With Chen Ling a big drink, Chen Yang side of the people and horses all gathered toward Chen Ling. The sea opened the door for them.

Dream light dust wrinkled, she did not pursue Luo Feng, this change in front of her is unexpected, this group of people on earth, always can give her some unexpected.

There's sea water all around!

In this kind of sea water, the density is very high, and it seems to have infinite mysteries. The dream light dust's idea straws in the past, unexpectedly can only strafe to within ten li scope. Other places are mixed. She also felt that the sea was vast, and it seemed to blend with the world. It's like this is a real ocean, not a magic weapon.

In this, it is difficult for her to travel through the void. The only way is to cut a hole in front of you.

Open up the space!

Dream light dust will be in the hands of the ten thousand magic mirror sacrifice, suddenly, countless sea water crazy into the ten thousand magic mirror inside. Wanfa characters began to absorb and dissolve the mountain and sea water.

Mengqingchen decided to understand the water of the mountain and sea first, and then seek action, know yourself and the enemy, in order to win a hundred battles.

Wearing the God of war's bloody armor and holding the immortal yuan God sword, Yu Naiyi comes to mengqingchen. Other people and so on, also quickly remit to the dream light dust side. Meng Qingchen glances at the past and sees that three of them have died She thought that the heavy fresh in the snow, business no way, fresh to farmers all died. On the other side, there's only Quinn and Quinn dead.

"Such an advantage Actually Rubbish Mengqingchen is very angry.

Taigu Tianlong said in a deep voice: "Miss dream, it's no wonder that we are here. The magic power of Chen Yang and the woman is very strange, and they have immortal tools in their hands. They are skillful in magic. We can't defeat them. "

Yu naivete said in a deep voice: "I'm going to take Chen Ling, but he doesn't know what strange things he swallowed, which makes the present situation."

"Such a huge weapon and array will consume countless mana, and it will not last forever!" A dragon elder said immediately.

Mengqingchen said in a cold voice, "follow me and split the mountains and rivers together. No matter what magic weapon it is, it will be destroyed. "

"Good!" Everyone should be.

Mengqingchen's body flickers and quickly splits the sea water in front of him.

The sea separated, but quickly came together. The speed of dream light dust is greatly reduced.

Mountains and rivers, endless space forest!

Mengqingchen leads people to crack countless spaces and watch them reach mountains and rivers

At this time, Chen Ling's singing finally came out.

The sound is melodious and it seems to be everywhere.

"It's this Taoist art again!" Yutian was surprised.

"His Taoist art doesn't work for us. Don't ignore it!" Dream light dust sink voice say.

That deep in the sea, gushing out the infinite brilliance, the brilliance is dazzling, the ocean has become transparent in general.

Huge mana began to penetrate into the mountain and sea. The sea was like light, warm and irresistible.

Chen Ling's singing is more and more urgent!

Dream light dust side of such as smoke dust toward the sky, in that heavy space, she saw Chen Yang and others are trying to inject mana to Chen Ling.

Chen Ling is actually absorbing the mana of everyone.

Dream light dust obviously also saw, she was surprised, secret way: "no wonder can have such a strong power."

"God said, no matter from the universe or the earth, all creatures are infected with my genes and ordered by me!"

Chen Ling suddenly sang such a sentence.

In the infinite light of the sea, the light fell on the people of mengqingchen and then entered the people's bodies.

No matter how to use mana to dispel it, it's useless!

"No!" I can't help losing face.

At that moment, everyone felt that they were limited. Action is also gradually slow up!

"No, it's very bad." Yutian yelled. He urged the magic power to resist the feeling that his body was gradually stiff.

Dream light dust also fell into this rigidity.

On the side of mengqingchen, all the masters are struggling with their mana.

Chen Ling's face is calm, and his mana is wantonly passing.

He did successfully perform a great prophecy, the God of the emperor will be the yuan Shen were imprisoned. But that time, strictly speaking, there were only three people, Chen Tianya and Shen Muran. Dongfang Jing did not burden him.

Chen Yang is not worth mentioning.

Today is different. There are many masters of creation in the arena today. Moreover, all of them are not the species of the earth. He has to run big gene in them, which aggravates Chen Ling's mana consumption.

In fact, generally speaking, the mana of Chen Yang and his party have their own reasons. It is not pure power, and it is difficult to inject into Chen Ling and be used. Moreover, even Chen Ling should not be able to bear such huge mana.Dongfang Jing's mana is not counted because her mana and skills are a kind of nutritional power.

And now Chen Ling is lucky to have that mountain and sea pearl in his brain, so he can bear the huge mana.

Great prophecy works for Chen Yang and Chen Ling uses great prophecy to turn their mana into pure energy.

At the same time, after the combination of big gene and big prophecy, they are also responsible for forcibly transforming the species origin factors of mengqingchen and others.

Right now, Meng Qingchen and his party are struggling.

Chen Ling hasn't completely controlled them. Every second, Chen Ling's mana consumption is unimaginable. All the elixirs they got in the purple mansion's supreme Pavilion were absorbed without money and converted into mana, then injected into Chen Ling's brain.

"God said, you can move!" Chen Ling suddenly pointed to the red scarf.

Fire red towel immediately felt that she was stripped out, she did not need to send mana to Chen Ling.

Fire red towel also need not Chen lingduo to say, then knew own mission.

She quickly ran to kill mengqingchen. She wanted to be the first to kill mengqingchen.

"No!" Seeing this, Chen Ling was surprised. Dream light dust has not been completely controlled!

But the speed of fire scarlet is too fast. She runs the flame saber and gathers all the mana to cut off Meng Qingchen's white neck. She wants to cut off Meng Qingchen's head with a sword.

At this time, the cold light in mengqingchen's eyes flashed.

"To die!" Mengqingchen's blood swallowing sword suddenly appears, and he cuts it with one sword.


A sword a knife roars to kill together, the flame God knife instant ashes.

Fire red scarf foreboding bad, body shape rapid retreat.

Mengqingchen moves faster. With the power of blood swallowing sword, he cuts out a sword light towards the red scarf of fire!

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