great mansion on the point of collapse!

This is Chen Ling's situation!

Besides, Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu face a dragon king and elder Cangsong. Both of them are masters of creation, comparable to the existence of creation. The two of them work hard against one, not to mention two. Fortunately, Qin Lin's time shift is a secret skill of the fairyland. It's really wonderful. In addition, Fu Qingzhu's Bronze immortal hall is also a powerful weapon, so they can only barely support it. However, the mana consumption of Qin Lin was extremely serious. If it went on like this, it would be a dead end.

The situation is one-sided.

It can be said that the only thing better is Chen Yang's side.

Chen Yang, ling'er and Huo Hongjin face the attack of Taigu Tianlong, xianguinong, shangwudao and xianyuxue.

Xianyu xuehen Chen Yang killed her brother, but her ability is limited. Huohongjin can suppress her steadily by herself. At the same time, the great flame art of huohongjin reached its peak. Her fire cave burned the archaic dragon, fresh in snow, fresh in agriculture, and no business. Chen Yang and ling'er started the double cultivation directly!

Although Chen Yang was anxious, he knew the situation at that time. He has to win quickly and then help others. Only in this way can we have a ray of life!

Chen Yang and ling'er practice Yin and Yang, and their power is integrated into the black hole crystal.

The crystal of black hole envelops the eyes of heaven and the sword of killing immortals!

At the same time, a large number of pills were absorbed by Chen Yang into the black hole crystal. No matter how fierce these people attack, Chen Yang and ling'er work together to absorb and transform all their power by using the black hole vortex. Later, the killing immortal sword and the great killing skill were performed by ling'er. The sea of murderous spirit is surging and majestic, the power of spirit is illusory, and the eyes of heaven are shining.

This is a war of flourishing age, which makes the merchants have no way, the fresh farmers return, and the Taigu Tianlong fall into countless obstacles. In the maze, there are countless murderers behind.

Chen Yang has the upper hand!

At the same time, in the face of Xianyu Xue's gnashing hatred, Chen Yang has no compassion at all. He helps ling'er to go out with a sword and chop Xianyu Xue's head out in front of xianguinong.

Xian Yuxue died on the spot!

Fresh returned farmers burst out with bloody tears, grief and anger. Chen Yang's side is still merciless, continuous killing.

Chen Yang and ling'er absorb strength and attack like fish in water. The combination of yin and Yang mana transforms countless forces.

The sword Qi is in the sky!

Big universe thunder sword!


At that moment, Chen Yang and ling'er aim at Shang Wudao with the sword of killing immortals, and cut out three big cosmic thunder swords in a row. After the three swords, Shang Wudao's body is dead and the Tao disappears!

So next, there are only Taigu Tianlong and Xiangui Nong.

Taigu Tianlong and xianguinong realized that the attack was ineffective, so they began to avoid it carefully and pestered Chen Yang and ling'er.

They can afford it.

Chen Yang and ling'er speed up their absorption of the elixir, and their strength becomes violent. They gain the upper hand and attack and kill again and again

The battle between Luo Feng and Meng Qingchen also started.

Although Luo Feng is powerful, he can't see enough in front of mengqingchen.

Mengqingchen absorbs Luo Feng's juexian sword poison technique with a magic mirror and dissolves it. At the same time, absorb Luo Feng's blood with the new magic weapon blood swallowing sword.

Luo Feng has been chopped 108 swords by mengqingchen.

Swords are deadly wounds!

If you change your opponent, you've been dead 108 times. But Luo Feng can recover every time and fight back.

But his blood loss is too much, the whole person can't help but start to become weak.

"No accident, it seems that we are going to die here." Luo Qingxin said in Luo Feng's brain: "your opponent is very smart! First the design killed Bai Suzhen, and now use this sword to absorb your blood. Your blood, even under the killing of Loulan heaven, can also damage the essence. But this sword is absorbing your blood and spirit

Luo Feng cold voice said: "less nonsense, tell me, how to do?"

Luo Qingxin said: "there was a time when Linghui was helpless, and now I am helpless. The best way is to escape. You have to go. For the sake of the overall situation here, mengqingchen will not pursue you. "

"All right!" Luo Feng was silent for a moment, and said, "if you die like this, it's all over."

It's impossible to escape!

Luo Feng no longer pays attention to Luo Qingxin and meets Meng Qingchen again. "Big sword light, big wind fire, big phagocytosis, big sea howling!"

Fairyland, fusion!

Luo Feng roared and fused all the four magic powers, which immediately gave birth to a purple Qi. This purple Qi forms a huge sword. The purple huge sword roared, with the supreme willpower, cut back the blood eating sword of mengqingchen. He and Meng Qingchen are flying in the air, and the purple sword suppresses the blood eating sword everywhere. For a moment, Luo Feng has the upper hand.

