The sound of dream light dust rings out.

"With the gold seal of Loulan and in the name of the kingdom of heaven, I ordered the 365 way God to return to his position quickly!"

At that moment, the positive gods in the sky all moved, they quickly flew up, and each occupied an important position. Every position is an array position.

The strength of these gods is not very strong, but when they all form an array, they are incomparable.

"They can't be brought back!" Chen Yang's eyes sank and said.

They immediately moved. Suzhen in black sacrificed the city of Tianlei again. Countless Tianlei were killed by the torrential rain.

Ling'er's killing immortal sword also came out and pulled out a thousand sword flowers in an instant. Every sword flower breeds the mystery of a world.

As the saying goes, one flower, one world!

Luo Feng's juexian sword also came out, his body was shining, and he also pulled out a thousand sword flowers. There are a thousand black sword flowers, each of which is a small world full of poison.

There is no match for this attack!

The fire scarlet scarlet has performed the great flame art, and her great flame art is unparalleled in the world today. The whole sky is burning

Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu also made their own moves. Fu Qingzhu's Bronze immortal hall opened its mouth and spewed out the light of bronze sword.

The whole world, crazy about it!

Chen Ling is directly towards the dream of light dust, although the dream of light dust to hide, but Chen Ling is still very accurate breakthrough the boundaries of time and space, quickly locked the dream of light dust.

But no matter how many people attack and kill, everything is in vain.

Chen lingchong kills mengqingchen. He clearly locks mengqingchen, but rushes into an empty space.

All around is foggy, foggy, everything is like a mirage, real and illusory. All the attacks finally escaped into the void, and all of them did not reach the 365 route God.

At this time, the 365 way God has returned!

Behind them, there was a flash of gold, as if they were all Buddhas.

The voice of dream light dust rings out again.

"In the name of heaven, I purify the ghosts in the world. In our heaven, there is no longer greed, no longer love, no longer vanity..."

She has words

The gold seal of Loulan came out, right in front of her. Her words turned into runes and floated into the gold seal.

Golden seal shines again.

Mengqingchen then made a seal in her hand, and her eyes were purple.

The purple awn shoots into the golden seal. Her spirit of creation is mixed in the purple God awn. All mana is injected into the seal.

Other experts, such as gouchen and Yanchen, had no way of business and returned to agriculture, including Yu Tianyi and the three Dragon Kings. They all injected their mana into the gold seal.

At the same time, the long purple hair of mengqingchen turns into countless purple dragons, which carry endless pills from the void.

All pure yuan Dan!

Mengqingchen is a big hand now. She has emptied the treasure house of the elves.

One trillion yuan Dan is injected into the gold seal by mengqingchen.

Her myriad dragons keep moving

Pure ocean wrapped gold seal!

She was determined to kill the invading earth people.

The gold seal began to grab the underground energy of Danube

Endless energy is gathered on Jinyin, and Jinyin brings all the energy to 365 Zhengshen.

Three hundred and sixty-five is a number in the Zhou Tian arithmetic, which coincides with the way of the universe.

Only in this way can we form a cycle and exert great power.

In the kingdom of heaven, at this time, it is extremely dazzling, and the auspicious clouds are blooming, just like the kingdom of heaven.

"No!" Seeing this, Chen Ling joined the crowd and said in a deep voice: "the energy of this magic weapon has exceeded our cognition. We must rush out, otherwise today, everyone will capsize in the sewer."

Black Yi Su Zhen said in a deep voice: "everyone come into my city of thunder, gather all the elixirs and mana on me. I and the spirit of the city of thunder launch immortal thunder and blow out an exit."

When their eyes were bright, they didn't say much. They all answered.

So, they all rushed into the city of thunder that day.

In the thunder sea of Tianlei City, people quickly get out of the way. As soon as they flash, they come to the inner core of Tianlei city.

The inner part of Tianlei city is a city, while the outer part is covered by thunder.

On that day, the spirit of thunder city sat in the core of the array.

It has been hosting the thunder city.

Without saying a word, Suzhen in black hides directly into Qiling's body. Her body is the primordial spirit, so there is no problem with the spirit.At least, in a short time.

Now her spirit is so powerful that she can't find any body to bear her spirit.

All the people surrounded Suzhen in black and sat cross legged.

Chen Ling also has 100 billion pure Yang pills, which were later refined on the earth with the remaining resources after tianmangxing cultivation. Now he took them all out and directly turned them into the dragon of pure Yang and injected them into Suzhen's body.

At present, only the bodies of Suzhen and Luofeng can bear such powerful magic power.

The others are about to explode.

Chen Yang also put in all the pills, 10 billion yuan pills, and billions of pure Yang pills.

He summoned up enough mana to inject it into Suzhen's body.

Everyone throws the elixir in the past, and transfers the mana to Suzhen in Heiyi. The people of the magic mountain mansion and the magic mountain sky also fully support Suzhen in black. And Heiyi Suzhen also has pills, she also burned about 50 billion pills.

All together, a total of 200 billion pure Yang pills are all burned.

In the city of thunder, the pure sun fire is blazing!

The magic power is extremely fierce, the thunder is rolling

At this time, there is no light dream here. All the three hundred and sixty-five Zhengshen opened their eyes, and each Zhengshen shot two shenmang!

A total of 730 shenmang shot at the city of thunder that day.


In the thunder pool, a hundred feet high thunder waves burst out

The thunder waves are rolling, and it seems that the world is about to break.

Countless thunderstorms have been incinerated directly into ashes, and the Leichi in Tianlei city is about to become ashes

These seven hundred and thirty gods are really terrible. It's hard to deal with every divine awn. To shoot together with 730 divine awns is to deal with a planet, and that is to destroy it 100 times in a second.

This is the power of mana!

Fortunately, thunder water is resistant to high temperature, otherwise it will die faster!

Black Yi Su Zhen was surprised and quickly gathered the remnant thunder.

Supported by her powerful magic power and elixir, the immortal thunder quickly gathered

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