Tian Da Xian shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Chen Yang began to worry. He said to Tian Da Xian, "brother Tian, I know Tang Yin as you said, not only because I know him, but also because he has a deep holiday. Tang Yin has the best relationship with his ninth brother, Tang Zhengyu, who was killed by my wife. Moreover, according to the truth, Tang Yin was also killed by us, but I don't know why he came back to life. I think if Tang Yin knew that I was here, he would not give up. The central world is already a dangerous place. I need to take Xiao AI away quickly. I'll wait until I bring my friends here to solve the problem here. "

"Come on, chief!" Chen Yang finally made a decision.

He wanted to stay here for one more day to fulfill Xiao AI's wish. But now it doesn't seem to work.

Tian Da Xian nodded solemnly and said, "there's so much hatred in it. Brother Chen, you really can't stay long. It's safer for Xiao AI to leave here, too. "

Then Tian got up and said, "let's meet Xiao AI and Miss Li."

In the back kitchen of the palace, Li's dishes have not been cut well. At this time, Chen Yang said that he would take Xiao AI away.

"No way!" Li was immediately annoyed.

Tian Da Xian explained quickly, and said: "it's a long time to come, or the safety of Xiao AI is the most important!"

Li listened and scolded Chen Yang: "you are a disaster. All the places you have been to are deserted. You've offended Tang Yin. It's none of our business. You should leave quickly. We are very secretive here. Xiao AI will stay here for a while before leaving. "

Chen Yang didn't want to listen to Li's opinions. He took a deep breath and said, "Miss Li, I know your feelings with Xiao AI. But I can't listen to you. I have to be responsible for Xiao AI's safety. When I'm sure it's safe, I'll bring Xiao AI back. "

After a pause, he said, "come here, Xiao AI, let's go!"

"Don't go!" Li said harshly.

Little Aton was embarrassed.

Chen Yang is too lazy to listen to Li. He asks Xiao AI, "Xiao AI, can you understand my godfather?"

AI nodded.

Chen Yang said, "good, that's good." When he finished, his figure flashed and his big hand grabbed. The next second, Xiao AI has been caught in the black hole crystal by Chen Yang.

When Li Ling heard this, he was furious and clapped Chen Yang with one hand.

She is also the master of jiuchongtian.

Chen Yang does not dodge, let Li listen to a slap in the back. At that moment, Li's strength, mana and law were as fierce as a giant beast's madness, which could destroy a hill in an instant.

But Chen Yang didn't move.

This palm is like a mud ox entering the sea.

Later, Chen Yang turned into a black light and left. Before leaving, he said to Tian Da Xian, "brother Tian, I'm sorry, I'll come back again."

"Take care!" Tian Da Xian said.

The black hole crystal turns into black light, and lightning shuttles through the sky. In an instant, it is ten thousand li away.

Inside the crystal, Xiao AI was a little uneasy and said, "Dad, my little aunt has no malice. Don't be angry with her, will you? "

Chen Yang said with a smile: "don't think too much, godfather is so mean. I'm not going to see the same thing with little women. "

AI Xiaoxin came here to let go.

In the twinkling of an eye, Chen Yang came outside the boundary. He let Xiao AI stay in the Prajna clock.

Outside the boundary, there is still peace.

Sand and dust billow in the air. The boundary is adjacent to the desert and Gobi. The air and environment are not very good. It's a place of chaos and evil. I'm so drunk that I don't need it.

Chen Yang came to the holy light.

There are waiters in the Holy Light club to receive Chen Yang. Chen Yang was not familiar with the Holy Light club before. He didn't know the waiters here. He didn't think much about them anyway.

It's just normal business. He was slightly surprised, because he did not see the housekeeper Du Ziteng.

Chen Yang wants to leave with all his heart, and he doesn't want to get close to each other for the sake of a few pills.

The word "human relationship" is very valuable. Don't use it easily when you can't use it.

We'll have a teleport set up here soon.

Chen Yang went directly into the transmission array. Then, the transmission array started and headed for tiantianzhou.

Just after the launch of the teleportation array, Chen Yang's whole body escaped into the void channel. At this time, a sense of danger finally came to his mind.

"No, I've been fooled!" Chen Yang was surprised.

The channel in front of us is shrouded by the golden light, which is formed by the particles of the two transmission arrays. In different time and space and within the distance, to achieve an alternative wormhole jump.

In principle, it is to fold the space.

But then, all of a sudden, the whole golden passage burst into flames.

The flames are blazing!

