All the black particles form layers of vortices, and the invisible gravity is pulling people toward the center. In that center, black holes have formed. Particles wash people, crush people, and then devour people.

This let dream light dust hand this side of the master felt the unspeakable sense of fear. This fear is the fear of the unknown.

At the same time, Chen Yang and his party were also hidden by Suzhen in black. Even dream dust can't find their trace.

Mengqingchen took a deep breath. Her eyes were burning. She immediately said to the crowd, "this woman has been sucked into the dark tide, and has brought out the mystery and fear of the dark tide. But she won't have the real power of the dark tide after all. Don't be afraid to be involved in the middle of the core. Now, let's break into the middle of the core with me and break her spell from the core

Su Zhen in black is slightly awe inspiring.

She came back from the past, and her accomplishments were greatly increased. Her black hole core is indeed the most powerful and terrifying. But as Meng Qingchen said, she can't have all the power of the dark tide. If all these people break into the core, it's really hard for her to do.

"This woman is really not simple!" Even though she is in a hostile relationship with mengqingchen, Suzhen in black has to admire and praise mengqingchen.

"Mengqingchen, you are really smart!" Suzhen's voice sounded in the void. "Probably, you succeeded in drawing me into danger. In your eyes, Bai Suzhen is a fool. But you won't understand that I fell in because of my contempt for you and my long-term self-confidence. And now, I don't need to deal with you. The dark tide is the result of my essence. You don't know the real change of the dark tide. So you can't find me. I just need to kill your men, your helpers first. And you Once the medicine is over, it will be death waiting for you

Dream light dust Jiao body a quiver, this instant, she really felt fear. And the tide of darkness does produce changes. The endless tide surges in, and countless particles form countless spaces to isolate her. She can no longer feel where other people around her are.

At the same time, Yu Tianyi, the elder of the dragon clan, Taigu Tianlong and so on were all isolated. That's the magic of the dark tide. Even the masters of creation didn't break the space puzzle so quickly.

This is Suzuki Heiyi's understanding of the power of the dark tides.

Suzhen in black is going to kill ruyanchen and tell them. In her eyes, these people are too easy to kill.

Seeing the action of Suzhen in black, the sky of the magic mountain immediately said in a loud voice: "white girl, no, they didn't mean to be enemies, but they had to! I'd like to ask Miss Bai to raise her hand! "

"What do you have to do?" Suzhen in black took a look at the sky of the magic mountain and said, "the benevolence of women and human beings, what's the last resort? You can be killed as well."

Then, Suzhen in black came to the front of the smoke.

At that moment, like smoke and dust in a dark space, surrounded by sand. She felt fear coming, and then, in the dark sand behind her, a thunder sword came. She gathered her mind and quickly drove a sword of Yuanshen to resist.

The sword is like a flash of light, and it is like a tide in the blue sea. Suddenly, the waves are rough, and it kills Suzhen's thunder sword directly to ashes.

Ruyanchen is the head of a government, but he is not a waste.

Suzhen in black was a little surprised. Now she spent too much energy to restrain others. Although an ruosu is a powerful helper, she can hardly shake the dust without Chen Ling's support.

Su Zhen in black grabs an Ruo Su and smashes her to pieces. Androsol quickly dispersed into the black particles. These black particles immediately poured into the dust like crazy.

The current situation is that if one person is killed, Suzhen in black can withdraw part of her strength to deal with others.

If smoke and dust are shrouded in black particles, there are dark dragon mosquitoes in the black particles. She immediately turned her long purple hair into armor and wrapped it around her body.

At the moment, ruyanchen complained repeatedly. She said repeatedly, "master, please accept the thunder. It's a last resort for me to fight against you."

Suzhen in black doesn't care. She is not a killer, but after she understands the truth of the universe, she is indifferent to the lives of these people.

Under the mana bonus of Suzhen in black, the dust like purple armor is nibbled by the black dragon mosquito in the blink of an eye. Then, black dress Su Zhen again a sword cut to kill in the past, clean and neat will be like smoke dust to kill.

Then there are the experts under ruyanchen, Suzhen in black and ruosu in an. After a while, they will all be killed.


The tide of darkness began to roll up. Suzhen in black saw mengqingchen and yutianyi, as well as the elders of the dragon clan and Taigu Tianlong, all of them were operating the Qi of creation. With their understanding and all their mana, Suzhen in black roared the boundary of space under Suzhen cloth.

They are not trapped by the pure magic power of ozhen.

