Several traffic policemen pushed Fu Qingzhu.

Xiao AI rushed forward and yelled at them: "don't you touch my dad!"

At this moment, Xiao AI's face was ferocious.

Several traffic police were startled, but they only hesitated for a moment, and they were about to pull away Xiaoai.

How do you know at this time, Xiao AI suddenly caught a jade pendant between his neck. She threw the jade pendant to the ground

This is Chen Yang's jade pendant for Xiao AI.

Suddenly, the light flickered, and several traffic policemen were immediately shocked out by a mysterious force. Finally, they fell heavily on the ground and groaned in pain.

Fortunately, they don't have much malice towards Xiao AI, and they don't have much power. So the strength of the rebound is not big, otherwise, these traffic police have no place to be buried.

At this time, Chen Yang also realized that his jade pendant had a problem. He knows that this jade pendant belongs to Xiao AI

"No!" Just back at home, Chen Yang's body twinkles, cuts through the void and comes to Xiao AI.

The traffic flow converges, and it's extremely busy here.

There are many people watching the crowd, and the light in the middle is very dazzling. At the same time, Chen Yang catches Xiao AI and Fu Qingzhu, and catches Fu Qingzhu's car in Prajna bell. At the same time, Chen Yang also sent out a light of soul. The light of the soul flashed by, which made everyone feel that nothing had happened just now.

After that, Chen Yang quickly left the scene. The probe around didn't take any pictures because of the light.

The next second, Chen Yang and his party returned to a bedroom of the garden villa.

Fu Qingzhu didn't get in the way.

The blow he suffered was psychological.

"What happened?" Chen Yang asked Xiao AI.

Xiao AI said something about it. Fu Qingzhu smiles at Chen Yang and says, "nothing. Sorry, brother Chen, please."

Chen Yang nodded and said, "brother Fu, the situation is temporary. I want you to cheer up! "

Fu Qingzhu said: "I know that today's thing is really my fault. I can understand it, but it's a bit depressing. I just didn't expect to come across this one. "

Chen Yang sighed, and he was more determined to help Fu Qingzhu recover his mana as soon as possible.

It's the only thing he can do.

Fu Qingzhu then said, "by the way, Xiao AI wants to visit her aunt. I can't send her to the central world now. "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good!" He then asked Xiao AI, "when will you go?"

"Just this weekend!" Said Xiao AI.

Chen Yang said, "no problem!"

After that, Chen Yang went out of the bedroom.

Qin bao'er and Qin Lin have gone back to their home.

After Chen Nianci played for a while, Chen Yang gave him a bath. After that, he told a story and fell asleep. The little guy is easy to take care of now. He is sleeping alone in the room.

After Chen Yang finished his work, he went to Luo Feng's home again.

This time, he shuttled directly to Luofeng's villa. There is no light in the whole villa. Chen Yang's mind is sweeping. He sees Luo Feng lying on the bed in his bedroom. His eyes were closed, but he obviously didn't sleep.

Luo Feng was not surprised by Chen Yang's arrival. He opened his eyes and sat up.

Chen Yang came to the bedroom, sighed and said: "brother, sister-in-law and Xiao Silan, aren't we trying our best to revive? You can also see the situation in the magic Scripture. It takes time. "

"I know!" Luo Feng said. He then said, "but I don't really have anything to be happy about, do I?"

"Your state worries me and my second brother." Chen Yang said.

Luo Feng said, "you don't have to worry about me at all. I know what I should do."

Chen Yang said: "forget it, let's go to a place to drink and get drunk."

Luo Feng didn't refuse and said, "good!"

Chen Yang said, "I'll call my second brother by the way."

Luo Feng said: "he is a wife slave. Let him accompany his family and children. Otherwise, your second sister-in-law will blame us. "

Chen Yang chuckled and said, "that's true."

Luo Feng said: "in fact, you should be more considerate. Although she is very generous, she is also a woman."

Chen Yang said: "nothing is more important than me accompanying my elder brother, isn't it?"

Luo Feng laughs.

They left the villa and went to a barbecue stand near the lake.

Their character is always with reckless pride.

Chen Yang has brought his boss to beer and Baijiu, and the two have mixed drinks and ordered countless baking strings.

It's cool by the lake.

But they were not afraid.Chen Yang said: "elder brother, I still want to tell you the truth."

Luo Feng was slightly stunned and said, "Oh? Is there anything else to hide from me? "

Chen Yang said, "it's not a cover up." He picked up the glass and Luo Feng and touched one and drank a big baijiu.

although Chen Yang has had many hardships, he still finds it difficult to drink baijiu.

Just now, what we drink is not wine, but seeking a kind of drunkenness.

Chen Yang said: "before, I was going to keep ling'er's blood and tears from her. I was thinking about her. However, I couldn't bear to grieve ling'er, so I told her about it. I think she is not the only one who has the blood and tears in this world. In a word, you should take care of me about blood and tears, OK

Luo Feng said: "in fact, I'm not surprised. At that time, I asked you, but also thought of ling'er. In fact, this is not appropriate. You don't have the heart to hurt ling'er, just as I don't have the heart to hurt Ziqing. I can't ignore your pain because of my own pain. "

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