In other words, Chen Nianci and Qin Baoer's magic weapons are powerful. So it can't be easily touched. Chen Yang has made great efforts in this aspect, especially carving the array. This kind of array is as smart as high technology and has its own judgment ability.

After xiaosilan's accident, Chen Yang paid more attention to children's safety.

And the strange thing about Mo Yu is that when another little boy is about to press Qin bao'er from top to bottom, Mo Yu suddenly gives the little boy a moment, and then she quickly pulls Qin bao'er behind.

Chen Yang saw this scene, Qin Lin, Xuanyuan Yadan and Shen monong saw it.

They were all surprised, but they didn't say anything at that time.

What does this mean?

This shows that Mo language is born to run mana.

It's not surprising that Chen Yang knows that there is a mysterious spirit of the universe in Mo Yu's body. What Chen Yang wants to think about is another question, which is how Mo Yu will go in the future?

Shen Molong gives Chen Yang an answer.

"You don't have to think too much. I think Mo Yu is very precocious. You can analyze with her and let her choose. " So Shen said.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "yes!"

As a matter of fact, Chen Yang and his group are ambivalent in their treatment of their children.

They don't know if they should teach their children magic. They have innate conditions here. As long as they give their children pills and guide them slowly, it's not too difficult for them to learn magic. Their road is much better than that of Chen Yang.

However, Chen Yang and his colleagues knew exactly how dangerous and difficult it was to walk on the road of cultivation. This is the contradiction between Chen Yang and them.

Chen Yang always wants to go along with fate. At a certain time, if they want to go their own way, he will certainly support them. For now, let them enjoy being children.

In the night, Fu Qingzhu also drove his own car to pick up Xiao AI from school.

He called Xiao AI.

In front of a senior high school in Yanjing, there are many vehicles on the road. It's also a car driven by parents who come to pick up their children.

Fu Qingzhu was lucky to find a parking place. Of course, it's illegal to park on the road. However, the traffic police also know this situation and generally don't care about the violation here.

Fu Qingzhu was wearing a white shirt and a black suit. Like an ordinary successful person, his hair is carefully combed.

He didn't wait long to wait for Xiao AI. Xiao AI is wearing a blue and white school uniform with a student's head. Although she doesn't talk much at school, she is also very gregarious. Because she is a very generous girl. And there are a lot of boys who have a crush on her.

AI went out of the school gate and waved goodbye to his classmates. Then he ran to Fu Qingzhu happily.

"Dad Xiao AI's face was full of joy.

Fu Qingzhu smile, he reached out to help AI will be lost in the eyes of the hair aside, and then said: "hungry? What do you want to eat? Dad will take you to eat

AI tilted his head to think about it, and then said: "Dad, I want to eat hot pot."

Fu Qingzhu opened the door and said, "then go to eat hot pot."

Father and daughter get on the car, and Xiao AI sits on the co pilot. Fu Qingzhu started the car, he said to Xiao AI at the same time: "I'm not familiar with this place. If you want to eat there, just give me the navigation."

Xiao AI said, "I'm familiar with it. I'll show you the way. Turn left at the traffic lights

Fu Qingzhu said, "good!"

AI said: "Dad, is it going well this time?"

Fu Qingzhu said: "everything goes well."

Xiao AI said, "that's good. When will you go out again when you come back this time? "

"I won't go out for a while." Fu Qingzhu's eyes darkened.

Xiao AI didn't realize it. Instead, she felt happy and said, "it's good not to go out. Every time dad goes out, I'm worried."

Fu Qingzhu smiles.

At this time, there is wechat message in Xiaoai's mobile phone.

She did not take it out, but pretended not to hear it.

Fu Qingzhu said with a smile, "don't look at the news when it comes?"

"It's mass messaging." Said Xiao AI.

"What is mass messaging?" Fu Qingzhu didn't understand.

Little egger said with a smile, "Dad, you are so antique! We call it wechat, and wechat group. " She explained to Fu Qingzhu the modern technology communication products.

Fu Qingzhu understood and said, "the great world is the general principle of the three thousand world. This world is the best and purest to be protected. You say these things are very interesting. When you go back, if you have time, teach dad more. "

"No problem," said Xiao AI Then she got a little upset and said, "but I have a lot of homework!"

Fu Qingzhu said, "really? If you don't want to do it, don't do it. Dad can't support you. Even if Dad can't, your Godfather and godmother can support you. "AI said, "well, Dad, that's not what I said. I don't want to be compared by my classmates. Anyway, although it's hard, it's very good. Really, Dad, thank you for bringing me here. Now I feel very happy, more at ease, and I feel like a normal person. "

Fu Qingzhu smiles from the bottom of his heart. He is very happy to hear his daughter say so.

