Xuan is Hao scan Fu Qingzhu their injury, he immediately knew Fu Qingzhu injury is the most serious. At that moment, he said, "let them nourish themselves in this Tianlong Babu Fu Tu, and I'll contact dongfangjing at once."

Chen Yang said, "thank you, Emperor."

Xuan Zhenghao nodded.

They first lived in the Imperial City, and then they all went to Chen Yang's residence. It's still a big place. Chen Yang is also worried about Qiao Ning, but when he returns to the Marquis's house, he finds that Qiao Ning has not come back.

Chen Yang is also very sure that Qiao Ning did not stay in Tianzhou.

Although after experiencing the world of Yuqing at the beginning, Qiao Ning regretted running out, and then caused great trouble to Chen Yang. But after the event, the wildness of Qiao Ning's nature still makes her unwilling to stay in this town.

Only Nie Meiniang can stay. Nie Meiniang takes good care of the young general. Unfortunately, she has a heart for Chen Yang to be a goddess, but Xiangwang has no intention.

Today's Chen Yang has grown up a lot emotionally. Before, he didn't care about women, so he could have fun at night. But now, as a son, a father and a husband, he is no longer the prodigal son Chen Yang.

Chen Yang doesn't worry too much about Qiao Ning, so it won't be anything for her to be with xianzun.

Lin Bo, the housekeeper, and Bi Yue, Bi Tao lead the servants of Hou's house to settle down.

Incense burning, bathing, dressing and eating were all arranged properly.

It really makes people feel at home and relaxed.

Luo Feng is still silent, he is more in a daze in the room.

The magic Scripture was put in Yanjing. Sometimes he would take out the sealed Ye Ziqing and his daughter and stare at them stupidly.

In this night, when Chen Yang and ling'er are sleeping in bed. They heard a low, repressed cry.

At that moment, Chen Yang and ling'er were heartbroken.

Because that voice is big brother's.

Luo Feng, a man of iron blood, never shed blood.

Chen Yang's tears can be heard at night.

He knew that big brother was too bitter.

If it wasn't for a belief that supported him to live, Chen Yang didn't know what he would be like now.

Although ling'er is cold tempered, she is not a heartless person, and she is also pitied for it. Meanwhile, ling'er said to Chen Yang, "we must find blood and tears for elder brother. I'm willing to leave blood and tears for my elder brother, but I'm willing to shed tears, but I'm afraid I can't bear what happened. "

If linger wants to shed blood and tears, there must be something extremely sad. If ling'er wants to be extremely sad, it can only be realized in Chen Yang.

Chen Yang patted ling'er on the shoulder and said, "the universe is too big to imagine. Besides, there are many spirit bodies. We still have time to find them. I'll take care of it. Don't think too much about it. "

Ling Er nodded.

That night, Chen Yang and ling'er were still sleeping together, and did nothing out of the ordinary. Chen Yang doesn't want to damage ling'er's body. He hopes that ling'er's accomplishments will be higher and higher, and the higher her accomplishments will be, the better she can protect herself.

When Chen Yang wakes up in the morning, he finds that ling'er is different. Her eyes are gentle

Chen Yang immediately realized that the spirit in front of him was not a cold spirit, but a gentle spirit.

He is also quite apologetic to gentle spirit son, a embrace her in the bosom, softly say: "wench, wronged you."

Gentle ling'er's head was buried in Chen Yang's chest. She said, "I'm not wronged. I've been sleeping. The world in the dream seems to be real. I'm there with you and my daughter. "

Chen Yang was slightly stunned. Then immediately understand that it is cold Ling er for her to create a dream.

He wanted to create a body for gentle ling'er to let her be free. However, this kind of thing, let alone he can't do, is also difficult to do.

This matter of life and death is basically irreversible.

But there is only one way, that is to let Leng Bing ling'er cultivate yuan Shen and give this body to gentle ling'er. But the cultivation of Yuanshen is also a near death.

So in the end, Chen Yang had to give up.

Chen Yang and gentle ling'er have been warm for a long time, and they have also said a lot about Acacia.

Then, everyone got up. Chen Yang, as the host, was naturally not good at staying in bed.

After breakfast, the Emperor himself told everyone that dongfangjing had come back.

Chen Yang immediately took gentle ling'er, Suzhen in black, and Luo Feng to the bridge of one yuan. Gentle ling'er doesn't understand a lot of things and doesn't talk much on one side. People didn't notice this change, because ling'er was a man with few words. It's just that gentle ling'er doesn't know the magic power. It's Chen Yang who takes her to the bridge of one yuan.

In the bridge of one yuan, the universe is vast and the starry sky is brilliant.

Gentle ling'er was astonished.

