From the west to the East, across mountains and seas This distance is a life-long existence for ordinary creatures on Danube. And the distance between the eastern and southern Xinjiang will be much closer, so in the past, some people would not want to go to the orcs to do business.

At this time, for Chen Yang and others, it is an instant thing.

In a flash, Chen Yang, a group of peerless experts from the earth, had arrived in the eastern Xinjiang. And came to the purple mansion.

The location of the Zifu is on a peak in the east of Xinjiang. The buildings are magnificent, covered with snow in all directions.

And at this time in the sky, the snow is still raging, in front of Zifu stage, bright.

Suzhen in black glanced at it and said, "the buildings here really look at my Jialan hall."

Chen Yang didn't pay attention to these, and his mind swept past. First of all, he felt the border of Zifu. The powerful border resisted everyone outside.

"I'll do it!" In the void, Suzhen in black took a step out of thin air. Then, without saying a word, gather the power of lightning.

"Big chaos thunder sword!"

In an instant, a ray of thunder cut down!


Zifu's powerful border was struck by the big chaos thunder sword, and a dazzling light burst out immediately.

The next second, the border is completely broken.

Purple house is so exposed in the public eye.

At this time, the purple mansion also responded quickly.


There was a loud noise in the purple mansion, and then a dazzling purple light burst out from the depths of the Purple Palace in the purple mansion. The glory soared to the sky, and then exploded again.

Countless purple fragments scattered down, covering hundreds of miles around.

So, in a flash, all around the purple house became this kind of purple world. These purple fragments change faster, and finally form all kinds of strange flowers and trees, all kinds of roads and rivers, all kinds of deserts, all kinds of buildings Purple clouds are floating in the sky.

And this is just the beginning, in the purple house, suddenly out of countless rare animals, there are white winged Pegasus flying out, there are red mane of blood wolves running in the air, such as electricity like light. There are also giant Warcraft ran out, issued a huge roar.

In the end, countless gods flew out. In the sky, there were rare animals, immortals flying and auspicious clouds floating It's like heaven on earth.

This is exactly Loulan is the true face of heaven.

Obviously, mengqingchen is prepared.

Chen Yang jumps in his heart, and he understands one thing. That is, mengqingchen killed the elves on purpose. In order to lead the earth people to Zifu, and fall into Loulan heaven.

Now, the Loulan Heavenly Kingdom is unfolding, with numerous space barriers, and there are countless gods in it. It is not so easy for Chen Yang and others to leave.

Then, several figures burst out of the purple mansion.

The shadows flash and the demons dance wildly.

Then, these figures fell not far in front of Chen Yang and others.

It is Meng Qingchen who is the leader. There are four elders behind Meng Qingchen, such as Yanchen and gouchen. There are also magic mountain sky, magic mountain Liancheng and others. But the Eastern god is not here.

At the same time, the fresh return to agriculture, the fresh Zhengyun, the fresh in snow, and the business have no way, the goodwill also follow.

Mighty, experts like clouds

All of a sudden, in the purple mansion behind mengqingchen, the roar of the Dragon came

Then, four dragons rushed out. The four dragons have shrunk a lot, but we can still see that they are extraordinary. Among the four dragons, one is crowned with golden scales and glitters.

This dragon exudes the breath of king, which makes people dare not look directly at it, and the coercion is even more terrifying.

Chen Yang immediately guessed that the dragon was not someone else, but the Dragon God of the dragon clan. The other three dragons are also Dragon King level, all of them are peerless masters of the dragon clan.

Chen Yang can't help turning pale.

He didn't expect that mengqingchen talked about the cooperation between the dragon clan and her.

In this case, there is something wrong with them.

Chen Yang's eyes scan the past, and the magic mountain sky looks at Chen Yang. He says bitterly, "Your Highness, we can't resist it. For the sake of the brothers, I have no other way."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I understand."

Magic mountain sky said: "however, I didn't untie the brain mark of Shang Wudao. Now, I want to ask to return to the team!" Chen Yang said with a smile, "welcome."

Chen Yang knows that the situation is very complicated.

The innocent and light eyes of Yuchen came to him.

Dream light dust sneer, she also looked at Chen Yang. At the same time, she is also scanning the people behind Chen Yang.

She scanned Suzhen in black, Chen Ling and so onFinally, she found that the accomplishments of these people were generally under her. She couldn't help laughing and said, "this is the so-called helper you asked for?"

Chen Yang said coldly, "that's right!"