However, although the application of this magic can restrain the four powers of mengqingchen's creation, his mana consumption is particularly serious. Even if he has the upper hand, he will die.At a time when the magic mountain mansion, Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu are all hard to support

There was a big bang.

Everyone was surprised and looked at the sound

At that moment, Chen Ling did something. He saw that he was going to die. When he couldn't resist it, he suddenly got wise in a hurry and swallowed the mountain and sea beads by force.

He can feel the power of shanhaizhu, but he can't start it. So he thought that even if he died, Yuan Shen would take revenge for an ruosu.

He is such a strong man.

In her life, Chen Ling has experienced countless dangers and fallen into countless desperate situations.

But in recent years, no one has forced him to this position. Today, Yu Nai Yi did it.

However, just when Chen Ling was ready to die, something wonderful happened.

The mountain and sea pearl directly ran into Chen Ling's brain.

It's like going home!

Shanhaizhu settled down in Chen Ling's mind and quickly integrated into Chen Ling's brain. Various brain neurons and other cells fused with shanhaizhu.

It's like It was a part of Chen Ling's head.

Such a powerful force will not make Chen Ling unbearable, but is equal to a huge space in Chen Ling's brain. It can help Chen Ling bear endless power.

Chen Lingzhu must experience the innumerable things in an instant. Must have the creation of the gas fusion, in order to combine with the mountain and sea beads!

This is his chance, great fortune!

Exactly, the master of creation would never come to devour such a mountain and sea pearl. Although the starting mode of shanhaizhu is unknown, the master of creation can definitely feel how terrible the power and space inside shanhaizhu are. To swallow it is to seek death!

Ordinary master swallow, is dead!

The master of creation is afraid of death and can't swallow it!

And Chen Ling is now looking for death and swallowing, which is the real death and afterlife.

A lot of things, that's often the case.

The mountain and sea pearls were tossed by countless people's hands. Nie Meiniang's old man knew that the pearls were precious. Nie Meiniang also knows how precious it is, so she gives it to Chen Yang. Chen Yang knows more about value, and Qin Lin doesn't need to say. But how, everybody covers on the hand so long, just take it to have no way.

Shanhaizhu didn't stay in Chen Ling's hands for more than four hours, but she was inspired by Chen Ling.

This is fate, fate!

Sometimes in life there must be, but never in life!

There is a change in Chen Ling's brain. He feels that he is integrated with shanhaizhu. It seems that there are mountains, rivers and vast rivers and lakes in shanhaizhu. But actually, it's all anger!

It is the essence of mountains, rivers and vast rivers.

This mountain and sea pearl doesn't need any tools. Qi Ling is Chen Ling's brain domain, which can be controlled at will, as I like.


At that moment, Chen Ling roared, and then his figure flashed.

The Youming Yuanshen and the dark heavenly punishment Yuanshen were already weak, but at this time, Chen Lingqiang would take them back to their bodies.

The two dragon elders immediately gathered around.

Yu Tianyi and two dragon elders surround Chen Ling. There was a cruel light in their eyes.

Chen Ling moves faster!

At the same time, he roared, the spirit of yuan and Shen united, and spewed out the essence of Shan Hai Zhu.


The essence of the mountain and sea quickly spread out, such as prison, such as the sea, such as mountain torrents burst out, the sea rolled, burst and spread out all around. The sky over Zifu is rapidly becoming an ocean.

Then there are mountains and rivers!

In all directions, the black iron mountain will lock this space, the space of thousands of miles!

The black iron mountain is like an iron wall.

Ocean, mountains and rivers, the essence of mountain, sea and pearl.

The sea is not an ordinary sea, but a sea in which the Dharma and the deity combine the essence, the spirit and the mystery. So is iron mountain!

The sudden change caught everyone off guard.

When Yu Tianyi and the dragon grow up to fight together, the sea water submerges, and Chen Ling shuttles through the sea water.

Sea water is the essence and molecule he knows best. This mountain and sea world has become Chen Ling's ashram!

Chen Ling changes continuously. When people are in danger, Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu feel the goodwill of ocean elements, and they shuttle directly.

Shuttle through the void!

But the opponents do not have the ability to shuttle, because the sea water and molecules are unfriendly, seamless and frenzied in their eyes.

Chen Yang and ling'er are very upset about killing each other. At this time, they feel the change and start to be stunned. Then they are overjoyed. They finally locked in the fresh return to agriculture, and Taigu Tianlong was slightly blocked by the sea!

They feel the goodwill of the sea, interspersed with changes, and then try their best to sword!In an instant, it creates a false image through the eyes of the heavens and the crystal stone of the soul.

Xianguinong felt that there were 100 big universe thunder swords coming, and he quickly used his power to resist. But What he resisted were all illusions, but when he relaxed, the real big universe thunder sword came!

Xianguinong was cut to pieces in an instant!

"All close to me!" At this time, Chen Ling shouts loudly in the center of the ocean.

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