While Dongfang Jing is dressed in plain clothes and beautiful. She and Xuan Zhenghao stand together and wait for Chen Yang and others to come forward.When they meet, Chen Yang, Luo Feng and gentle ling'er salute. Dongfang Jing will not be arrogant, smile. She then hugged Suzhen in black and said, "white girl, I've heard you so much."

Suzhen in black also smiles and says, "I've heard a lot about you, Oriental girl. This time we'll go to Danube. I also admire Mr. Chen's style

Although she is straight to the temperament, but also really admire Chen Ling, so also and Dongfang Jing expressed respect.

Dongfang Jing heard that her husband was praised, but it was more useful than being praised.

After being polite to each other, Dongfang Jing said, "I've seen their injuries. Qin Lin and Huo Hongjin have no big problems. However, Fu Qingzhu's problem is quite serious. "

Chen Yang and others have a tight heart.

Luo Feng can't help but say: "please do your best to help me. Luo Feng will repay me in the future."

Dongfang Jing waved his hand and said, "we are all our own people. Don't say these outsider words. What I can do, I will try my best. Fu Qingzhu's situation is very complicated. I can save his life, but I can't completely dispel the Qi of creation in his body. The best way is to find the caster and take back the Qi of creation. "

"Dream light dust?" Chen Yang thought of this woman. But Where can I find it?

No matter what, Chen Yang will not give up treating Fu Qingzhu. At present, it seems that we can only take one step.

After that, Dongfang Jing said, "please follow me."

With that, she turned into a rainbow and quickly left the one yuan bridge. Qin Lin, Huo Hongjin and Fu Qingzhu are already in the jiexumi of dongfangjing.

Xuanzhenghao naturally won't go. Chen Yang wrapped the gentle spirit into the black hole crystal, and then followed. Suzhen in black and Luofeng followed.

Blue sky, white clouds, clear sky!

This is the season of spring and March.

Day after day, year after year.

Over the years, Chen Yang has gone through a lot and time has passed quickly. It is the task of the star master. Now more than four years have passed since the 15 year deadline.

There will be many storms in the future.

Chen Yang can imagine that there are still many things to do next. It's just a myriad of ideas, and he hasn't thought about it yet.

But dongfangjing came to the sea with all the people, and found another island on the sea.

Flying in the air, some places have a clear sky, while others have thunder and lightning on the sea, showing the wonderful scenery of nature all the way.

The island dongfangjing is looking for is the largest island in this sea area.

There are ten mountains on the island, with a vast expanse of green, bamboo forests and trees, which is magnificent.

Then they stood on the mountain.

When the sun shines in the sky, dongfangjing grabs Fu Qingzhu, Qin Lin and huohongjin out of jiexumi. She enveloped them with the air of kingly green wood, so they all fell asleep.

Dongfangjing captured them and came to the center of ten mountains.

Chen Yang and others watched.

Qin Lin, Fu Qingzhu and huohongjin float around dongfangjing.

The East is quiet, the long hair is fluttering, the beauty is peerless. She was solemn and quiet, and then she breathed out a breath of blue essence. This green spirit of essence quickly spread out, and in an instant it surged up

At that moment, the blue air covered a hundred miles, the wind and cloud rolling, such as the sky blue clouds, rich to the extreme.

The fairyland is ethereal and vast.

This blue air then forms a suction, and you can see that in the woods of the ten mountains, infinite spirit and depression are sucked into the green air.

A moment later, all the ten mountains and the sea of green trees withered.

The scene is quite shocking, which makes people feel that human beings are too cruel to nature.

"Here, there will be no grass. Because all the spirit of the tree has been extracted by me. " Dongfangjing said in a deep voice in the air.

Obviously, this is not what she wants.

However, it is also helpless.

After that, the blue essence of dongfangjing converges and the blue sea of clouds disappears. The green essence was swallowed by Dongfang Jing, and Dongfang Jing had three green pills in his hand. There is aura flowing on the pill, and the jadeite is about to drop, which makes people feel that their forefinger moves greatly.

Dongfangjing put the three pills into the mouths of huohongjin, Qinlin and Fu Qingzhu. Then she vomited out the blue essence, which turned into a cloud again in the air, and it began to rain.

Ma Ma drizzle, all washed on the three of them.

After Fu Qingzhu took the pill, the air of cloud and mist also appeared on them. The air of cloud and mist mixed with the rain, and then formed the green dragon sea. The green dragon sea rolled around the three people and interspersed back and forth in their bodies.

So about half an hour later, the clouds dissipated.

Dongfangjing takes back the blue essence, and the rain disappears.Fire scarves, Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu all opened their eyes. Huo Hongjin and Qin Lin's injuries are completely recovered, and they both jump up quickly. They are both very happy. Fu Qingzhu also felt better, but his face suddenly changed: "my mana?"

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