Chen Yang was eager to leave Danube, but he could not leave immediately. There are too many things to deal with here! The elves also need to deal with the aftermath. Although the Terran masters are all destroyed, there are still many human beings living in misery.

Chen Yang had a showdown with the magic mountain sky: "now it's not difficult for us to destroy the purple star clan, but I won't do it. Because you and I used to be comrades in arms! "

Magic mountain sky probably understood Chen Yang's meaning, and he immediately assured Chen Yang: "in the future, the hatching of Zixing people will follow the road of self-cultivation, and never touch human beings again!"

"You can promise?" Chen Yang expressed doubts.

Magic mountain sky hesitated for a moment, he really can't guarantee completely.

In fact, Chen Yang knows very well that the best solution is to destroy all the Zixing people. The purple star clan depends on human to hatch, itself is full of evil. But Chen Yang can't be so cruel. The number of Zixing people has reached 30000. Can he kill all these people?

He can't do it!

What's more, can Chen Yang kill the immortal scholar, the demon mountain and even the city?

He can't!

If you kill all their people, but don't kill them, OK?

It's not going to work!

Then we have to discuss.

"In fact, the normal population of Zixing people can have children now." "In the future, we will strictly control and try not to harm human beings," said the magic mountain sky. Zixing and human beings should be good friends

Chen Yang said: "well, it's impossible to stop it completely. Among human beings, there must be people who commit great crimes. I'll ask the Terrans to give you some places. They're the only ones who can give the quota, right? "

"Of course," he said

"Ten in a year!" Chen Yang said.

"Yes," said the magic mountain sky

Chen Yang is also quite helpless. He knows that there will be a lot of evil in the process. For example, it is possible that the high-level of human beings can not resist the temptation, or force the good into prostitution.

But when the water is clear, there is no fish! No matter how strict the law is, corruption and greed cannot be prevented.

We have to do our best and listen to the destiny.

"On the Terran side, one has to be left to look after. We have to be able to hold the scene down! " After Chen Yang discussed with the magic mountain sky, he told Chen Ling, Suzhen in black and others about the situation.

After hearing this, Chen Ling said so.

Chen Yang is slightly stunned. Of course, he knows that it's best to leave someone behind. But who will stay? It's a problem! These people are not Chen Yang's subordinates. Who can he let stay? Who wants to stay?

These are all key issues.

At this time, Chen Ling said with a smile, "the destiny now lies in Chen Yang, you young people. Well, I'll stay here for a while, and I'll help you cultivate some talents in the Terran. I'll leave when the training is almost done! "

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "this really solves the problem of the younger generation, but the elder, it's too much for you."

Chen Ling said: "what's wrong with this? I haven't done anything in recent years. Well, before you go back, we'll make a teleport array, and then you'll let your aunt Jing come. It's just right to have her with me. "

Chen Yang said, "good!" He was relieved.

Chen Ling took the initiative to stay in Danube, which really solved Chen Yang's many worries. Up to now, Chen Yang has caused a lot of problems for Danube. Although he is able to walk away, but as a human race, he can't help caring about those poor human beings. And the elves also need to look after!

If Chen Ling stays, everything will be easy.

Chen Yang also proposed that the brain regions of Yu Nai Nai Yi and magic mountain sky should be controlled by Chen Ling. This is safe! Chen Ling naturally has no objection.

To some extent, Chen Yang and Chen Ling are the same kind of people. So they can come to an agreement. Ling'er basically doesn't have any opinions. Anyway, she will do whatever Chen Yang says.

Qin Lin and Chen Yang share the same opinion. They all have compassion in their hearts.

Although Luo Feng is willing to be merciful for his wife and daughter, he will feel in his heart, what does this have to do with me? Who is immortal in this world? Why do I care about these people?

Suzhen in Black said frankly to Chen Yang and Chen Ling: "I don't think it's necessary to put a person here. The universe is full of stars. How much suffering, how much injustice, how many things do you have to save the world? Do you think you are the Bodhisattva of Avalokitesvara? But can you save it? How much can you carry on your shoulders? "

She then said, "it's right that leaves don't stick to the body if you've been in the flowers. We can be merciful if we don't destroy flowers. "

After hearing this, Chen Ling said with a faint smile, "white girl, your words are reasonable. Naturally, we can't bear all the burden. In fact, there is not so much truth. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. It's simple to do what you can, and you don't have to go up to any height. Just happy with fate! Some people are willing to do uninhibited wind, some people are willing to do lingering cloud, are different choicesSuzhen in black couldn't help looking at Chen Ling more. She also said with a smile, "I've only seen it today. Sure enough, you are worthy of the title of the great emperor of China. You are much more wonderful than that. When the queen mother of the West bullied me and oppressed me, I found her. Miaoshan boasted of justice and suppressed me indiscriminately. I'll never look up to her. "

Chen Ling also heard about that old story from Chen Yang.

