Yu naiichi is also a person who has seen the world, but the baby in front of him still makes him feel a little dizzying.

Greed shone in his eyes.

At the same time, a man came out of the palace.

The man had no clothes, and his body was like yellow clay. The clay figurine is tall and has no expression on his face, not even his ears and nose. There is a mouth and eyes.

Eyes are for seeing, mouth is for speaking.

"Is this the puppet God?" Yu Nai Yi looks at the clay figurine coming.

Dream light dust said: "yes!"

Yu Tian Yi frowned and said, "it's like a puppet that Xiao Ling pinched casually with clay. He didn't even bother to pinch his nose and ears?"

Dream light dust wry smile a, say: "I see him for the first time, also is this kind of feeling."

Yu Nai Yi said: "we killed him together?"

Dream light dust said: "I advise you not to move this idea, because we Not his opponent. "

"When you came in, you were no match. Now it's been so many years. Together with you and me today, how can we not be rivals? " Yu Na Yi said: "are you too careful?"

"The pills in the whole treasure are all based on the puppet God. His power is endless, and he can control the time elements outside. Dare you say you and I can beat him together? " Dream light dust sneer. She went on to say: "choose the baby, don't make trouble."

The imperial naive a listen to dream light dust so a say, immediately also break the delusion, honest down. When they were talking, the puppet God had come to them.

"Can he hear us?" Yu Nai Yi asks Meng Qingchen with his mind.

"Nonsense!" Dream light dust said. After a pause, she said, "but it doesn't matter what you say. If you don't break the rules, he won't do it. Xiao Ling did not give him more wisdom when he forged him. I'm afraid that he will take the treasure for himself after he has self-consciousness. "

As soon as Meng Qingchen's words were finished, the puppet God stood still. He glanced at Meng Qingchen and Yu Nai, and then said, "this is the eclosion cave, created by my master Xiao Ling. Come in is predestined relationship. You can choose two treasures here. Remember, don't be greedy, or there will be thunder and anger. Here, yin and yang are reversed. If you don't want to leave, you can practice here. You can enjoy the pills at will. You can't take them out. "

"Good, good, great." "Thank you very much," he said

Dream light dust also made a gift.

Then the puppet God turned and left.

He took a few steps and his figure dissipated, as if he had never appeared.

Mengqingchen and Yunai began to choose their babies.

One by one, there are countless treasures and endless pots of pills. This makes Yu Nai Yi can't help but sigh: "who is Xiao Ling, who can accumulate so many treasures and pills. A puppet God is also powerful. If so, this man is the most terrible and greatest man I have ever seen in my life. "

Meng Qingchen said, "you can only describe this person in four words: longitude, latitude and earth. Moreover, it is said that Xiao Ling is not the most outstanding person on earth. Earth, if I have a chance, I really want to go for a walk. It's just a pity that I don't know where it is. " Then she said, "besides, do you think his treasure is this hall? Far more than that. There's a layer inside. It's just that I can't get in. You need a specific key to get in. "

"Is that right?" he said He immediately searched and soon saw a bronze gate at the end.

He flashed to the bronze gate.

The puppet God immediately appeared behind Yu naiichi.

"This is the fairyland treasure of our Lord Xiao Ling. If you want to go in, you need to get the bronze order that our Lord Xiao Ling left on the earth system."

Yu Nai was a little embarrassed.

Dream light dust also flashed to Yu Naiyi's side: "let's die this heart, we don't even know where the earth is, let alone bronze order. You can't break through. You can't beat the puppet God. If you win immediately, the whole treasure ground will collapse without bronze order. Here, or it's the end of not winning. Once we win, the whole treasure will collapse and die in the black hole of time. Xiao Ling put the eclosion cave in this place. It's absolutely the most wonderful part, and it's absolutely safe. "

Yu naivety could not help admiring Xiao Ling's arrangement. He's really giving up now.

Then the two men began to search around for the baby.

This baby, multifarious, colorful and fascinating, really let the emperor see a dazzle.

Yunaiichi's eyes were suddenly attracted by a manual hanging on the wall.

He reached for the manual and held it in his hand.

The words on the manual are the language of the earth. I can't understand them. He flashed to mengqingchen and said, "do you understand this?"Dream light dust swept an eye, said: "I have already learned the earth language, I pass it to you, you see for yourself."

When she finished, there was a flash of light on her fingertips. This light was bounced into the brain of Yu Nai Yi by her again.

There are a lot of information in this light, all of which are an analysis of the earth's language structure. As soon as he accepted it, he understood it. Then he could read the letter directly.

"Xiao Ling's notes!"

This is the cover of a black book cover. This letter is made of a kind of meteorite iron, but it's extremely thin. Even after many years, it won't be corroded.

All the words on it are extraordinary, as if they are about to jump out.

Yu Tianyi is very interested in Xiao Ling. He opens the letter.

The first page says

"The war between gods and demons is shocking. The so-called immortals are just chess pieces! If one day, Kunpeng spread its wings, it must be far away from the earth, far away from the control of heaven

Page 2:

"I am determined to create the eclosion gate and fight with the protoss!"

Page 3:

"it takes 30 years for me and 20 years for the man of nature to create the eclosion gate and the yuntianzong sect, both of which can compete with the Protoss. Emperor Jiuyou, that's all

Page 4:

"Tianzhou is just a small place. Fighting in it is like a fish in a fish pond, which can't be compared with the ocean hegemony. It's necessary to leave Tianzhou. It's the same with the true man of fortune. I'll get along with him as soon as I get along with him. Fairyland is our goal. At the time of leaving, in order to avoid Jiuyou Tiandi's poisoning, we are determined to kill him! "

Page 5:

"Jiuyou Tiandi has been killed by Wuhe Zaohua, so the protoss can't be afraid from now on!"

Page 6:

"I have finally come to the legendary fairyland, Kepler planet, with the immortal Creator!"

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