Dream light dust said: "yes!"

Yu Naiyi said: "also, I have been wondering a question. It's said that you have taken a master of your dream family under your command. This man is called Mengmeng Wanshan. Although his accomplishments are not as good as you and me, he is also a strong general. Why didn't we see him when we were guarding Loulan heaven that day? "

Dream light dust pale cold smile, said: "you and the woman in black have the same problem, you know?"

"Too much talk?" The imperial naive a Leng a Leng, afterward facial expression not very good-looking.

Dream light dust said: "of course not, is too headstrong.". You have been self-supporting ability, with a chain of order, you think you can stand. But the truth is, after your chain of order is destroyed, you will find that you are at a loss. "

Yu Nai Yi admits that Meng Qingchen's words are reasonable, but he still says: "what does this have to do with the fact that Meng Wanshan doesn't appear?"

Meng Qingchen said: "Meng Wanshan's magic weapon was destroyed by me, and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. On that day, I thought whether he would participate or not would not play a big role in the war. In fact, it's the same. He doesn't have the ability to control the war situation. If you don't act impulsively and the chain of order is not destroyed by the woman in black, we won't be defeated. "

Yutian was speechless.

It really depends on him.

The battle on that day was full of fluke.

But it's their bad luck.

Meng Qingchen continued: "I prepared for failure, so let Meng Wanshan go to Xiao Ling's treasure first. It's not easy to find that place. It's floating in the depths of the universe. I gave Meng Wanshan a clue. I hope he has found it now. "

Yu Nai Yi said: "where is the treasure? What you told me is true and false?"

Mengqingchen said: "except that the dark tide I told you is false, the treasure is hidden in the elements of time and space. What's more, there are puppet gods left by Xiao Ling in the treasure, and those who come in are predestined ones. But even those who are predestined friends can only take two treasures at most. I took Loulan Tianguo and FA Xue Tougu nail at that time. I didn't expect that they were all destroyed in this war. "

In his eyes, the emperor was excited and said, "this time, I must choose two treasures. I'm going to tear them to pieces! "

Mengqingchen sneered and said, "we will let them know that those who dare to commit crimes against Danube will be punished even if they are far away."

"Although it's far away, it's necessary to punish it?" Yu Na Yi murmurs to read a way. He went on, "good sentences."

Mengqingchen said: "these are some sentences I learned in Loulan heaven. They seem to come from the earth."

The two are traveling through the stars.

Hundreds of thousands of miles later, mengqingchen and yutianyi stop again.

"Dream of mountains!" Mengqingchen shouts to the void.

Then, the front body blinks. After a while, the dream Wanshan came to the dream light dust and Yu Naiyi in front of.

"See Lord!" In the face of dream light dust, dream Wanshan in blue clothes appears extremely respectful.

"This is the Dragon God yunaiyi!" Dream light dust light point first, and to dream Wanshan introduced some.

Meng Wanshan immediately salutes Yu Nai.

The emperor was not arrogant at all. He gave a fist in return. He knew that Meng Wanshan was a senior figure. He wanted to give Meng Qingchen face instead of looking at Meng Wanshan's face.

"How's it going?" Mengqingchen then asked mengwanshan.

Meng Wanshan immediately said: "Lord, I have been calculating the changes and laws of space-time particles according to your method. When the numbers of three, three and nine appear in succession, you can travel through the void according to the number of nine palaces and eight trigrams on the earth. If the opportunity is good, you can shuttle to the treasure. But if you make a mistake, you may fall into the tide of time and space. "

Mengqingchen looked at mengwanshan and said, "are you sure?"

Meng Wanshan was shocked by Meng Qingchen. He said, "I'm not sure, but I've tried my best."

Meng Qingchen sneered and said, "I don't think you dare to play tricks. Later you go in first. If you can get in, that's your nature. I will reward you with a magic weapon. If you fall into the tide of time and space, you will suffer. "

Meng Wanshan said, "yes, Lord!"

He really didn't engage in any conspiracy, and he didn't dare to engage in any conspiracy. He deeply knows that mengqingchen is too smart. Scheming in front of her is a suicide.

But despite this, the cautious dream light dust still let dream Wanshan go ahead.

Dream Wanshan can only accept.

The ups and downs of this space-time element are regular. At the beginning, mengqingchen intruded in by mistake. Later, she came out and went back to this place to study for a long time.

After studying for so many years, she finally found out the law. She calculated accurately, that is, during this period of time, there will be cracks in the elements of time and space, and she can't separate herself, so she asked Meng Wanshan to calculate the law according to the method she gave.Now, the dream light dust let dream Wanshan to explore the way first, is also trying to make mistakes, and test whether the law studied by dream Wanshan is right or not.

