It can nail the existence of saints in legend. It's the last kill move of mengqingchen. If it's not in danger, it won't be used. But now, the dream light dust will be the method of blood through the bone nail hit the black coat Suzhen.

Inside the nail, there is the blood of the universe. In a small nail, there is a world without phase in it. In the absence of form, it is all true form. The prime minister is the endless blade and soul locked Scripture. Once entangled, it's like a whole world locks up the mana and blood of the other party.

That blood light a flash, Black Yi Su Zhen immediately perceived. She also didn't put much in the eye, a big hand wave, cut out a thunder light.

Thunder contains nine breath of thunder. A ray of thunder is a link in all things!

One ring sees all things!

The infinite mystery lies in it. This ray of thunder comes at hand, but its power is unimaginable.

This thunder light soon collides with blood light.

With a flash, the power of the blood penetrating nail directly cut the thunder into ashes.

Suzhen in black was surprised. Just now she felt that thunder light was smashed by a terrible world. Her eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the blood light

There seems to be a great mystery in this little blood light!

Suzhen in black felt that she had been locked by the blood light, so she shot again, and an idea popped up.

Her spiritual body is made up of innumerable thoughts, in which there is a world. The world quickly enveloped the blood light.


The idea world of Black Yi Su Zhen explodes rapidly, blood light is more and more fierce, then arrived at her shoulder. Black clothes Su Zhen body shape continuous flash, avoid the method of blood bone nail chase. At the same time, a thunder sword appeared in her hand!

"Big chaos thunder sword!"

Suzhen in black once again used this peerless sword!

A sword out, see the world desolate!

A sword out, see the universe!


The big chaos thunder sword cuts the blood light. The blood light is quickly cut into pieces, and it turns into thousands of blood needles. It cuts Suzhen in black.

Suzhen in black has a slight discoloration.

She really couldn't avoid it. The thousands of blood light quickly combined into a blood light, and the light as thin as filiform needle fell into Suzhen's eyebrow.

If you were an ordinary person, the needle in the middle of the eyebrow would have died long ago.

The center of the eyebrow is the place of the heaven, not to mention the magic things such as blood penetrating nails. Even ordinary magic tools can be deadly.

But it's a pity that Suzhen in black is a life made up of countless thoughts. Her life is not in the so-called eyebrow, her body can be completely disassembled, which is why she was cut into countless pieces and did not die.

Thought is also thought. Black clothes Su Zhen's idea is strong to become the essence, and in the nine thunder successfully quenched, so can be immortal.

The cultivation of Suzhen in Heiyi doesn't seem to be the highest, but it's no easier to kill her than to kill Chen Tianya.

In a way, Suzhen and Chen Tianya are very similar.

But they are not immortal.

The method blood penetrates the bone nail to sink into black Yi Su Zhen's eyebrow center inside. Suzhen in black didn't dare to look down upon her. For a moment, she suddenly felt that the blood penetrating nail was like a huge tentacle, dense and numerous tentacles, which actually locked her. All thoughts are firmly locked!

Suzhen in black lost her ability to gather and disperse.

"Such a magic weapon!" Black Yi Su Zhen was surprised, she also felt the temperature of the tentacle amazing, there is a very strong corrosive force in it.

If she had not gone through nine times of thunder, she would have been dead by now.

"Thunderbolt Suzhen in black changed her figure and quickly turned into the water of nine thunders, so the light flashed.

The water of nine thunder robbers is also locked by the blood penetrating nail and cannot be separated. It's also the way to harden the blood and bones of the body.

For a moment, neither side could help the other.

But It's the last time we've used this nail. Its power is waning

Black dress Su Zhen in the heart already know, immediately shout a way: "little wench, come to devour, this is a good thing, don't waste."

An Ruo Su has a kind of natural intimacy to Su Zhen in black clothes, and immediately flies over after hearing the words. The dense dragon mosquito has wrapped the black coat Suzhen into a mass of black, exactly like the black silkworm pupa.

After a short time, the nail was completely absorbed by enrol.

Originally, even in its heyday, this method of blood penetrating bone nail could not help such freaks as Suzhen in black. What's more, it's already in the doldrums.

However, if the blood penetration nail is in its heyday, it will be difficult to absorb anruosu. The blood, the power and the meaning inside are too terrible.

But now, everything is made of the nutrients of anrosu.

"The situation is gone!" At this moment, mengqingchen suddenly had a clear understanding in his heart.She took advantage of the fact that Suzhen in black and anruoshu were still swallowing the blood bone penetrating nail of the Dharma, and she directly received the magic mirror of the Dharma in her hand. After the Wanfa mirror shrinks, it finally takes away all the light, returns to mengqingchen's hands, and becomes an ordinary mirror.

Then, dream light dust eyes a cold, crush the Loulan gold seal.


Loulan heaven, suddenly began to collapse, all kinds of vision disappeared.

Energy accumulation and leakage!

Dream light dust in the air a big drink, said: "let's go!"

After she finished, she ran to Yu Naiyi first. She and Yu Tian Tian join hands to attack Chen Ling. Chen Ling drives 365 Lu Zhengshen to shoot Jin Mang, which can resist this attack.

The dream light dust does not have the heart to love the war, turns around and the imperial naive one rushes to the nine sky. The rest of the Dragon King will escape, Chen Ling directly shot, once again killed a dragon king.

Only one Dragon King escaped under Yutian's command.

Dream light dust called retreat, purple house this side of the people and horses all know not good, follow to leave.

For a moment, it is the birds and beasts scattered, have fled!

Suzhen in black also killed her, Chen Ling, Chen Yang and others. They all tried their best to beat the dogs out of the water.

For a moment, golden waves of energy were flying in the sky, and the majestic magic power, wonderful immortal tools, and Taoist tools were sending out the fierce power.

Immortal war, each show magic power, hegemonic unparalleled, heaven and earth tear, the sun and the moon!

Magic mountain sky and others are also fighting against the four elders. They know very well who should be killed and who should not.

After a long time, the battlefield finally returned to calm!

At the scene, Loulan paradise was completely broken. After losing the support of Chen Ling's great prophecy, the 365 route God began to wither and finally all disappeared.

Loulan kingdom of heaven is the home of 365 positive gods. Without their home, they will die.

But there is nothing to be sad about. They can't count as life!

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