As soon as he grasped the order whip in his hand, he suddenly waved it, and then saw the Golden Whip hit hard. Around the billows, a Thunder Dragon was directly cut in half by the whip. The Thunder Dragon roared and finally turned into thunder water and fell to the bottom of the sky.

The whip in the hand of Yu Tian Tian gestates the law of order, in which the golden light is flying and the waves are rolling. Faintly, even the stars seem to be broken by the whip. Ten thunder dragons were cut into thunder water by the magic whip of Yu Nai Yi.

As soon as he fought bravely, he flashed and raised the whip!

The whip suddenly extended infinitely, just like a whip to cut the sky, so it went to the city of thunder that day. It was like cutting the whole heaven and earth in half.


The whip of order is shining with gold!

Heaven and earth tear!

No light!

At this time, Suzhen in black appeared in the city of thunder.

"The clouds are full of robberies, and the five thunders are thundering!"

Pieces of cloud formation, the last five days of thunder toward the whip kill in the past.

"Hey Royal day a drink, God whip in the air pulled out a whip flower, and then the five days of lightning into a smash!

"Immortal thunder!" The black clothes are pure and the Dharma is solemn. There is no wind in the whole body!

So, a strong road to the extreme, with the will power of immortal heaven and earth, with the meaning of ancient desolation This immortal thunder is produced by the spirit of the thunder city. It costs countless thunders and elixirs. It is extremely powerful!


The order whip and immortal thunder were killed together, and the immortal thunder was smashed in an instant!

What a powerful whip!

The whip of order continues to kill.

Suzhen in black suddenly welcomed the order whip.


"He..." Seeing this, Chen Ling exclaimed.

Dream light dust see, is also startled.

Chen Yang's words are all murky.

How terrible the full blow of the order whip was, everyone saw it. But at this time, Suzhen in black actually met her with her body. Is she crazy?

The order whip killed Suzhen in Heiyi. At this moment, Suzhen's body was chopped into thousands of pieces.

It's a dazzling lightning, like stars all over the sky, and like a woman scattered in the sky

But then, thousands of lightning fragments quickly gathered together again, forming the noumenon of Heiyi Suzhen! Suzhen in black originally closed her eyes, but suddenly opened them again!

At this moment, it seems that there is a bright light in the world!

"Big chaos thunder sword!"

She turned her whole body into a thunder sword and went on killing.

A sword, too ancient desolate!

With one sword, the world is majestic!

A sword, chaos power, chaos law are all integrated in it


This sword finally killed the order whip.

Then The magic whip of order shines brightly, then inch by inch breaks

The chain of order, which Yu Nai Yi is proud of, is comparable to the existence of immortals. That's it Destroyed by Suzhen in black.

Yu Nai spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, the chain of order was destroyed, which he did not expect and hurt.

Suzhen in black is more impolite. What she wants is a sharp knife to kill Yu Naiyi.

In nine days, black clothes Su Zhen body, double point to the sky of thunder and lightning ocean, in an instant, thunder roar in the ocean, thunder waves rolling, and then, tens of thousands of sky thunder together killed to Yu Naiyi.

That scene, absolutely unprecedented, magnificent!

What an unimaginable spectacle it is!

Yu Nai's eyes showed a look of terror. He felt the fear of death.

Only then did he realize that the woman in black didn't make any real moves after several battles. Now that's her real way to kill!

She's going to kill herself!

"Lord dragon!" The other three Dragon Kings were shocked. They shot together, the shadow flickered, and offered their own magic weapon, that is, they wanted to protect the Royal innocence.

Chen Ling's eyes were quick and hands were quick. She snorted coldly and said, "don't think about it!"

Chen Ling's hand is also a flash. Others in the air, the moment issued three Yuanshen!

The first God, the God of darkness!

This poisonous God stopped the first Dragon King.

The second Yuanshen, the spirit Yuanshen, is anjuosu, the Taigu dragon mosquito. The second Dragon King was stopped by the dense dragon mosquito.

The third Yuanshen, Youming Yuanshen! Youming yuan God turned into a Youming sword and killed the third Dragon King crazily.

Chen Ling defeated three Dragon Kings.

These three Dragon Kings are all the cultivation of the creation environment, and their skills are peerless. Of course, the dragon clan is not without experts, and the elites come from the area of Yutian.As a result, this round of crazy killing does not end in an instant.

But when Yu Nai Yi lost the rescue, he was dying.

And dream light dust at this time also finally shot. Her eyes were awe inspiring, her Dharma was solemn, and she waved her hand at the same time.

The Loulan gold seal appeared in her hands, and she saw thousands of golden silk threads in the gold seal, cutting all kinds of spaces in an instant.

