Chen Yang said, "I don't know what mengqingchen said to you. It probably tells you that we are going to invade Danube." He pauses and says: "but all these are lies. Mengqingchen is a wolf with ambition. She has almost killed the Terran and become a slave of Zixing. It is precisely because of the fear that the Elves will become the next human race that Arthur ratty, the king of elves, will fight against the purple star race with me. Now, his highness Arthur ratty has also been poisoned. I'm afraid the Elves will be destroyed by her, so I went all the way to find my friends to help me. "

Yu Tian Tian was angry and said, "Meng Qingchen, a mean bitch, is so secretive. She told me that you have united with the beast God and successfully become the king of spirits. Now we have to move the earth to occupy Danube. I was taken in by her

Yunaiichi is really angry, not to mention the others. Today's practice is not enough. He pulled all the experts of the dragon clan, but she felt the danger. She ran away, regardless of the life and death of the dragon clan. This makes Yu Nai and Meng Qingchen hate each other.

Chen Yang doesn't care whether Yu Nai Yi is sincere or fake. He says to Yu Nai Yi, "we may leave Danube recently. If you want to live, there is only one way to go. Even if you let the magic mountain sky control your brain, you don't have to worry about what the magic mountain sky will do to you. Because I'll send someone to control the sky. Human race, can't be the slave of any race

Yu Na Yi wry smile, say: "I agree, I have no choice originally."

"So good!" Chen Yang waved and let the magic mountain sky come. After that, the magic mountain sky successfully controlled the brain of Yu naiichi.

After that, Chen Yangcai said, "go back to the Julong clan first. One day later, come back to Zifu to report. I have something else to tell you."

"Yes," he said

Then, Yu Nai Yi left.

Get out of here in ashes!

This result is probably something he never thought of.

The purple mansion has finally recovered its peace.

In the Purple Palace of Zifu, Chen Yang checks the injuries of all the people. Other people's injuries are not serious, the most serious is Fu Qingzhu, followed by huohongjin. Fire red towel does not worry about life, good health recuperation can be cured.

However, Fu Qingzhu began to have muscle atrophy and kidney failure. All his mana is lax and cannot be condensed. If there is no accident, he will die.

In the luxurious bedroom of purple god palace, Fu Qingzhu lay on the bed, and he fell into a coma.

In the face of Fu Qingzhu, all of them were helpless and didn't know how to save him.

"Master Ling, you are the most knowledgeable. Do you know any way to save brother Fu?" Chen Yang is very sad in his heart. He is the godfather of Xiao AI, and now he and Fu Qingzhu are brothers. In addition, Fu Qingzhu came here to help him. If Fu Qingzhu really fell, Chen Yang's heart is hard to accept, and he doesn't know how to face Xiao AI.

Chen Ling carefully looked at Fu Qingzhu's injury, he sighed and said: "now I have no way to give the answer. I don't know if ah Jing's kingliness can help him

"Now there is another problem, that is, the transmission array from here to earth has been damaged," Suzhen said. It will take us about 20 days to get back to earth. Can he sustain us back to earth? "

Chen Ling thought about it and said, "Chen Yang, I heard Xuan Zhenghao say something. Isn't there an insect emperor in your xuanhuang Shengu seed? He's the one who's really knowledgeable. Why don't you ask him to come out and have a look? "

Chen Yang nodded. Naturally, he would not forget the insect king. But now that Chen Ling and they are here, he naturally wants to ask Chen Ling first. It's also a matter of respect!

Later, Chen Yang said: "Linghui is not willing to see people now. Please avoid it first."

Chen Ling and others nodded, so they all quickly went out of the bedroom.

After that, Chen Yang released monk Linghui.

It's true that monk Linghui is reluctant to see other people now. What a beautiful man he was before, he is now reduced to this. He felt uncomfortable when others respected him. He can't stand the disrespect of others. So, it's better not to see!

After Linghui monk came out, he immediately turned into a tree man. After seeing Fu Qingzhu's injury, he said: "it's very complicated. The dream dust has penetrated the Qi of creation into his internal organs. The poor monk now has no cultivation of creation, so it's impossible to get rid of this kind of creation damage. However, poor monk can delay his life and let you return to earth. Dongfang Jing is already a master of the realm of creation, and she has practiced the imperial skill of Qingmu, which is no less than that of the poor monk. Maybe she can save him! "

Chen Yang was slightly relieved and said, "I wish I had hope!"

Monk Linghui also sighed. He said, "people will die. Chen Yang, Daoyou, you should get used to this kind of separation in the future. How many people have died in this killing? It's all about time, including yourself

Chen Yang said, "I know what you mean, but I still can't accept it.""When you have to accept it, you can't accept it, you have to accept it too!" After Linghui said that, he said, "poor monk, heal him!"

Later, monk Linghui's hand reached Fu Qingzhu's forehead. His hand is a branch, which grows rapidly and becomes a vine. In a moment, the vine wraps Fu Qingzhu up and down.

Fu Qingzhu is like a silkworm pupa.

Monk Linghui's spirit liquid poured into Fu Qingzhu's body, and began to flow among the ivy vines, giving birth to the Qi of spirit liquid. This can make fu Qingzhu absorb this nutrition all over his body, and stimulate himself to resist.

Fu Qingzhu also had a reaction in the dark, he began to greedily absorb this kind of nutrition. His meridians and viscera began to mend slowly.

About half an hour later, monk Linghui finished his work. He looks exhausted!

Fu Qingzhu's internal organs and meridians were all repaired.

But Fu Qingzhu still did not wake up, which does not mean that Linghui saved Fu Qingzhu. Because Linghui monk can't get rid of the spirit of creation in him.

The Qi of creation has gone deep into Fu Qingzhu's marrow.

What monk Linghui did was to delay Fu Qingzhu's life.

"I need a good rest." "Monk Fu Qingzhu will not be in danger in three months. But with the erosion of the Qi of creation, he will be more and more difficult to save, so you can't delay! "

Chen Yang nodded. He knew the seriousness of the situation.

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