It was probably the most resentful and depressing thing for his majesty ZuLong to be defeated by the great emperor of the universe. Although tens of millions of years have passed, it has not forgotten.

Tens of millions of years ago, the gods occupied the earth. The great emperor of the universe is an outsider and invader. He defeated his majesty ZuLong. And created the earth crisis, forced the gods to move, also made the whole earth into a state of ice.

Finally, the great emperor of the universe transformed himself into the way of heaven to protect the earth.

It's ancient enmity.

What depressed his majesty ZuLong at that time was that he was proud of the power of the earth, which could not do anything to the emperor of the universe. But later, the descendants of the great emperor of the universe took the power of the earth and restrained it. Because it's a product of the earth.

His majesty ZuLong then said to long qianjue, "you don't have too much time. Imperial sky boat is too big, so its speed is limited after all. If you want to take charge of everything on the imperial heavenly boat, then I will help you with some other things. Yuanjue is a serious problem that our emperor will solve. After this emperor has solved Yuanjue, you will do something

"Your Majesty, do as you please!" Long qianjue said immediately.

His majesty ZuLong said: "on earth, when there is a problem with Yuanjue. Another major threat, Ben Di, is that this threat will become your enemy in 18 years. So it must be eliminated ahead of time. This man is Chen Yang, the king of destiny in the world. He also has the grain country tree. This seed is the best thing to deal with fairyland immortals. So don't worry about killing Chen Yang. Finally, catch him alive. The emperor of the universe has cultivated Chen Yang for a long time. Now, as long as you can abolish him. It is almost impossible for the emperor of the universe to cultivate such a person. At least, he doesn't have that much time. "

Long qianjue said, "yes, your majesty!" After a pause, he said doubtfully, "Your Majesty, are you sure to eliminate Yuanjue?"

His majesty ZuLong said: "there is 80% certainty, but even if he can be eliminated. I'm afraid I can't help you any more. This is the only thing the emperor can do for you. I'll kick the gate open for you and leave the rest to you. "

Dragon qianjue suddenly felt the bleak and solemn and stirring of his majesty ZuLong's language.

The morning hears a way, the night can die!

For the future of lingzun, his majesty ZuLong did not hesitate to spend thousands of years of cultivation. What kind of greatness and sacrifice is this?

Long qianjue can also understand the feelings of his majesty ZuLong. Just like himself, he is willing to pay his own life for the future of the Empire.

They are people of faith.

Their faith is home!

Lingzun has been wandering in the universe for a long time. They want to have a home.

"I will come to tell you what happened. Just wait for the news from me." Then his majesty ZuLong said.

"Your Majesty, but How do you deal with the power of the earth? " Long qianjue wants to help. Even though his accomplishments are superb, he still can't help with this level of fighting. Therefore, he is also worried about his Majesty's safety.

His majesty ZuLong sneered and said, "I have been looking for something all these years. This thing is called future crystal. In the universe, there is a Dark Lord. The Dark Lord has always wanted to find this crystal of the future. The Emperor gave him the crystal of the future and reached an agreement with him. He will help the emperor to kill Yuanjue. He will hide in the dark, he is the king in the dark, even the sense of truth is hard to detect his existence. With his help, it won't be a big problem to kill yuan Jue

"In that case, how can your majesty say that he can't help me any longer? You should be able to walk away with your whole body Long qianjue said.

His majesty ZuLong sighed and said, "if the emperor doesn't perform this play well, how can Yuanjue be deceived. This time, the emperor used his body as bait. Do you understand? "

Long qianjue said: "since the Dark Lord has the ability to let you value, he should be the same master as you, Yuanjue. Is it difficult for you to work together? It should be that you can easily kill him without any conspiracy! "

His majesty ZuLong said, "it's not as easy as you think. You may be able to defeat Yuanjue as you said, but it's too difficult to kill him completely. I've been planning for this for a long time. You don't need to doubt it. Let's wait for the result. "

"Yes, your majesty!" Long qianjue said.

His majesty ZuLong is about to leave.

Long qianjue said with tears, "Your Majesty, please take care of it!"

His majesty ZuLong saw the red eyes of long qianjue and his tears. I knew in my heart that he was sincere.

They are all for the same dream.

They are all for the same faith!

After all, his majesty ZuLong pulled away the spirit, and the golden light on the Jielong pillar disappeared, and everything returned to a state of calm.

