It is obvious that this note was written by Xiao Ling casually, and the time span is very large. Moreover, Yu Tianyi also saw that Xiao Ling's style of action was extremely decisive and he didn't procrastinate. Because although he kept the notes, he often said a few words and didn't feel much.

"Fairyland? What fairyland The imperial day a dark way. Although he did not know the existence of fairyland, he undoubtedly knew that it was a more powerful place. Behind the bronze gate of this treasure is the treasure of fairyland.

Yu Na Yi continued to watch.

Page 7:

"when I first came to the fairyland, I thought I could be proud of the world with all my abilities. How can we know that we are just frogs in the bottom of the well, ridiculous! From fish ponds to the ocean, that's the essential difference. "

Page 8:

"today, the immortal envoys of Xianjie humiliate me and make me live under their crotch. I I've got it. I have never bowed my head in my life. Today's humiliation is a great shame. One day, I will kill the whole family

Page 9:

"the difference between the real man and me, I enter the sea of clouds and immortals, and I will die a long time!"

Page 10:

"the fairy land in the sea of clouds is cruel and terrifying. The sun of limitless light and stars will cover the fairy land. If the clouds and fog do not disperse, the immortal will not survive. The radiation of the limitless light star makes all the creatures and plants in the immortal realm evolve and mutate, and they are in crisis step by step. Fortunately, the Qionghua fairy saved them

Page 11:

"ten years together, today Qionghua married me, and my old friend, Mr. Zaohua, came to visit us in the immortal realm. I feel very happy. It has been more than 30 years since we entered the fairyland, and the real man of nature has found his own way. We do not regret this choice. I confirmed the Taoist art with the real man of Zaohua and gave the lotus treasure to my old friends. My old friend gave me Loulan heaven. He said that this is the thing of the earth. "

Page 12:

"after three hundred years, I have finally completely controlled the sea of clouds and immortals."

Page 13:

"I killed the goddamn fairy. There were 3600 people in his family, and I killed all his children, women and children. Fast, fast! In this battle, my name was widely spread in the immortal world, and some people began to call me the Immortal King

Page 14:

"for 1200 years, I have been king of heaven for hundreds of years. The fairyland is more and more chaotic. I miss my hometown earth. Determined to go to earth with Qionghua. "

Page 15:

"the insect emperor was so arrogant that he came to our fairy land to get 1000 figs. I had a bitter fight with him. The insect king was very fierce. I joined forces with Qionghua, but I was defeated. This is the first time that I have been defeated in my life

Page 16:

"the fairyland is becoming more and more restless. There is a mysterious force to disturb the fairyland. I am determined to choose a place for the treasure of my life and place it properly. But I must go back to the fairyland. I have been on earth for only a few hundred years and in fairyland for more than a thousand years. Fairyland is my glory, no foreign invasion. I live and die with the fairyland

When the notes are written here, it stops abruptly.

The emperor returns the letter to the distance. Of course, he won't take the letter. It's not a treasure. Even if you've seen it.

"Obviously, Xiao Ling went back to the earth later and put the bronze order on the earth. After that, he went back to the fairyland. But I don't know what kind of mysterious person can threaten such a place as fairyland? I don't know what happened to Xiao Ling and fairyland? "

I'm too lazy to think about it. His top priority is to find the right magic weapon and use it by himself.

East Xinjiang, Zifu!

The supreme Pavilion of Zifu was searched by Chen Yang and his party, and they gained countless magic weapons and pills. But there's nothing particularly good about it. Even so, everyone has made a lot of money.

But soon. Chen Yang and his party can't be at peace. Because Chen Ling can't feel the existence of an Ruo su.

This means that there is something wrong with Suzhen and enroso.

Chen Ling's heart sank.

He and an ruosu have deep feelings, and can't accept the result of the little girl's accident. He didn't believe that little girl would have an accident.

Chen Ling wants to go to the Julong clan to find out the news, but Chen Yang stops him in time.

"If Bai Suzhen and the little girl really have an accident, master Ling, it won't help if you go like this." Chen Yang said in a deep voice.

Chen Ling said, "in your opinion?"

Chen Yang also finds it tricky.

He can't believe Suzhen in black will have an accident.

"We can't do it alone, but we can't attack the dragon clan together now. If they really have the ability to catch Bai Suzhen and them, then we will be dead together. And if they don't, wait, maybe they'll come back. I believe Bai Suzhen will be OK. No one can kill her in this world. "

Chen Ling is not reckless.

"We have to prepare for the worst." Chen Ling said: "wait another three hours, if there is no news after that. Let's break into the dragon clan together

Chen Yang agreed with Chen Ling.

