The four sides of heaven and earth are called the universe, and the universe has been called since ancient times!

People often know that the universe is very big, and they often make false statements about it. However, whether it is the fairyland or the lingzun, the vertical and horizontal universe of the imperial Tianzhou, in the final analysis, is within the Milky way.

Their means cannot leave the galaxy.

In the distant void, the imperial sky boat is like a small boat drifting in the ocean of the universe. They used to be people of the earth. The sudden disaster attacked their homes, from then on, they wandered in the universe for generations. This wandering is more than 60 million years.

God is so unfair to them.

They want to return to the earth and take back their home. What's wrong with that?

How many things in the world are right and wrong.

Is it evil for a tiger to eat a rabbit?

Within the imperial Tianzhou, the Dragon capital, on the misty Jielong platform, twelve huge Jielong pillars stand like pillars supporting the sky.

At this time, the golden light on the Jielong platform is flashing.

Then, the mighty dragon power fell from the sky and poured directly into the jielongzhu.

The Jielong pillar is full of gold.

Then, a huge shadow appeared in the golden light. Virtual shadow is a dragon on the planet.

The dragon is Your majesty ZuLong.

His majesty Longdu, LongQian has already come to meet him. He fell on his knees respectfully and said, "welcome your majesty to the end of the sun!"

His majesty ZuLong opened his eyes.

This is the yuan God of his majesty ZuLong. His majesty is too far away from the imperial Tianzhou. Fortunately, the twelve jielongzhu array is so mysterious that it can realize the Yuanshen jump in hyperspace.

It can only be the Yuanshen coming!

When his majesty ZuLong opened his eyes, it was like two rounds of hot sun shining down. Between heaven and earth, there was golden light everywhere.

In the vast golden light, there are infinite mysteries, mysteries, and countless quantum photons!

The secret of this is enough to make people with insight become peerless experts.

This is the charm of his majesty ZuLong.

Long qianjue doesn't understand why his majesty ZuLong will suddenly come again. But he knew that when his majesty came, something big would happen.

"Last time, the emperor deliberately brought out Yuanjue and planted an important seed on the earth." Said his majesty ZuLong.

Long qianjue was slightly puzzled. I don't understand why your majesty suddenly brought up the old story again, because your majesty had said it before.

"Your Majesty's strategy will surely win the victory of ten thousand li!" Long qianjue said.

His majesty ZuLong said with a smile, "these idioms of human beings on earth are very good for your bad luck."

Long Qian never from shame, said: "we have been learning the wisdom of human beings on earth, the end of sun believes that only keep learning, in order to ensure that we do not lag behind."

His majesty ZuLong nodded and said, "you must be very strange. What is the purpose of this emperor's visit?"

Long qianjue said, "the last sun is really strange."

His majesty ZuLong said, "I want to tell you that although I planted an important seed. But the damned Yuanjue even broke his own rules and did something. Now that seed won't burst out for the time being. Moreover, it may become an important force against us in the future, but sooner or later that seed will explode. But if we all fail, he will explode to destroy the earth, and it doesn't mean anything to us. "

"This seed, has such power?" Long qian can't help but wonder.

"Mutual help and mutual restraint!" Said his majesty ZuLong.

Long qianjue said, "Your Majesty, now we..."

His majesty ZuLong said: "the great emperor of the universe has long expected that we will bring them doom. He launched heaven and earth to kill and rob, and promoted all people's cultivation in order to deal with us. And your advance deployment has been completely destroyed by human beings. That's the sign! You have to take action. Otherwise, the arrival of a large army will be like blindness. At that time, you will not even know how you died. "

Long qianjue suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

He had already become an expert. He knew a lot about the earth. But now that his majesty said this, he suddenly felt that only 50% of his original 90% confidence was left.

"You think you're 90 percent sure?" His majesty ZuLong seemed to see through his mind and sneered.

"We didn't know enough about Yuanjue. Originally, we were preparing for the imperial heavenly boat to come near the earth, and then we went to execute the death list first. But then we changed our mind. Ten years ago, we sent out a killer force. They would have entered the earth a year ago, but because of the battle between you and Yuanjue, we let them not officially enter the earth. " Long qianjue said.

"Killers?" Said his majesty ZuLong.

Long qianjue said: "there are many senior people in our empire, all of them are top experts. The earliest pioneers have made death lists. They're going to execute the death list. "

"Death list? Who is the biggest threat on your death list? " Asked his majesty ZuLong.Long qianjue said: "in the past, we thought there were many threats, such as Yuanshi Tianzun, Nuwa, Hongjun Laozu, Duobao Taoren and so on. Of course, there is Yuanjue! But later, we haven't found any trace of Yuanshi Tianzun. "

His majesty ZuLong said, "I know some of them. Some of them went to the fairyland. Yes, it's dead. None of the living saints remained on the earth. Because the emperor of the universe can't accommodate these people. "

"Ha ha!" Long qianjue couldn't help laughing three times. "The emperor of the universe is really tied up in a cocoon. He has no measurement, so he gives us a chance. If these saints are not here, we will have another 20% chance to defeat the earth. "

His majesty ZuLong said: "however, as long as there is Yuanjue, as long as Yuanjue is alone. You won't be able to capture the earth. "

Long qianjue said: "Mo sun knows that we are not rivals of Yuanjue. But your majesty, the energy absorbed by our imperial sky boat, which has been built for thousands of years, is unimaginable. As long as the imperial heavenly boat is there and leads to Yuanjue, Yuanjue can be eliminated. The reason why we don't want to destroy Yuanjue on the earth is that we are afraid of destroying the earth. "

"Are you absolutely sure that the imperial Tianzhou can deal with Yuanjue? The original energy of the imperial sky boat comes from the earth, so you still need the earth's energy now. And Yuanjue has the power of the earth. This is how the emperor failed last time. How dare you be so big? Are you not afraid that the power of the earth will also restrain the imperial sky boat? " His majesty ZuLong said coldly.

"This..." Long qianjue was sweating in an instant.

His majesty ZuLong said: "the grand plan of thousands of years, you are so careless, how can you let the emperor rest assured?"

"You are wrong. Thank you for your advice." Long qianjue said.

"Yuanjue is a great disaster." His majesty ZuLong sighed and said, "and the power of the earth, we come from the earth, and the power of the earth is our nemesis. At that time, we also controlled the power of the earth, but the universe emperor was not the product of the earth.... "

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