Why don't you just invite my friends to come here and cut the mess quickly! "

Alabi said, "earth?" He seems to have heard of the earth.

Chen Yang is not surprised. He found that many people on Danube know the earth.

Araby then sighed and said, "the earth is really a mysterious and terrifying place. Xiao Ling, a man of the earth in those days, was a god like figure. Now, your highness, you are also a generation of arrogant. In just one month, you have stirred the Danube planet to the top. I'm really curious, if your friends come here, what kind of genius they are. "

Chen yangyixi, said: "so, do you agree?"

Instead of answering directly, Araby fell into a brief silence. After a while, he said, "we are Danube people, your highness, you are earth people. Let you find a friend to come over, is not equal to the invasion of foreign enemies? I dare not suffer such sins. "

Chen Yang was stunned. Then he woke up!

Each person's position is different, and he or she will look at different issues.

At the moment, Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "I'm leaving now. It's very simple. With my ability, dream light dust can't help me. If I don't care about the elves, I can go back to my friends. At that time, invasion or aggression will not be a problem. But I come here today to entreat you, for what purpose? Is it selfishness? What do you think? "

After Chen Yang said that, he paused again. He sighed and said, "what should be said, what should not be said, what should be analyzed, what should not be analyzed, I have completely told you. If you refuse me again, I have no choice but to go to the dragon clan again. If I don't want to do anything, I have to go back to the earth first and help the soldiers. It's just that when the time comes, the Elves will suffer. "

Araby's eyes were a little complicated. He then said, "we don't know where the earth is. The whole universe is a dark jungle. Now, you are going to expose Danube. It's a dangerous act. I'm thinking, should I kill you first, so as to avoid danger later. That's the responsibility for Danube! "

Chen Yang's eyes were cold. He never thought that Araby would come to such a conclusion.

He gave a wry smile and said, "it seems that I fell into the trap. But if I go, you may not be able to keep me. Well, if I can escape from you, then you can help me guard the elves for a month. If I can't escape, I'm at your disposal. "

With a flash in his eyes, Araby said, "does your highness really want to make such a bet?"

Chen Yang said: "in my heart, I am open and magnanimous, so I have no fear!"

Alabi said, "well, I promise your highness your bet."

Chen Yang said, "well, in that case, I'll go."

After he finished, his figure flashed and he ran away.

Araby's face was calm. In this moment, his whole animal Temple changed.

The gate is closed directly, and the palaces around are turned into the world space. In the space, it's very dark. Chen Yang fell into this thousand space. His whole person and the black hole crystal are integrated into one, turning into a black light, rapidly penetrating the illusory space in front of him.Chen Yang broke through thousands of spaces in a row. Relying on his own understanding of the array, he came directly to the gate of the beast temple.

"Your Highness is really good at it!" In the void, Araby's voice rang.

But just then, in the void, a huge handprint came. Chen Yang was directly in his hands.

At this time, Alabi was like the Tathagata Buddha seizing the monkey king. Under the rule of the giant hand, Chen Yang's body shrinks innumerable. And Alabi is like a giant Buddha.

In the hands of Araby, the rules of creation and the Qi of creation quickly invaded Chen Yang.

"Your Highness is kind-hearted, but I have to think about many things. In this case, I will not kill your highness. In the future, your highness will be with me and be a gatekeeper. "

Araby's face was indifferent, and his magic power was so deep that he quickly changed with the spirit of creation. He turned Chen Yang's body into a lovely little boy. It looks like I'm only in my teens.

Then Araby opened the door of the beast temple and threw the boy out of the door.

Araby didn't think much. He was confident. He feels that he has transformed Chen Yang, so now he doesn't worry about any accidents.

But just as the boy rolled to the beast altar outside the beast temple, there was a flash of light on the boy.

Then, it turns into Chen Yang's noumenon.

As soon as Chen Yang's figure flashed, he flew to the sky

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