"I admire the deeds of white girl Chen Ling said sincerely.

Suzhen in black waved her hand and said, "let's not compliment each other."

She then said nothing else, but said: "when the Royal day comes, I still have something to look for him."

"What's the matter?" Chen Ling asked strangely.

Suzhen Heiyi said: "that day, my little girl and I were cheated into the dark tide by mengqingchen with Xiaoling's treasure. Although we have been cheated, the treasure of Xiao Ling is real. We have to take it before we leave. "

As soon as Chen Yang's eyes brightened, he heard Linghui, the insect emperor, say that Xiao Ling was a wonderful figure in those days. His treasure certainly has many advantages.

It can't be missed. Although the time is urgent, but now Fu Qingzhu's injury has been delayed, so take the treasure first, it is also very good.

Everything was in order.

Yu Nai Yi arrived on time the next day with great respect. Chen Ling successfully controlled the brain regions of Yu Tianyi and the sky of magic mountain.

After that, Chen Yang asked them to go to Xiao Ling's treasure.

Of course, he didn't refuse.

The party set out quickly. As Qin Lin and Huo Hongjin were seriously injured, they would not go.

Chen Yang and ling'er also decide to stay to take care of the wounded, so they let Chen Ling, Su Zhen in black and Yu Tian'an go.

After listening to Chen Yang's arrangement, Chen Ling said with a smile, "it doesn't matter whether I go or not. Chen Yang, you are deeply immersed in the array. It's better for you to go in the past. I'll take care of the wounded at home. "

"How can that be?" Chen Yang resolutely refused.

"Chen Ling said

Yu naivete chimed in and said, "you predecessors, although the treasure of Xiao Ling exists, we may not be able to find it this time." He didn't say it at first because he was afraid that Chen Yang would feel that he wanted to shirk.

At this time, Yu Nai Yi told the whole story.

Suzhen in black immediately said: "since everyone can only take two pieces when they go in, Chen Yang and ling'er, you all go. Just take the wounded with you. "

Suzhen in black is a clean man, and Chen Yang thinks it is feasible. Originally, he thought that the environment in outer space was bad. Although they could provide air, it was not as good as here after all. But since there's a rule that you can only take two treasures. Then, let's all go. Even Fu Qingzhu took it with him.

Chen Yang waved his hand and let the magic mountain sky, the magic mountain Liancheng, and the life-taking scholar go with him. Although Chen Yang's character is somewhat too kind, he is definitely a generous man.

Magic mountain sky is also on the road, know that their group of people are really inferior now. So he immediately said, "we all want one treasure, and the rest will be dealt with by Mr. Chen Yang."

Chen Yang didn't refuse directly, but said, "say it again!"

After this negotiation, there was no further delay. Chen Yang used jiexumi to build a Dharma array, and used his mana to balance various vacuum pressures in jiexumi, so that even when jiexumi went to outer space, he was the same as he was on earth.

In terms of Chen Yang's current accomplishments, this is not difficult. Find some materials and crystal stones, add some elixirs, and it will be finished soon.

Then they set out to the mysterious tide of time and space.

Led by Yu naiichi, he arrived at the mysterious tidal zone in about two hours.

Space time element is an extremely dangerous element in the universe. It can make people look old in an instant, and also make people lost in the sea of time and space.

At that time, the insect emperor Linghui relied on his physical strength and could grow infinitely. He didn't even pay attention to the way of heaven. But in the end, he lost his proud body in the chaos of time and space, and learned how to be an insect.

The crowd stood in the starry sky. The black area in front of them was like a city covered by black clouds. Those space-time elements covered a thousand miles and formed a circle. Inside and outside, they were rotating and forming suction.

And the treasure of Xiao Ling is hidden in it.

Suzhen in black looked at the sea of time and space elements. She took a cold breath and said, "if mengqingchen introduced me and my little girl into it, then we would really be dead. At least if you don't die, you can't get out. "

Chen Yang said: "she will never do this, because once she detonates the tide of time and space, she will not get Xiao Ling's treasure."

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