In the process of jumping, the pressure of speed and energy is too great, which makes the boat unable to bear. Chen Yang uses mana to help the boat of one yuan resist the pressure of the outside world. After his mana extended out, he suddenly felt the huge pressure in time and space, just like the explosion of a star. He can't stand it alone.

"Although I have great power, I am still very small in this universe!" Chen Yang said in secret.

At this time, all the people use their mana to protect the boat of one yuan. In an instant, countless protective covers protect the boat of one yuan.

Chen Yang was relieved. These people are really the elites on earth. Together, they finally protected the boat of one yuan.

In the center of the boat of one yuan, the array crystal transforms into the transmission array in the Danube planet!

The signal guides the boat of one yuan to keep jumping and running to the transmission array.

And just then, the accident happened again.

"Bad!" When Chen Yang saw the situation inside the array crystal, he turned pale. Because he saw a magic force breaking through the cover of the elves. The hidden array of teleport array has been broken Then, Chen Yang saw a person in the transmission array.

This person is not others, it is a long lost dream light dust!

Mengqingchen was dressed in white and valiant. Her eyes were looking at the moving transmission array. She saw the energy fluctuations in the teleport array.

Then, Chen Yang and his party saw the blue eyes of mengqingchen burst out purple God awn. The purple God awn destroyed the transmission array with a roar.

"No!" Chen Yang was shocked.

"All in!" He quickly sacrificed the black hole spar.

All the people didn't speak. They all understood and flashed directly into the crystal of the black hole. At this moment, the boat of one yuan lost the support of the teleportation array, and the internal array began to be disordered, and then boom

The violent explosion rang through a hundred miles, and the dazzling brilliance was like the destruction of a planet. Chen Yang's black hole whirlpool unfolded and devoured the explosion energy endlessly.

At the same time, in the process of absorption, Chen Yang uses the big move technique. A moment later, he takes the people away from the scene and arrives thousands of miles away.

All around, finally calm again. All join in the black hole crystal!

At that moment, Chen Yang asked people to come in, not for fear that they would be affected by the explosion of the one yuan boat. He is afraid that everyone will be separated in the universe. Once separated, it is not easy to get together again. The universe is full of traps, eddies, and even time and space are unstable.

Things are getting serious.

This is clear to all. Because the teleport array is destroyed, it means that the elves have been conquered by mengqingchen.

Chen Yang's heart sinks infinitely.

There are so many friends who trust him in the elves, but they are still late after all.

Now the teleport array is destroyed in the middle of the way, and it will take longer to go to Danube.

"Let's get there quickly, do our best and listen to the destiny!" Chen Ling didn't express too much emotion, she said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang nodded.

"Mr. Chen and I will preside over the black hole crystal. Chen Yang, you point out the direction," she said

Chen Yang said, "good!"

"I'll come first," she said She instantly operates the mana, and the black hole crystal forms a black light, which quickly travels through the universe. Its speed is more than twice that of Chen Yang.

It's extremely difficult to distinguish the direction in the universe. Chen Yang relies on his own understanding of the universe to accurately find the location of Danube.

All the way through, the wind blows fast. There are also many such as solar storms, as well as the existence of space-time maze. But Suzhen in Heiyi split one of his swords with the big chaos thunder sword. Chen Ling, the great emperor of China, could not help but feel astonished at this degree of hegemony.

All the way, day and night, this group of people's advanced cultivation, coupled with the previous transmission array also brought out a part of the distance. So it took them only ten days to reach the sky over Danube.

Chen Yang didn't think much about it. Now he had no scruples, so he took all the people to the western Xinjiang where the Elves were.

The whole planet of Danube is in a state of ice, ice and snow, beautiful.

They landed in front of the misty forest. The snow was deep all around, and the branches had been bent down by the snow.

It's like a pure forest with no human relationship.

As soon as Chen Yang's figure flashed, he went directly to the spirit palace. The crowd followed What Chen Yang first discovered is that the former splendid and magnificent spirit palace has become a dilapidated scene.

In all directions, there were bodies everywhere, and all of them were elves' bodies. It's amazing, it's full of blood!

The inner array of the elves was not completely broken, so the snow did not fall in.Chen Yang walks among them, ling'er accompanies Chen Yang tightly, for fear that Chen Yang can't think of it.

Chen Yang walked all the way. After a few steps, he saw many familiar corpses There's minister of agriculture Cohen, there's minister of water Rodin!

He also saw Jones.

Miss Jones, she was so fresh, beautiful and lovely. Now, she doesn't look good. The lower part of her body was festering, and some insects were crawling on her face.

Chen Yang's eyes suddenly turned red.

"I'm wrong. I shouldn't have left." Chen Yang hates himself. He has done so much, but nothing has changed in the end.

When he thought about the eyes of the elves and their fate, Chen Yang was heartbroken.

"Originally, the Elves were safe and sound. I came to lobby his highness Arthur ratty. I killed his highness, and now I've killed the whole family. I, Chen Yang, am a sinner Chen Yang knelt down.

This feeling, powerless to the extreme.

All the iniquities are on him, and there is no way to shirk them.

However, even if he killed mengqingchen, they could not be revived.

Black clothes Su Zhen and others are relatively calm, black clothes Su Zhen and Chen Ling, Luo Feng and others all mind strafe.

A lot of information remains in the air.

Suzhen in black immediately said, "Chen Yang, don't grind here. I see that most of the elves are captured by mengqingchen. Now, let's go to her right away and let her pay the price! "

Chen Yang's eyes flashed, and he said, "OK, let's go!"

At the moment, his figure flashed, and he rose up and flew to the sky.

Without saying a word, all of them catch up with Chen Yang.

At this time, Chen Yang doesn't want to tell Meng Qingchen any more tricks. No matter how powerful her Loulan kingdom is, he just wants to break through Because, he has the strength.

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