The cause and effect of the world is often wonderful. After it happened, people often feel that it was only ingenious or accidental! And contingency will become the final necessity!

At this time, people face the sea of space-time elements and feel the horror of the space-time elements.

Among them, Chen Yang is the most familiar with arrays. He also has black hole crystals and knows enough about the universe. After his mana was penetrated into the ocean of time and space, he began to explore.

But a moment later, Chen Yang regained his mana.

"How's it going?" People are looking forward to Chen Yang. Suzhen in black asks first.

Chen Yang shook his head with a wry smile and said, "as the Dragon God said, there are rules in this, and we still need to wait. The rule is at least once in three months. Now we have to wait for three months. Moreover, even if the law appears, it takes a lot of luck to get into the gate of eclosion cave. "

Chen Yang will not wait for three months. But you can come back later, but Chen Yang is not very interested.

With a faint smile, Chen Ling said, "I don't know the array as well as Chen Yangyou, but I can feel the danger in the elements of time and space. Time, no matter how powerful it is, should not be challenged easily. We are not afraid of exploration and challenge, but it is not advisable to explore meaninglessly and play with life. I see this treasure. Forget it. "

Chen Ling is a free and easy person. She doesn't have a strong desire for treasure.

The same is true of Suzhen and others in Heiyi. We just think that it's not a pity to have a treasure at your fingertips. But now that it's so hard, forget it.

At the moment, the crowd also hit it off, and then left the land of right and wrong.

This is the end of Xiao Ling's treasure affair.

Chen Yang takes the people back to the earth first. Chen Ling and Chen Yang work together to set up the transmission array. Chen Yang took the transmission crystal!

Later, Chen Ling expressed her thanks to Qin Lin when they were leaving.

Because shanhaizhu is not going back.

Qin Lin immediately said, "please don't be polite to me. I don't think this mountain and sea pearl belongs to me. It was given to the younger generation by the third younger brother. Now the elder generation has brought it to a great effect. The younger generation also thinks that this is the best arrangement. "

"You have a heart." Chen Ling said: "no matter what, I owe you a favor."

Chen Yang broke in and said, "if it's human, I don't know how much I owe you. So, I think, let's not talk about anything at all. "

Chen Ling laughed and said, "OK, OK, OK!"

He said only three good words, and nothing else.

Chen Yang and Suzhen in black take all the people to shuttle through the void of the universe and head for the earth.

Although the universe is vast, the farther away people are from the earth, the more they will miss the earth.

The earth, which can not be replaced by any universe, is their root.

On the way back, Chen Yangcai formally asked Suzhen in black some questions.

The key problem is how Suzhen Heiyi escaped from the dark element black hole.

"It's an interesting question." Suzhen in black is also very interested in telling Chen Yang what happened.

"In principle, dark particles will shatter the human body, soul, spirit and mana. After smashing, it is a dead end. My mana on the earth, in the universe, is at most an upper level, but not a top level. However, even if the sage enters the dark tide, he may not survive. And my little girl can survive. Do you know why? "

Chen Yang said, "because you are all spirits of cultivation."

Suzhen Heiyi said: "this can only be regarded as a small part of the right answer, we cultivate the spirit is true. But the crushing force of the dark tides is unimaginable. But I've been through nine times. And the little girl is more strange. She absorbed the archaic magic mosquito, and finally transformed into a dragon mosquito. She also absorbed the saint's blood on the Dharma blood bone penetration nail and so on. She's a complete freak, too. We have been turned into billions by dark particles, but we still have our own ideas, so we entangle in dark particles, assimilate with them, and finally reunite. Everything is me, I am everything, understand? "

Chen Yang is not a fool, he said: "you say so, I naturally understand. So, can anyone else kill you in this world? "

"Of course," she said

"Is it?" Chen Yang said, "what kind of magic power do you think can kill you?"

Melanie smile, said: "ask my weakness, want to fight with my sister in the future?"

Chen Yang said, "cut!"

He was naturally dismissive.

Of course, Suzhen in black is just joking. She has no reservation or concealment about Chen Yang.

"How did the insect emperor fall, have you forgotten?" Suzhen in black suddenly asks Chen Yang.

Chen Yang a Lin, then immediately, he also understood.What is the greatest enemy of practitioners, creatures, and the whole universe?

It's time!

If time is forbidden, all thoughts and creatures will be meaningless.

But time is also the biggest enemy, it can destroy everything.

That's why Chen Ling said she would not go to get the treasure.

There are so many unknowns in the time element!

All the way back, it was quite smooth.

It took only about 20 days to reach the earth again.

People first into the world, and then directly into the sky. Now is not the time for love. Chen Yang wants to cure Fu Qingzhu, Qin Lin and huohongjin quickly.

Luo Feng's injury doesn't matter. Just take pills. Not afraid to eat bad body!

After arriving at Tianzhou, Chen Yang and others went directly into the pagoda.

Xuanzhenghao opened a convenient door for everyone, just need to enter the border directly. If other people are not allowed, they will have to face the power of the pagoda.

After arriving at the bridge of one yuan, Xuan Zhenghao came in to greet him. Although he is the emperor of Dakang, he is now above the three giants of yuhuamen, yuntianzong and Protoss. But in the face of Chen Yang, he did not dare to neglect.

This is the change that strength brings.

When you have strength, people will respect you.

"Emperor, some of our wounded people need to be treated by Aunt Jing!" Chen Yang said immediately after seeing Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan is Hao scan everyone, immediately found less Chen Ling. He couldn't help losing face and said, "where's the master?"

"The emperor doesn't have to worry about Mr. Chen. He has stayed on the other side of Danube for the time being," she said

Xuan Zhenghao was relieved.

Qin Lin, Huo Hongjin and Fu Qingzhu were also brought out by Chen Yang. Qin Lin and Huo Hongjin are pale, while Fu Qingzhu is directly unconscious.

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