At present, especially mengqingchen, she is struggling to death, and her magic power is so strong that Suzhen in black doesn't dare to fight alone.Black dress Su Zhen tiny frown, suddenly heart next move, but directly broke the dream light dust of fetter.

At this moment, mengqingchen left the dark tide directly.

The dream light dust stands in the sky of purple mansion, snowflakes fall one after another, Wanli snow peak is desolate.

She looks down at the dark tide.

She knew that she could go in again.

She may not be able to defeat Suzhen in black.

However, she knows very well that if Suzhen in black takes all those people away, she has nothing to do. She can't kill Suzhen in black.

If, Black Yi Su Zhen does not die, and her own medicine has passed?

Such a simple multiple choice question, dream light dust is absolutely will do.

But, dream light dust is not reconciled.

She looked at Zifu and the planet with nostalgia. This is her home star, where she was born and witnessed her growth.

"Farewell, Danube! Sooner or later, I will come back. Woman in black, your name is Bai Suzhen? And Chen Yang, I will pay back the humiliation you have given me one day. "

Mengqingchen finally takes a look at the world she is familiar with, and then turns into a rainbow, breaking through the atmosphere and into the universe.

She was so fast that she had left Danube for hundreds of thousands of miles in a minute.

She didn't know when she would be back. But the only thing she knows is that when she comes back in the future, it will be the return of the king, and she will be absolutely sure. She will also go to earth to find Chen Yang and Suzhen in black.

There is a girl in my dream, named Qingchen.

Life strong, not weaker than people!

In the dark tide, without the dream dust, the pressure of Suzhen in Heiyi was greatly reduced.

The law of the dark tides is stronger.

Black clothes Su Zhen and an Ruo Su then went to check out a group of experts. These experts were also killed completely by black clothes Su Zhen and an Ruo su.

Later, Suzhen in black and anruosu killed Taigu Tianlong together.

Then he killed the two dragon elders!

After that, there was only Yu Nai Yi left in the field.

The dark tides are more stable.

Yunaiichi of course also found this situation, and the space change in front of him, those dark particles slowly formed a human body shape, which is black Suzhen.

Enroso followed.

At this moment, Yu Naiyi was desperate. He looked at Suzhen in black, with fear and despair in his eyes. At this moment, his mood was extremely complicated.

"Evil animal, do you remember what I said? I'll kill you Black dress vegetable Zhen eyes cold lie, a word says.

Yu Nai Yi was very bitter and said, "if I kneel down to beg for mercy and admit my mistake to you, can you give me a way to live?"

"I don't know, but if you do, I'll think about it." Black Yi Su Zhen sneers a, say.

Yu Nai Yi gave up all his dignity. He turned into a human figure and knelt down.

Yutianyi was cultivated into human form, but human form was a lower level existence, he didn't care.

At this time, he knelt down, left and right bow, fan his face into a pig's head.

"White girl, I'm not as good as pork. I deserve to die. Please give me a way to live. From now on, I would like to be a cow and a horse... "

At this time, Yu naivete did not have any pride again and again. He was so humble that he just wanted to find a way out.

"Good, very good!" Suzhen of black dress caresses a palm to laugh, she says: "I consider good."

There was a glimmer of hope in Yu Nai's eyes.

Then, Suzhen in Black said coldly: "I still decided to kill you!"

"You..." Yu Nai was filled with grief and anger, and his resentment reached the extreme. He immediately got up and turned into a dragon form, which was about to explode to Suzhen in black. Since we can't get life, we have to fight for it.

"Slow down!" Chen Yang recovered some injuries at this time, and he quickly came to Suzhen in black.

"What for?" Suzhen in black is a little upset.

Yu Nai Yi, however, immediately regained his momentum. He felt a trace of vitality!

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Yu Naiyi can't kill you!"

"Why?" She said.

Chen Yang said: "the dream of light dust will return one day. Who will deal with her? We can't be here for long. If we just leave, in the future, mengqingchen will come back, and the elves and human beings will all be poisoned by her! "

Black Yi Su Zhen is not very straightforward still, say: "have what relation with us!"

"It has something to do with me!" Chen Yang said.

Black Yi Su Zhen helpless, said: "good good, all listen to you."

Chen Yang is smiling.

Yu naivete was relieved for a long time.

Chen Yang then also looked at Yu Naiyi, he hugged his fist and said: "master Dragon God!"The emperor is naive a tiny a Leng, Chen Yang so polite, he also really some embarrassed. "You are welcome," she said

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