Chen Yang's mind is complex and simple. He has a very simple wish that his family be happy. I also hope my friends are happy. I also hope that my eldest brother, second brother and Fu Qingzhu are all happy. If it could be broader, he hoped that as long as he was a good man, he would be happy.

But it's impossible. People's happiness is based on pain. When you don't feel pain, you don't feel happiness.

Chen Yang is not willing to hurt his relatives and friends. He is willing to hurt himself to help them.

Luo Feng knew Chen Yang so well that he nodded slightly and said, "second brother, third brother, thank you." After he said that, he said, "in that year, third brother, you would rather freeze to death than do anything beyond it. Big brother knows your mind, so you don't need to say anything more. No matter what decision you make, big brother will only appreciate you and never blame you. "

When Chen Yang heard the speech, he felt relieved.

The three brothers then talked about some other things, and then heard footsteps coming from outside.

This time it was Chen Ling who came.

Chen Yang heard the footsteps, he was slightly surprised, why did master Ling come to find elder brother?

"Do you want to trouble big brother? After all, my elder brother's master used to be silent? " Chen Yang's heart leaped. Elder Ling is his most respected elder. Elder brother is his most important brother. If they really want to fight, he will fight to the death to stop them.

"Luo Feng?" Outside the door came the voice of Chen Ling asking.

"Big brother!" Chen Yang called out softly, with worry in his voice.

Luo Feng patted Chen Yang's hand and motioned him not to worry. Then he got up and went to open the door.

"Master!" Luo Feng holds his fist.

Chen Ling nodded, and then he saw Chen Yang and Qin Lin in the room. Chen Ling is not surprised by the existence of Chen Yang and Qin Lin. Of course he can feel it. Chen Yang and Qin Lin saluted Chen Ling.

Chen Ling nodded slightly, and then said to Luo Feng, "let's go out and have a chat."

"Master..." Chen Yang is worried.

Chen Ling a smile, said: "little guy, you don't have to worry, I won't embarrass your big brother."

When Chen Yang got Chen Yang's promise, he put down the big stone in his heart.

For Chen Ling's invitation, Luo Feng was stunned, and then said, "good!"

Chen Ling and Luo Feng left Zifu, and they found a secluded mountain.

In the snow capped mountain, there is a beautiful and peaceful world.

In the snow ahead, there are rabbit like animals running fast.

The air is so fresh that people can't tell whether it's earth or Danube.

Luo Feng stands behind Chen Ling, he seems very silent.

For Chen Ling's invitation, he seems not curious at all. Chen Ling took the initiative to open the chatterbox, he turned to look at Luo Feng, said: "I listen to Chen Yang said some, silent is your master?"

Luo Feng was outspoken and said, "my teacher is very kind to me."

Chen Ling smile, said: "I hope you do not misunderstand, although your talent is good, the body has unlimited plasticity. But that doesn't mean I'm afraid of you. Calling you out today is to hope that the grievances of the previous generation will not spread to your generation. I hope that my grudge with Shen Muran will end in our generation. "

Luo Feng looks at Chen Ling.

Chen Ling's eyes are indifferent, and his demeanor is really fascinating.

Luo Feng can feel the emperor's calm. After a long silence, he said, "I know that if you really have narrow ideas, you can kill me now. The younger generation is by no means your opponent. I still have this self-knowledge. "

Chen Ling said, "I've also heard about your wife, daughter I feel very sorry. I also hope you can revive them successfully. If there is anything I can do for you, you can ask. Of course, if you want to take revenge on me in the future, I will accept it. "

Luo Feng said: "thank you, master." After a pause, he said, "actually, I don't have any other thoughts in my mind now. It doesn't matter what the teacher and the enemy are. The younger generation only wants to revive them, so they will do whatever they want. "

Chen Ling sighed slightly and said, "I understand the feeling of losing a close relative. At that time, there was no injustice or hatred between Shen Muran and me. Because he is a powerful man, he treats me like a mole ant. His pet takes a fancy to my fiancee, and I have to endure. Later, I fled with my fiancee, and his pet arrested my other wife. This one of the things is more complicated, the wife named Tang Jiayi, and I had a one night love, and pregnant with my child. At that time, I didn't know, but Zhang Mei captured her and threatened her. In desperation, I went back to Dongjiang. "

"Later, I killed the beauty. Your master silently felt that he couldn't live up to his face, so he personally killed my wife in front of me. Pity my child. He was poisoned before he was born. I have to avenge such a great feud! "

Chen Ling took a deep breath.In retrospect, the events of that day are still heartbreaking.

He looked at Luo Feng and said, "today, I specially call you out, hoping to untie your heart knot."

Luo Feng could not help feeling moved. He said, "I know now that there is such hatred between you and my master. Thank you for saying these things. From now on, it will be written off. I won't mention any more hatred. "

Chen Ling was slightly relieved.

His character is a kind-hearted person. If Chen Tianya's arrogance is replaced, he won't care what Luo Feng thinks. But he thought about Chen Yang and appreciated Luo Feng, so he was willing to say more and untie these knots.

Danube, Northern Xinjiang!

Northern Xinjiang has a vast territory, in which few other creatures enter.

Just because there are all kinds of dragons in this continent.

Fire dragon, water dragon, ice dragon, Tianlong, Canglong, and Taigu Tianlong!

All kinds of dragons make up the powerful dragon family.

Due north of the northern Xinjiang, there is a natural snow peak. Under the snow peak is a huge cave. Part of the cave is formed naturally, and the other part is made by the Julong people.

The size of the cave is 1000 square kilometers. Each dragon has its own cave.

There are more than 50000 Dragons of the dragon clan!

The growth cycle of each dragon is extremely slow. It takes 30 years for a dragon to be pregnant and 70 years for it to grow. A seventy year old dragon is equal to a ten-year-old child.

But the dragon was born with the ability to control magic, which belongs to their talent.

There is a valley in the Dragon tribe. The valley is huge and there are waterfalls

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