The more this time, the more can't self chaos.They need to be calm, extraordinary calm.

At this time, Luo Feng suddenly said to Chen Ling, "master, I have a gift for you."

Chen Ling was slightly stunned.

Luo Feng doesn't say much, but there is a magic pill in his hand. He shoots it directly to Chen Ling.

Chen Ling didn't think much about it, so she took it. When he caught the source of the magic power, he immediately understood what it was.

It's not only the source of supernatural power, but also the secret art of fairyland.

The origin of magic power is big gene technology!

Chen Ling immediately understood, and he couldn't help flashing a happy look in his eyes.

After the combination of gene purification and gene purification, we can change each other's environment.

It's a real addition.

"Luo Feng, I owe you another favor." Chen Ling said.

Luo Feng said: "master, don't say that. You are here to help our brother. Only our brother owes you. If there is a mistake in your spirit, we are all sinners. "

A touch of pain flashed in Chen Ling's eyes, but he soon shook his head and said, "she will never be OK."

After a pause, Chen Ling said, "it will take me three hours to understand the origin of this magic power. After three hours, they won't come back. Anyway, I can't wait any longer. "

Chen Yang said, "OK, master!"

In fact, his heart is more anxious than Chen Ling, but he can't be confused.

The best result is that Su Zhen and an Ruo Su are back in time now, otherwise, the variables are unimaginable.

No one knows, accident or tomorrow, which one will come first!

Although, people are worried about the safety of Suzhen and anruosu. But no one believed that something had really happened to them. They can't have an accident. Everyone knows what they can do.

If the other side has the ability to kill Suzhen in black, then they won't lose.

Dawn is coming.

Over Zifu, the snow finally stopped.

The sky was clear.

Three hours passed.

There is still no news from Suzhen and anruoso. Chen Yang has ordered all the people here, including the magic mountain sky, the magic mountain Liancheng, and the deadly scholars.

Chen Yang's experts are all here.

If you order all the people, they will be ready to go.

But at this time, the shadow outside the purple house flickered, and then, many experts locked the purple house.

It's obviously not Suzhen in black and anjuosu.

It's mengqingchen, the first class master of Yutian.

Chen Yang's heart beat violently.

His body trembled, and uncontrollable fear dominated his brain.

He is not afraid of dreams, nor is he afraid of death. He knows what it means. Mengqingchen dare to take the initiative to attack, which means that there is something wrong with Suzhen and anruosu in black

Chen Yang can't accept it. He can't accept it!

Ling'er holds Chen Yang's hand. She also knows what it means. Her sadness is no less than Chen Yang's.

Bai Suzhen is one of the few people she likes and respects in the world!

Chen Ling's face was also very blue, and she was extremely ugly.

At this moment, nothing else needs to be said.

All the people immediately flew out of the palace and came to the square.

In the sky of the square, the big army of mengqingchen comes, and the Dragon roams in the void, with countless experts.

Dream light dust, Yu Nai Yi led.

At the same time, a group of people, such as Yanchen, also came.

Business has no way, fresh to agriculture, fresh to snow.

There is also an elder who finally follows Meng Qingchen, elder Cangsong!

This is the force of dream light dust.

Yunaiichi also brought many experts of the dragon clan.

Two dragon elders, a dragon king, and an archaic dragon. The cultivation of Taigu Tianlong is only for yunaiyi.

The dragon clan can compete with the purple mansion, so that the purple mansion does not dare to have delusions. It is absolutely powerful. This is why Chen Yang defeated Meng Qingchen's troops at that time, but did not chase them rashly. At that time, Luo Feng and ling'er were all injured. If you go forward rashly, the dragon clan will fight to the death. At that time, the winner is not sure.

The current situation is extremely dangerous.

It's more dangerous than before Chen Yang returned to earth.

At this time, the dream light dust high spirited, eyes with publicity. Although she hasn't won yet, she feels proud in her heart.

Dream light dust's eyes scan Chen Yang's side of the people, finally eyes locked Chen Yang: "you probably did not expect, today this situation will be how to appear?"

"What's the situation?" Although Chen Yang's heart is not calm, even anxious and worried. But he remained calm. "Do you think you have won?""Chen Yang, I have to admit that you have a lot of cleverness. You get the upper hand many times, but it doesn't take many times to really win or lose. I'll beat you once, that's enough. You don't have to be lucky. The woman in black and the elf are dead. If they don't die, how can I come here with all my might! " Dream light dust words such as a knife, hard into the heart of Chen Yang.

"No way!" Chen Yang couldn't keep calm any longer. His body was shocked.

Chen Ling's eyes came out with cold light, which was intended to condense in his eyes.

If an ruosu really died, he would kill the woman in front of him.

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