Chen Yang's words immediately hit Tang Yin's tail. Tang Yin couldn't go on sinking any more. He rebuilt his body from the central yuan foetus, and his mana increased greatly. After coming out, we will search for experts everywhere and make no mistake. In the central world, it is to see the gods and kill the gods, to see the ghosts and kill the ghosts. He has now formed a general trend, not angry from power.

There know at the moment, a moment was broken by Chen Yang!

"I'll let you, your maidservant's wife, all live or die!" Tang Yin's eyes were gloomy and said word by word.

"You won't have this chance, because today is your death time!" Chen Yang's eyes lit up and said, "last time you insulted ling'er, we used death to end your sin. Now that you are alive, as a punishment, I will let you realize what is real despair and helplessness before you die

Tang Yin sneered and said, "bastard, is it up to you?"

"That's right. Your grandfather and I, evil animal, what are you talking about?" Chen Yang said.

Tang Yin gritted his teeth and said, "you bastard, even if you are not in the realm of creation, you dare to be rampant in front of me. How ridiculous

Chen Yang burst out laughing and said, "you bastard, how dare you pretend to be me? A beast, is it worth it? I'm disgusted to talk to you. It's disgusting. I Pooh

Chen Yang doesn't talk to people.

Like the fat lady in the world, Chen Yang thinks that she is not qualified to let him talk. But now Tang Yin is different. Chen Yang really hates Tang Yin to the extreme.

He is a man, how can others insult his wife. What's more, ling'er is so clean and spotless.

"Emperor, I'll kill this bastard!" At this time, long Lin's eyes were cold and he volunteered to Tang Yin.

Tang Yin nodded and said, "you go with Chang Yuan."

"Yes Chang Yuan and long scale answered at the same time.

Then, the two of them took action together.

Dragon scale is a master of creation, with the spirit of creation. At that time, the dead wood really king, the creation of a heavy environment, let Linghui monk have done countless preparations to barely win.

Today, Chen Yang is officially dealing with a master of creation on earth.

Dragon scale first burst out the essence in his eyes, and then opened his mouth to spit out a breath of white essence. This white breath has the power of creation. It covers a hundred miles in an instant, and there is a vast white fog between heaven and earth.


The dragon scale moves on. In the creation cave, his magic weapon, dragon soul sword, is cut out with the power of creation.

Then he saw that in the vast white fog, the dragon was suddenly powerful. Then in front of Chen Yang's eyes, a fierce dragon soul sword came to kill him.

"Void dimension chop!" At this time, Chang Yuan is not idle, shuttling from the void behind Chen Yang. The dimensional sword in his hand is light and silent, and will pierce Chen Yang's body in the blink of an eye.

Chen Yang was ambushed immediately.

Besides, there is another Tang Yin who is eyeing.

"Screw you Chen Yang is very angry today.

He just gave a sneer under such circumstances.

Two sword lights instantly strangle Chen Yang. At that moment, Chen Yang becomes a fragment.

However, this is Chen Yang's spiritual light.

Chen Yang has appeared behind Chang Yuan in the next second.

"No!" Chang Yuan feels bad, but at this time, Chen Yang has already made a move. Chen Yang is too lazy to kill Chang Yuan with his soul sword. His fist condenses the crystal of black hole, and instantly forms the extremely fierce fist force. Contains the laws of the universe, the power of the black hole!

"Big black hole fist seal!"


This powerful and unparalleled powerful blow to Chang Yuan.

Chang Yuan felt the sky and earth collapse behind him, and the sun and the moon had no light. At this moment, he just wanted to escape

Tang Yin finally makes a move. He is a master who can tolerate being killed so easily by Chen Yang.

His reincarnation magic eye gives out magic light quickly!

Now the magic light has become colorful, and Chen Yang will be covered in an instant. With the formation of infinite reincarnation space, Chen Yang's big black hole fist seal is lost in reincarnation.

Although he and Chang Yuan seem to be very close, they are thousands of miles away.

Chen Yang is trapped in the reincarnation magic light. At the same time, the dragon scale moves again. The dragon soul sword completely carries the spirit of creation to kill him and goes straight to the top of his head.

Tang Yin Yang's reincarnation can't make Chen Guang's soul. Any puzzle in reincarnation will become clear and delicate.

Chen Yang didn't say much about it. He was ready to kill and turned the black hole crystal into a black hole sword. He turned to kill with the dragon soul sword.

Boom! Bang!

Two swords kill together, the power of the dragon soul, the power of creation, and the unparalleled mana all rush to kill, and heaven and earth will be cut away by the power of this sword.

Chen Yang does not squint. His mana and cosmic power merge and instantly kill At that moment, dragon scale felt each other's strength like the water of the Tianhe River, while hundreds of millions of horses were surging, continuous and fierce.Boom!

The two swords are equal.

Although Chen Yang does not have the Qi of creation, the cosmic power is extraordinary and is not affected by the Qi of creation at all.

"Go to hell!" Chen Yang's moves are very fast, and then he waves ten swords in a row!

A sword is fiercer than a sword, and a sword is peerless than a sword!

The ten swords are as fast as lightning, forming a torrential wave of heaven and earth. Hundreds of millions of horses gallop, just like the most ferocious tsunami, rushing over one after another.

Among them, the cosmic force and black hole force become spirals, constantly exploding particles


Bang bang!

Such a powerful force, even Tang Yin's reincarnation magic eye could not stop it. His reincarnation magic eye changes rapidly and envelops Chen Yang's power.

As soon as Chen Yang's figure flashed, he suddenly came to Chang Yuan's back.

The sword of the soul.

Chang Yuan is shocked. At that moment, Chen Yang cuts off Chang Yuan's head with a sword.

After that, Chen Yang changed continuously.

Tang Yin's reincarnation magic eye is so easy to take Chen Yang's ten swords down, but Chen Yang has taken the opportunity to shuttle through reincarnation space and come to the back of dragon scale.

"Thunder sword of the universe!" Chen Yang roared, and at the same time lowered the light of his heart.

His mana is rampant, and he absorbs the elixir.

The light of the thunder sword of the universe flashed. In the thunder, the dragon scale was intruded into his head.

Next second, dragon scale's head explodes.

This master of creation was killed by Chen Yang.

After that, Chen Yang came to Tang Yin again.

Tang Yin's face was livid, and he also took back reincarnation magic eye.

This result is obviously beyond Tang Yin's expectation. This is the first time that he has suffered such a serious setback after his great achievement.

He couldn't figure out how a master in the middle of heaven could be so terrible. Unexpectedly, under the siege of their masters, they killed their own creation masters. Two of the top experts in Tianwei realm died

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