Dream light dust said: "that day you rave, let me regret. I really think you have something to play. Now, that's all

The Dragon God Yutian stood beside mengqingchen. He opened the mouth of the dragon and spewed words. With disdain in his voice, he said: "mengqingchen, what do you tell us about the invasion of earth people and the danger of Danube. What kind of person did God think came here? Just two or three small fish and shrimp, it's worth you and me being so nervous? This is a joke

As a result, Chen Yang's tiantuan helpers are despised by Meng Qingchen and others.

However, this group of people are not the ones who can swallow their anger.

Suzhen in black was the first one to jump out. She was dressed in black, her clothes were floating, and she was very beautiful and proud. She looked at Yu Naiyi and said, "you bastard, you dare to speak in front of me. Come on, let me see. What are your abilities?"

"You cheap maidservant!" Yu day a Leng a Leng, start is to have no reaction to come over. Then he realized that Suzhen in black actually called him evil animal. This makes Yu Nai suddenly furious. Who dares to call him this magnificent Dragon God like this!

Su Zhen in black snorts coldly. She is too lazy to pay attention to Yu Nai Yi. She was very hot in her early years. Although I seldom get angry now, it's unnecessary. At present, the Royal day one is really her anger.

As soon as her figure flashed, she flew to the upper area and said, "evil animal, come on, let's fight first. If I don't peel your skin, I'll miss it. "

Yu Nai was furious and said, "well, I want to take you down. I want you to serve me tea and water from now on and be the lowest slave!"

"No one of you is allowed to interfere!" The imperial naive body shape toward the sky a flash, and call dream light dust and so on.

Dream light dust in the heart of this speechless, clearly his side has the upper hand. You are in the mood to fight alone.

However, she must also respect Yu naiichi's will.

"Look at the real strength of these people. I don't believe it. Every one of them, like Chen Yang, can go beyond the level to challenge. I can't. all the experts on the earth are monsters. " Dream light dust like this.

Double convenient all gave way to the place, to Black Yi Su Zhen and royal naive one provide battlefield.

Yunaiichi and Suzhen in black stand opposite each other.

"Cheap girl..." Yutian just opened his mouth.

"What a lot of nonsense!" said Suzhen Heiyi Then, he made a direct move.

She directly condenses the thunder sword, and then splits it out with one sword!

"Big chaos thunder sword!"

Thus, a huge and unparalleled thunder light flashed. In the thunder light, the majestic Hunyuan rule appeared.

A sword will tear the world apart!

A sword to see the universe, too ancient desolate!

The power of this sword, unexpected, seems to tear the whole world apart.

This sword, dream light dust see this power is also surprised.

The emperor immediately felt the thunder in front of him. He felt that any resistance could not resist the power of the sword.

Yu naivete was surprised, and his reaction was also quick. With a roar, he escaped into many spaces first.

That big chaos thunder sword breaks through innumerable spaces quickly, breaking speed is beyond so, beyond imagination.

For a short moment, he quickly chained out the magic order.

The chain of order is an important treasure, which can be called the existence of immortal tools. This chain of order can regulate the order of all things in the universe.

The chain of order was covered with gold.

The chain is as long as three feet, like a divine light, suddenly directly connected back and forth, forming a circle like a diamond ring.

Yu Nai's magic power is ferocious, and his creation power is ferocious. All of them are focused on the chain of order. With a flash of the chain of order, all the power of the big chaos thunder sword will be trapped in it

Big chaos thunder sword is still invincible, ferocious killing! But the chain of order glitters with golden light, and the infinite law of order turns into innumerable runes and penetrates into the thunder sword of great chaos. Then, the chain of order burst out a dazzling fire, which directly refined the material on the great chaos thunder sword, and absorbed it by the golden rune.

In an instant, the chain of order absorbed the thunder sword of chaos.

Yu Tianyi is also a long sigh of relief. He didn't expect that this woman would throw a king's bomb as soon as she made a move. Fortunately, he has the order to lock the chain and other artifact. Otherwise, maybe the first one would have a big loss. Originally, Yu Nai Yi wanted to fight with Suzhen in black, so as to test each other. But the first attack of Suzhen in Heiyi forced out his magic weapon.

At this time, Yu Nai Yi did not hide any more. He roared again, and the mana and the power of creation poured into the chain of order. The chain of order absorbs the gas of chaos. It has already felt the black clothes Suzhen, and then the chain of order flashesThe whole venue is a hundred Li square, full of golden light!

Then, the golden light suddenly shrank, and Suzhen in black saw that she had been trapped in the chain of orde

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