As a result, Suzhen's Tianlei city and ten thousand Tianlei are separated by the space and fall into a misty strange space.

Chen Ling's three gods were all separated and attacked and killed by three Dragon Kings.

Chen Yang was also cut into a separate space.

All people are separated by space.

And Yu naivete returns to mengqingchen.

Loulan heaven, everything fell into peace.

But this calm is only temporary.

Black Yi Su Zhen sent out a big chaotic thunder sword again, then the space in front of her was broken. At the same time, ten thousand thunder and lightning are released in it, killing all kinds of spaces, and then countless spaces begin to break up.

Chen Yang and others did not stop, all the space in front of them were smashed.

The next second, the crowd got together again.

Yu Nai Yi also stood with Meng Qingchen.

The two sides fell into a state of confrontation again.

Suzhen in black also took the city of thunder into the center of her eyebrows. She sneered at the emperor's innocence and said, "how about the evil animal? Do you want to fight with your aunt again? Also, my aunt said that anyone who insulted me would die in the end. Now, I'll give you a chance to live. I'll kneel down and kowtow to admit my mistake, and then I'll be my servant from now on. In this way, I can consider giving you a way to live! "

"You..." Yu Nai Yi that anger! But now, he really has no confidence, he can not refute. In front of him, this woman gave him too deep psychological shadow.

Yu Na Yi finally had no choice but to hum and ignore Su Zhen in black.

Black dress Su Zhen eyes also cold down, she said: "very good, I will kill you, I Bai Su Zhen said."

Dream light dust's eyes also arrived Black Yi Su Zhen body. Suzhen in black also looks coldly at mengqingchen.

"Why, you want to fight me too?" Black Yi Su Zhen quite provocative Chong dream light dust said.

Dream light dust is not afraid, she said lightly: "fight is sure to fight, but also don't worry." Then, her eyes came to Chen Yang: "now, there are some things we have to figure out. You will be fresh clouds, fresh in snow mark back. And let the demon mountain sky take back his mark on Shang Wudao and others. In this way, we will take back our own people and then fight again. How about that? "

Chen Yang didn't think much about it and said, "yes!"

Dream light dust said: "good!"

The two of them agreed.

The sky of the magic mountain, the city of the magic mountain, the deadly scholar, Quine and kuiju all return to Chen Yang.

It is worth mentioning that, in addition to the magic mountain sky, magic mountain Liancheng and others are also imprinted by the dream dust.

"If you put one, I'll put one on my side!" Dream light dust said.

Chen Yang nodded, but he was also smart. He won't put it first, but let mengqingchen be the first to remove the mark of Liancheng.

Chen Yang is the master of the magic mountain linked city. As long as he has mastered the magic mountain linked City, he is not afraid of the magic mountain sky.

It has to be said that the trust between them is still weak.

Dream light dust according to the words, first solved the magic mountain Liancheng mark.

Chen Yang's mana goes into the brain of magic mountain Liancheng for a check, but magic mountain Liancheng doesn't dare to stop it. After confirming that there was nothing wrong, Chen Yang said to the magic mountain sky, "you can also untie one of them."

Cangshan nods.

In fact, he is loyal to Chen Yang, because he has no way out. Plus now he saw the ability of Suzhen in black, he was more determined.

At present, the magic mountain sky has untied the mark in the brain of the fresh farmer!

There is an agreement between mengqingchen and magic mountain sky. If mengqingchen wants to kill magic mountain sky, then magic mountain sky will first kill Shang Wudao and others. He has been threatening mengqingchen in this way, so now, he has the capital to negotiate.

Dream of light dust is naturally do not want to die, so also agreed to the magic mountain sky.

Then, step by step, both sides untied the mark.

In the end, business without Tao, fresh to agriculture, fresh to cloud, fresh to snow, goodwill has been removed.

And the people on this side of the magic mountain sky are all free.

At present, only relying on Chen Yang can we fight against mengqingchen. Therefore, magic mountain sky and others also unconditionally want to support Chen Yang.

Kuiju and Magic Mountain are controlled by Chen Yang.

The two sides have no scruples at all.

Chen Yang frowned and asked in a low voice, "what about the eastern gods, and Lin en and Adolf of the elves?""They've all been killed by mengqingchen," he said

Chen Yang's heart sank: "seriously?"

Magic mountain sky said: "dare not deceive!"

Chen Yang was grieved in his heart. He took a deep breath and decided to ignore these first. Now, he is more important to defeat mengqingchen, and then save the rest of the Elven people imprisoned by mengqingchen.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen have no more words for each other. Meng Qingchen doesn't speak. She just steps back with a group of people, and then drowns in the fog.

And in the fog, the words of dreams begin to ring

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