Donghai, nameless island!

This sea area is filled with smoke all year round, just like a fairyland.

"This is it. This is my hometown!" Xiao AI sees the situation outside in Chen Yang's black hole crystal and says happily.

"Right away, you can go home." Chen Yang a smile, he then thought strafe, locked the nameless island. After that, it landed on nameless island.

Nameless Island, such as the blue sea tide, misty rain.

There are several palaces on the island with beautiful scenery and some rare animals.

Chen Yang and Xiao AI come to one of the palaces. In front of the palaces, there are some three meter cranes walking leisurely.

On the plaque in front of the palace is written the word forget worry!

The cranes saw Xiao AI and rushed over happily. AI is also happy to come forward to embrace.

At the same time, there was also movement in the palace of forgetting worries. After a while, Chen Yang saw Tian Da Xian and Li listen and came out.

Li listen to see small AI, immediately a red eye, quickly step forward.



The two hugged each other. They held hands and looked at each other in tears. They were speechless and choked.

Tian Da Xian came up to Chen Yang and said, "brother Chen, thank you. But why didn't my son come back? "

Li listened and was surprised. She said to Chen Yang with an unhappy face, "what's wrong with my brother-in-law?"

Li Tingting didn't like Chen Yang very much.

Chen Yang was very sorry and said, "brother Fu, everything is OK, but now he is hurt and can't use his magic power. But you can rest assured that I will help him with his injury as soon as possible. "

Li listened angrily and said, "my brother-in-law must have been hurt because he helped you, right?"

Chen Yang couldn't retort and said, "yes! I'm sorry

Li listened to a cold hum.

Xiao AI immediately said: "little aunt, don't blame my father. My father is OK. Everything will be OK."

Li listened and said, "you He did harm to your father and you spoke for him. You father and daughter, I think, have been transformed by him. "

Little AI was rather embarrassed and said, "Auntie, don't do that."

Li listened and said, "don't talk about it. Go in with my aunt. What would you like to eat? I'll make it for you

When Xiao Ai saw that Li had changed the topic, he was happy and said, "I want to eat drunk fish, roast chicken and snow lotus soup!"

"Good, good, good!" Li listened and said, "I'll make it for you."

They turned and went into the palace. When Xiao AI went in, he quietly turned back to Chen Yang and made a sorry expression. Chen Yang smiles and says he doesn't mind.

Tian Da Xian came forward, took Chen Yang's hand and said, "brother Chen, let's go in and talk."

Chen Yang laughs.

Chen Yang soon learned about the situation of the worry forgetting palace. This is the old part of Fu Qingzhu. There are also many masters, but the one with the highest accomplishments is just the fairyland of the cave.

The cultivation progress of forgetting worry palace is very slow.

They care about seclusion!

There were also many maids serving people in the palace, as well as some domestic men doing some strength work.

Tian Daxian leads Chen Yang to the side hall on the other side to have a rest. He asks the people to prepare the food and wine.

"It seems to me that brother Chen's cultivation has come to a It's out of reach. Congratulations. The king of destiny is extraordinary Tian Da Xian said first.

Chen Yang said: "brother Tian is flattered. Brother Fu is now in the realm of heaven."

Tian Da Xian was overjoyed and said, "that's great." Then he asked, "is my son's injury really not serious?"

Chen Yang said: "I dare not deceive brother Tian. His injury is very serious. But no life is in danger. Now mana cannot be cast. I will find a way to help brother Fu recover! "

Tian Daxian was worried, but he was also relieved. He said, "my son is also the king of destiny. I believe he will be able to turn evil into good."

Chen Yang said, "that's right!"

Tian Da Xian said: "I'm not sure." He was ready to speak, but suddenly he swallowed.

Chen Yang immediately found that he looked different and asked, "what's the matter, brother Tian?"

Tian Da Xian said: "some things have happened. Today's central world is not what it used to be. But I don't think it has much to do with brother Chen. I don't think it's necessary to make a fuss. "

Chen Yang changed his face and said, "that's not what he said. There are my friends in the central world. What happened, please tell me the truth, and don't hide it. "

Tian Da Xian took a look at Chen Yang. He sighed and said, "the central world has changed a lot. The four dynasties, including the liuyehui, have all been under the jurisdiction of one person. "

"Oh? Who has such ability? " Chen Yang was surprised.Tian Da Xian said, "his name is Tang Yin. He is the ten Highnesses of the Zhao Dynasty. Don't know what reason, this person's cultivation is too high to imagine, he will that Dazhao Dynasty ancestor Zongyan nine Niang all give to kill. After that, he ascended the throne and became the emperor of the Jokhang Dynasty. "

"When did it happen?" Chen Yang was shocked. He thought of Qin Keqing. Qin Keqing and he had complicated feelings. Although there was a misunderstanding at the beginning, when he was killed in Yuqing world, Qin Keqing came with his master without hesitation.

Tian Da Xian said, "it happened a year ago. Originally, Tang Yin had disappeared for several years. Everyone thought he was dead. "

Chen Yang frowned.

Then Tang Yin Of course he does. At the beginning, Tang Yin conquered the dragon, and his cultivation was excellent for a while, which almost brought him disaster. But later, ling'er said that he had been killed

It seems that this guy's life should not be destroyed. He has another adventure.

Chen Yang also knows that in the central world, there are many experts in the Jokhang Dynasty alone. Not to mention yanjiuniang, they are Tiandu Junfu, Tianji Fu, Junji Fu and liuyehui. They are all powerful.

Tang Yin was able to kill yanjiuniang under such circumstances. His accomplishments are immeasurable now!

"Qin Keqing, she I failed her after all. If something happens to her, it's my fault. " Chen Yang has a heavy heart.

He has to take care of this matter!

"Now I'm not Chen Yang as I used to be. It's hard to explain the power in the central world. Don't take risks. Try not to take risks. I have to go back to the world first to send AI back. Then go to find Bai Suzhen, ling'er, elder brother, second brother and me. Life is limited. Don't be such useless heroism. Tang Yin, at the beginning, you said dirty words to sully ling'er. I will let you know that your uncle will always be your uncle! "

Chen Yang has made up his mind.

He then asked the immortal Tian, "do you know the news about Qin Keqing, the leader of the six leaf club?"

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