Xiao AI said, "I miss my aunt very much."

Fu Qingzhu said: "if you have an opportunity to meet in the future, don't worry."

Xiao AI said: "or dad, you take me to see my aunt this weekend."

Fu Qingzhu refused directly and said, "no way!"

Little AI doesn't understand, way: "why?"

Fu Qingzhu's mouth is full of bitterness. He doesn't know how to tell his daughter. However, he is not willing to ask Chen Yang for help.

Fu Qingzhu didn't blame Chen Yang at all. Chen Yang helped him a lot. Just to help him settle his daughter, he would die.

But even so, Fu Qingzhu will not ask for anything easily. He has his own pride.

AI see father silence, she finally feel father's mood is not right.

"Well, if you can't," he said Xiao AI was also a little angry, but he didn't continue to ask.

Fu Qingzhu a smile, said: "well, Dad promised you."

After thinking about it, he still couldn't bear to refuse his daughter. Finally decided to let Chen Yang take Xiao AI to a trip.

When Xiao AI heard the speech, he was very happy.

Fu Qingzhu said: "your mobile phone has information again, and is it sent in groups?"

Xiao AI's face flushed slightly.

Fu Qingzhu laughed and said, "what's the matter? In love? Dad is not old pedantic. Tell Dad, what kind of boy is he? "

In fact, he was not happy in his heart, but he showed generosity in front of Xiao AI.

AI blushed and said: "Dad, what are you talking about? It's just a bunch of kids. It's all childish. I don't like it. "

Fu Qingzhu laughed, and he stopped asking questions.

The place to eat hot pot is an authentic old hot pot in Shancheng. It's Jiugongge.

Fu Qingzhu tasted it, but he thought it was too spicy. He is not used to eating, but Xiao AI has been integrated into the world, she likes eating these. The thin mutton is scalded in a spicy way, then dipped in the sauce, and finally sent to the mouth. The taste of that is really unforgettable.

Fu Qingzhu felt spicy, so he ordered a bottle of ice beer and drank it.

"But Dad, you still have to drive?" AI see Fu Qingzhu drinking, can't help saying.

Fu Qingzhu a smile, said: "nothing."

He was really depressed and wanted a drink.

Xiao AI thought of her father's ability, thought about it, and felt that she was a little worried, so she didn't say much now.

Fu Qingzhu ate very little, but drank three bottles of beer.

After eating, Xiao AI was a little distressed and said, "it smells like hot pot."

Fu Qingzhu a smile, said: "go back to take a good bath, change clothes on all right."

"Well," said Xiao AI

Drive home.

Xiao AI is a little worried about meeting Cha Jiujia

And this is often the case in the world, what you worry about, often will come.

The front is really checking the drunk driving, and the traffic is slowing down.

Fu Qingzhu's car was stuck in the middle. At this time, it was impossible to turn around.

He didn't think much of it. He has no idea about drunk driving.

Xiao AI was worried and said: "Dad, you can quickly cast your magic and let us disappear from here. We're looking for drunk driving ahead. "

Fu Qingzhu said, "if you check, just check. What are you afraid of?"

"I'll catch you when I find out. The car will also be detained... " Little AI is a little speechless.

Traffic has been forward, small AI more anxious, said: "Dad, fast ah!"

Fu Qingzhu was silent.

"Blow it!" By this time, traffic police had come and sent the alcohol meter to Fu Qingzhu's mouth.

Fu Qingzhu looked at the traffic police, he did not blow.

"Blow it The traffic policeman was a little impatient, he said. Then, he put his head in and smelled: "it's so heavy. I don't know if I don't drive when I drink? Come down

The attitude of the traffic police is not good, very impolite opened Fu Qingzhu's door, and pulled Fu Qingzhu's arm.

"Let go!" Fu Qingzhu had never been treated so rudely. He shook off the hands of the traffic police.

Seeing the situation over there, three more traffic policemen came immediately.

Several traffic police exchanged information, and then let Fu Qingzhu get off.

Fu Qingzhu was silent and did not get off.

"Turn off, get out of the car!" One of the traffic police yelled impatiently. At the same time, they began to drag Fu Qingzhu out of the car."Stop it Xiao AI was in a hurry. She got out of the car first and yelled. "Don't mess around. I'll make a phone call."

"Call whoever you want!" Traffic police are used to this kind of person who wants to make a phone call. Several people really forced Fu Qingzhu to drag down.

Fu Qingzhu's clothes were messy. At this moment, he felt unprecedented humiliation.

He has always been one of the best

But at the moment, not only can he not exert his mana, but also his body is weaker than ordinary people.

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