The space-time elements in front are erratic gray particles, which are unpredictable and unpredictable.

A large area of gray, inside is still a huge whirlpool.

This is the black hole of time.

This is the trap of the universe!

"This space-time particle is also collapsing into the black hole. Are you sure Xiao Ling's treasure cave can survive in it for a long time? If it really exists, the treasure cave is consuming mana all the time. Xiao Ling himself has been in it for a long time. I'm afraid it's hard to support him. Besides, he is not in it At this time, Yu Nai felt very confused.

Mengqingchen said: "the array on earth is extremely mysterious. There is a Dharma array in the eclosion cave. There are crystal stones to absorb the energy of space-time particles. Eclosion cavern operates with the tide of time and space, hovers outside the black hole, and is not assimilated. I have to say that Xiao Ling is a prodigy, and the power on earth is incomparable to our planet Danube. If Xiao Ling really comes, he will deal with us. I think no matter how much strength we accumulate, we can't beat him with one hand. "

Yutian took a breath of cold air. It was a terrible thing to think about!

The three did not wait long, and then there was a change in the elements of time and space, which was the law of Meng Wanshan. In the gray of the space-time elements, there is fog rippling like ripples. Among the scattered ripples, there are nine palaces and eight trigrams.

Nine palaces, eight trigrams, all kinds of elements were born from the universe and carried forward on the earth.

Meng Wanshan takes a deep breath and rushes in from the crevice, shuttling through time and space and void. In that time and space, the intense rotation of the void, everything has exceeded the speed of light, and let Meng Wanshan feel that time has become slow, some places slow, some places fast.

Inside the space-time element is like a huge vortex. In the middle layer of rotation, it is like a high-speed floating train running fast. In the middle, there is a silver light body. That's where eclosion cave works.

Mengwanshan is to enter the eclosion cave. His body shape changes very fast. He looks at the eclosion cave, and his body shape twinkles.


The eclosion cave suddenly bumps Meng Wanshan out, and Meng Wanshan immediately falls into the space-time vortex inside. The space-time particles rush up crazily, encapsulating, compressing and crushing mengwanshan Boom Mengwanshan is directly transformed into space-time particles, which are completely engulfed by space-time black holes.

Although mengwanshan has the ability to communicate with heaven, it is still as small as ant dust in front of this black hole.

Time black hole is more than 100 times more powerful than dark element black hole!

Time is a unique force in the universe.

"This..." As soon as he saw the end of mengwanshan, he was shocked and began to withdraw. "It's too dangerous. If you and I go in, we'll be crushed."

Dream light dust sneer, she to dream Wanshan's death have no feeling, just ask: "are you afraid?"

"Not afraid, but not wanting to die." "Your rules are not right at all," he said

"If not, he can't see the eclosion cave!" Dream light dust said: "it's just that he was not lucky and didn't hit the gate of eclosion cave."

"I don't think it's normal to bump into the gate. It's one thousandth of luck to bump into the gate," he said

Dream light dust said: "whatever you like. If you don't want to go in, I'll go in. This kind of law is rare, missed the opportunity is no longer there. If you don't go in, I won't give you the two magic weapons I chose. Because opportunity and risk are equal. You don't want to take risks. Of course, there will be no good results. "

Yutian hesitated. After a while, he decided to take a chance.

If you enter Baoshan, how can you return empty handed.

"You first!" Yu Na Yi said.

"Of course!" Mengqingchen is duty bound, and her figure flashes into the ocean of time elements. Then, she goes into the whirlpool and flies to the high-speed spinning eclosion cave.

The next second, dream light dust went into the eclosion cave.

Yu day a see clearly, dream light dust success, and did not fly away.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he followed.

Yu naiichi's cultivation is on the top of Mengwan mountain, and he is lucky, so he smoothly enters the eclosion cave.

At the moment of breaking in, Yu Naiyi felt that his body seemed to have passed through a layer of energy waterfall. Then, the gate of the eclosion cave was closed again.

Mengqingchen stood in front of him, pretty and smiling.

"It seems that our luck is not bad. We have Danube in the sky!" Dream light dust said so.

Yu naiichi is also excited, he said: "that's right." At the same time, he looked at the eclosion cave.

In front of us is a huge palace, a magnificent palace, a dazzling treasure cave.The palace has a total area of 3000 square meters. Among the jewels, all kinds of magic tools and pills emerge one after anothe

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