In the dark universe, the original God of ZuLong has returned. ZuLong's body is on a planet, and the whole planet is covered by his majesty. His tail completely coiled the planet.

At the moment of Yuan Shen's return, ZuLong's eyes opened. The Dark Universe is dark everywhere, but when his eyes open, the void is illuminated.All of a sudden, ZuLong's figure began to shrink, and then it was reduced to the size of lingzun. And the light around it disappears.

ZuLong's figure flashed in the void and disappeared quickly.

In another part of the universe, there's a huge dark tide. Dark particles mix together to form a dark black hole. How big is the dark black hole? At a glance, it is like the vast and boundless Milky way.

What sea in the dark tide, like a joke.

The tide of darkness is like a tsunami.

The dark particles in it are impermanent, lethal and amazing.

Even if the master of creation came, he would never dare to go in when he saw such a dark tide.

His majesty ZuLong came to the dark tide. He didn't think much and went directly into the dark tide. The dark tide was originally fierce and surging, but after the arrival of his majesty ZuLong, all the dark particles around his majesty ZuLong were docile, just like a gentle mother.

His majesty ZuLong came to the core of the dark tide, where there are endless dark particles. These dark particles begin to gather and finally form a monster!

The monster was huge and full of dark particles.

This monster is Dark Lord!

There is no sense of dignity in the Dark Lord. There is infinite mystery in his eyes. His body is made up of dark particles, like a giant black sand monster.

"Your majesty The Dark Lord saw his majesty ZuLong. His figure immediately began to shrink, and finally became the same size as ZuLong.

They are equal.

The Dark Lord gave ZuLong a smile. He seemed more polite. In this universe, there are not many people who can be respected by the Dark Lord. But his majesty ZuLong can definitely count as one.

"Everything, the emperor who should be prepared has been prepared." Said his majesty ZuLong. "When can you act?" he asked

"Don't worry, your majesty. The crystal master of the future has not been fully understood. Give me some time, and when I get to know the crystal of the future, I will be more confident. " Said the Dark Lord.

"Ten days for you!" Said his majesty ZuLong.

"Good!" The Dark Lord agreed.

"This crystal of the future was also studied by the emperor. There are five crystal stones in total. As the name suggests, eternal crystal stone is the power of eternity. Space crystal is the power of space. The crystal of time is the power of time. Power crystal represents power. So, what about the future crystal? For the future? " His majesty ZuLong asked the Dark Lord.

The Dark Lord said, "will your majesty listen?"

His majesty ZuLong said, "I'd like to hear it in detail."

The Dark Lord said, "power and reason are all kinds of things. Every creature has a different understanding of power and reason. Moreover, some are mutually exclusive. It's a matter of who's right and who's wrong. But the difference between creatures is fixed. Either yin or yang. Neither is it, your majesty? "

His majesty ZuLong said: "yes, although there are very few creatures with Yin and Yang changes, that can be ignored."

The Dark Lord said, "yes. The difference between living beings can be distinguished by Yin and Yang. As for power and reason, we can also distinguish them by three ways. The truth and power of the past, the truth and power of the present, and the truth and power of the future. What happened in the past is what has happened. What is happening now, and only the truth and power of the future are full of variables. "

"What's the role of crystal in the future?" It's easy for his majesty ZuLong to understand the Dark Lord's words and ask directly.

The Dark Lord said, "well, let's make a hypothesis. Originally, it should be you and Yuanjue fight, Yuanjue sword to kill you. But I see this result through the crystal of the future. The past cannot be changed because it has happened. Now is too late to change, but the future can change. Because the future is random and changeable. Of course, not everyone can change this future. We must first change the future factors and molecules through the future crystal. At that time, we can deploy ahead of time and kill Yuanjue. Change what should have happened. That's the power of crystal in the future. At the same time, through the future crystal, we can know everything in the future. Compared with other crystal stones, future crystal stones may not be as powerful. But it's the most unique. "

His majesty ZuLong said: "the emperor knows that there is the ability to know the past and the future in Taoism."

The Dark Lord said, "but that's not accurate. No one can predict it accurately. The future is too changeable. There is a river of the future in this crystal of the future. It's very difficult to find the right future in the river of the future. Not to mention the way to know, it's just to know some vague and inaccurate outlines. "

His majesty ZuLong said, "can you deduce the result of our joint efforts to kill Yuanjue?"

The Dark Lord said, "I haven't studied it yet, so I need your majesty to give me some time."

His majesty ZuLong said, "well, I hope everything you said is right."

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