This fierce battle ended with the victory of the earth people represented by Chen Yang.

Dream light dust lost proud Loulan heaven, Wanfa God mirror also damaged, the only card method blood bone nail also moisten the little girl.

As for Yu Nai, he lost two of his confidants. Lost the magic whip of dominating immortal order! And he himself suffered a lot of injuries.

At the same time, xianzhengyun is killed by ling'er and Chen Yang.

Xianyuxue escapes by chance. She sees her brother and husband killed, but there is nothing she can do. In her eyes, Chen Yang is no longer an interesting person, but a great enemy of the sea of blood.

Suzhen in black killed two elders who ran away in a hurry. Suzhen in black knew that Chen Yang was going to move soldiers. She was afraid of the people of the earth, so she went to the Julong tribe. As soon as he heard that an alien master was coming to invade, he agreed to cooperate with mengqingchen.

That's what happened.

Chen Yang sighed after listening.

The people of the Elves were first placed in the purple mansion. The purple mansion is vast, and there is no problem in the settlement of 30000 elves.

It took three days for Luo Feng and ling'er to recover completely.

Qin Lin also returned to the peak state.

Three days later, magic mountain sky officially announced that it was the new Lord of purple mansion. All the remains of Zifu bow to the sky of magic mountain.

At the same time, the magic mountain sky issued a wanted order.

Mengqingchen is the first class war criminal of Zifu! Dream light dust is wanted by Zifu!

Mengqingchen was deliberately disgusted when he issued the wanted order. Now it is estimated that mengqingchen has to organize the government in exile. This is the biggest insult and blow to the dream dust in the cloud.

Not to mention mengqingchen, Chen Yang also met an acquaintance, the purple haired woman who gave Chen Yangjing the soul at the beginning, that is, ZEMO.

When ZEMO met Chen Yang again, he was filled with emotion.

She did not expect that the original temporary intention would now change the pattern of the whole purple mansion. Even the dream light dust was driven out.

Just two months, it gave her a sense of change.

ZEMO's body is human, and his head is human, but he belongs to the mutated human. She's naturally human.

In the Purple Palace of Zifu, Suzhen in black and Chen Ling sit in the first place, while Chen Yang sits beside them. Magic mountain sky is obediently stay in one side, he this Lord in front of the public, only honest man's share.

"Miss Bai, Mr. Chen, according to our information..." Then he reports to Cang Su mountain: "naivete Ling and Chen Yuqing run away. They must be waiting for an opportunity and ready to make a comeback. "

Magic mountain sky is very afraid of Chen Yang. They clap their ass and leave. Because once they leave, there will be no residue left for him.

Hearing the report from the sky of the demon mountain, Suzhen in black snorted coldly and said, "is the Dragon God of the giant dragon clan called Yu Tianyi? I said I would kill him. Even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, I will kill him. "

The sky of magic mountain is overjoyed to hear the words.

Chen Ling smiles. He appreciates Suzhen in black. I feel that Bai Suzhen is the real heroine, unlike Bai Suzhen, the leader of the spirit clan who was seen in Buzhou mountain.

Chen Ling then said: "now that we have reached this point, the dragon clan must fight. Only when you know yourself and your enemy can you win a hundred battles. We won this time, but we were too lucky. We can't rely on luck all the time! "

Chen Yang agreed and said, "I agree with you."

Chen Ling continued: "so intelligence is the top priority. We need more information. "

Magic mountain sky immediately said: "I will continue to explore."

"Black Yi Su Zhen says:" pry intelligence this matter, I and small wench also go together give strength

Little girl naturally refers to an Ruo su.

"That's OK," Chen Ling said

Black dress Su Zhen and an Ruo Su together, is simply the strongest combination. Both of them are yuan Shen. They have no physical body. They gather and disperse in different places. It's more appropriate to ask for information. Anruo Su can devour everything, especially after she devoured the blood bone penetration nail, her phagocytic ability has reached a level It's so unpredictable.

Chen Ling did not take the initiative to ask him to go, because he has a physical body and is easy to fall into siege.

The meeting soon broke up.

Suzhen in black and anjuosu also set out.

Night will soon fall

In the purple mansion, there is peace.

Heavy snow

It was a white world.

Chen Yang takes out the flesh of Ye Ziqing and Xiao Silan and gives them to Luo Feng.

Now there is no problem with the body, Luo Feng can seal it by himself.

Luo Feng didn't pay much attention to the outside affairs. He didn't attend the meeting just now. He locked himself in the room all the time.After the meeting, Chen Yang and Qin Lin came to Luofeng's room.

Before they knocked at the door, Luo Feng's voice came from inside.

"Come in!"

Chen Yang and Qin Lin look at each other and then push the door in.

They just came in to see Luo Feng seal Ye Ziqing and Xiao Silan, and put them into jiexumi.

"Big brother!" Chen Yang and Qin Lin called together when they came in. Chen Yang closed the door behind him.

Luo Feng forced out a smile, he first said to Chen Yang: "thank you, third brother, you help me recover their body."

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "don't say such outsider words."

They sat down with them.

Luo Feng fell into silence again. He was a silent man, but in front of his brother, we could still feel his inner passion. But now, nothing.

He even lives like a walking corpse.

"Big brother, we will be able to revive my sister-in-law and Xiao Silan." Qin Lin can't help comforting Luo Feng.

Luo Feng looks a little pale, he said: "I have been paying attention to their souls, after so many months, the soul has no sign of consciousness recovery. I now understand that they have to completely recover their memory, and their souls are as strong as they were before death, so that they can fit in with the physical body. "

Chen Yang said: "brother, it takes time. After all, what we're doing is eternal and against heaven. "

Luo Feng nodded, he said: "I have patience, how long patience."

Chen Yang said: "I believe that Kung Fu can live up to those who want to."

"From now on, I think I need to do more good deeds, stop killing people, and accumulate some virtue for them," Luo said

Chen Yang said: "this is very good, and big brother, you can't kill people. Killing people can be bad or good. For example, this time, we have made great contributions to save the elves. "

Luo Feng said: "well, I understand the truth. Don't worry, elder brother is not pedantic. It's just a matter of blood and tears at that time... "

Chen Yang's heart leaped.

Tears of blood!

His son and wife are all spirits, but Chen Yang has the heart to hurt them!

Luo Feng saw that Chen Yang's expression was different, so he kept silent.

Chen Yang immediately said, "brother, I'll take care of the blood and tears. I'll look for you from now on. If I can't find it anywhere else in the future, I I'll try again. "

The meaning is very clear.

If I can't get it anywhere else, even if I'm looking for linger or my son, I'll do it for you.

Luo Feng took a deep look at Chen Yang. After a long silence, he said, "thank you, third brother. I know what this means. I know it's hard for you! "

Chen Yang said: "elder brother, sister-in-law, Silan, ling'er and Nianci, you are very important in my heart. It's hard for me to choose between you. But I will not be embarrassed to choose with my life. "

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