The next second, the whole golden channel explodes. Chen Yang's state is like an ordinary person taking a plane, and the plane exploded on the way. At this time, the space and time in front of Chen Yang's eyes suddenly distorted. Endless space particles burst apart, such as hundreds of millions of bullets and bombs, whose explosive power is unimaginable.Chen Yang is involved in this kind of explosion energy, he tried his best to expand the black hole vortex to absorb the energy of these explosions.

The violent explosion energy was absorbed by Chen Yang, but the force was too big for Chen Yang to bear. At the same time, Chen Yang immediately unfolded the light of the soul, creating a false image.

Then he escaped the explosion.

Chen Yang made a realistic illusion, which was completed by the crystal stone of the soul. In the illusion, Chen Yang's black hole whirlpool could not bear, exploded, and finally managed to escape.

Chen Yang escaped for a distance, and he felt that he was losing a lot of strength. So he quickly absorbed the elixir to replenish his energy. When he looked around, he found that there was an endless dark space.

"It's a space puzzle!" Chen Yang immediately understood his situation.

The intersection between the three thousand worlds is very mysterious. Now I have encountered an explosion in the process of shuttling, so I fell into the space puzzle of connecting the three thousand worlds.

Regardless of other things, Chen Yang pretends to be seriously injured and floats in this space maze.

"How are you, godfather?" AI felt the vibration outside in the Prajna clock. She knew what was going on, so she was very worried.

"Keep quiet!" Chen Yang was surprised. He is now under surveillance. AI's voice is not through the idea, which is bad to be found.

Chen Yang immediately admonished Xiao AI with his mind: "Godfather is in an ambush, but godfather is OK. He pretends to be injured and leads them here. You can stay at ease and have a godfather. There will be no danger. "

At this time, monk Linghui also communicated with Chen Yang, "this is a space puzzle, which is very difficult to crack. If you can't crack it, you'll be stuck here all your life. If it is broken, we can communicate with the world. The other side rashly shot, must have broken the space maze barrier

After a long time on earth, Chen Yang said, "I don't know. I'd like to see what's holy. "

Monk Linghui said, "don't be careless. The planet of Danube is limited. And the earth is infinite, and Danube can't dominate, let alone the earth. "

Chen Yang said: "don't worry, I never underestimate anyone."

In the dark, something finally happened.

Several figures flickered, and then came around Chen Yang.

There were four of them.

The leader was a young man, dressed in a black robe. He was handsome, but very evil, just like the devil of hell. People feel cold at a glance.

This person is no other than Tang Yin.

Besides Tang Yin, there are also three grey robed people, who are Tang Yin's confidants in other worlds.

The three gray robed people, the first one is called Longlin. Dragon scale cultivation is one of the most important aspects of creation!

The other two are called Changyuan and Changwei, which are the pinnacles of heaven.

All of them are first-class experts on the earth!

Tang Yin stands empty, indifferent and silent. Longlin and others are extremely respectful.

Chang Yuan first said, "emperor, this man is seriously injured now. It seems that we are worried too much."

Chang Wei also said: "this man's cultivation is still under me. Even in the central world, it's easy for subordinates to take him."

"What do you know? The emperor is planning strategies. The emperor found out that this man had been in the central world before. The emperor is the embodiment of the central world. Anyone who comes here can be detected by the emperor. It's just that this person is very wonderful and hard to find. So the emperor expected that he would go from the teleportation array, so he did something in the teleportation array. Right now, it's catching turtles in a jar. "

Chen Yang was shocked. He can feel the power of these masters.

"This Tang Yin can accept such a powerful master, his own strength has been unimaginable." Chen Yang never thought that he would be involved in such a dangerous situation when he came to the central world by the way.

At this time, Tang Yin glanced at Chen Yang. His reincarnation magic eye is extremely powerful, and he can see through Chen Yang in an instant.

He saw Xiao AI and Chen Yang was not hurt.

In this instant, Chen Yang also immediately took action.

There's no longer room for hesitation.

"Thunder sword of the universe!" At this moment, Chen Yang directly attacked Chang Wei.

Ferocious thunder, the vast and terrifying laws of the universe!

A sword frightens the universe!


Chang Wei was killed by Chen Yang without a snort.

Poor thing, he just said that Chen Yang's accomplishments are under him

As soon as Chen Yang's figure flashed, he had already stood opposite Tang Yin.

Tang Yin's eyes narrowed slightly, which made Chen Yang very uncomfortable. He felt like a frog being watched by a snake.

"Son of a bitch, you're not dead yet." With a grim smile, Chen Yang couldn't see Tang Yin's eyes. Before we started to fight, it was as if we were going to win. We looked at the prey.Chen Yang's violent temper can be tolerated there. He then said: "your ghost nine brother has been killed by us. Originally, he thought you were dead too. It seems that now I have to waste some of my hands and feet to send you to paradise again."

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