The Dark Lord thought of something and said: "according to the truth, since there is a future crystal stone. There should be crystal of the past and crystal of the present. However, these two crystals do not exist. "

His majesty ZuLong said: "in the past, crystal stone certainly did not need to exist, because the Taoist art of living beings can already calculate the past. As for what is happening now, it is even more unnecessary. "

With a smile, the Dark Lord said, "Your Majesty has seen it through." After a pause, he said, "Your Majesty, you have a pair of wise eyes. However, I don't understand some things. I want your majesty to dispel my doubts today. "

His majesty ZuLong said faintly, "tell me."

The Dark Lord said, "although lingzun is your Majesty's descendant, what is your Majesty's existence? Can the inheritance of race, these illusory things, really become your fetters? Ordinary friars, to a certain extent, can also be merciless. Can't you see through? "

His majesty ZuLong said, "I know what you mean."

The Dark Lord laughed and said, "is that right?"

His majesty ZuLong said, "you are different from this emperor. You have come out of the darkness to achieve what you are today. You're going from heartless to affectionate, but you're making a mistake. "

"Oh?" Said the Dark Lord.

His majesty ZuLong said, "your affection is just a fluctuation of emotion. But you are still pursuing the ultimate Tao. What is the ultimate Tao

The Dark Lord was slightly stunned, and then said: "long life, long life, boundless power, standing forever!"

His majesty ZuLong said, "it's you, the dark tide, that live forever, not you. You grow out of the dark tide, and you will become a dark tide. This is a cycle! Are those people smart? What are they now? The great emperor of the universe is indeed immortal, but it has lost the seven emotions and six desires of the living beings, and it has turned into the way of heaven. Although it exists forever, what is its significance? Just like the universe, it exists forever, but do you want to be the universe? "

"Of course I don't want to!" At this moment, the Dark Lord felt a little creepy. "But shouldn't we pursue greater power?"

His majesty ZuLong said, "so you need faith. Don't let yourself lose the faith of consciousness and emotion, otherwise, powerful is the ecstasy. If it is necessary to lose seven emotions and six desires to be strong, then the final result must be the fate of the great emperor of the universe. "

After a pause, he said: "the emperor once had a puzzle. At that time, did he choose to continue to be strong or remember his faith. The emperor has never forgotten one thing, that is, the universe emperor took his home and drove him and his people out of the earth. Before the maze of that time, if the emperor chose to forget, then now, the strength of the emperor can be greatly improved. But maybe now, Ben Di has become a character like the great emperor of the universe. Otherwise, do you really think that a little Yuanjue can become the enemy of the emperor? "

"It's really A dilemma The Dark Lord smiles bitterly.

"Remember, everything has two sides. Choose one side, you will lose one side. " Finally, his majesty ZuLong said.

The Dark Lord said: "maybe there was another devil in the dark tide, but later, he returned to the dark tide. It's just like the life and death of living beings, the reciprocation of life and death. However, the devil is not the real one! "

His majesty ZuLong said, "you are right, but the law and process are the same."

"But now, the law process is changing," said the Dark Lord

His majesty ZuLong said, "it's still in the law and process, just a little change. As for why there is a little change, maybe it is because you have mastered the crystal of the future. I will bring you the crystal stone of the future and urge me to give you some advice. "

"Then you Your majesty, why can you get out of this Asked the Dark Lord.

His majesty ZuLong was slightly stunned, and said: "maybe, we think the detachment is not detachment. It's too early for everything

The Dark Lord said: "when I have studied the crystal of the future, I must see your and my future clearly." His majesty ZuLong said, "if you see clearly, you can say that the future is changeable."

The Dark Lord was silent.

They are all powerful people in the world. When they look at the creatures in the world, they are like mole ants. God has been teased.

But now think about it, aren't they all the same?

On the earth, it seems to be calm, but in fact, it has been turbulent.

Yuqing world, Yuqing gate.

In the bedroom of Fu Zhichen, the supreme leader of Yuqing sect, Fu Zhichen once again opened the imperial edict of the fairyland and got in touch with the immortals.

"See Everlasting Hatred for the emperor!" Fu Zhichen knelt down respectfully.

In the golden light curtain of the celestial kingdom's imperial edict, the face of changhen Tianjun is vague and dignified.

"Get up, Fu Zhichen!" It's nice to hate the emperor forever.

Fu Zhichen stood up and said, "I don't know that Shangxian suddenly called each other, but I have something to tell you?"Changhen Tianjun said: "the earth is now troubled, in recent years, we have found out. Who was the one who deliberately destroyed the fairyland passage

"Who is so bold?" Fu Zhichen was surprised and asked.

"It's ancient lingzun. They are the living beings of the earth and the ancestors of dinosaurs." Changhen Tianjun explained to Fu Zhichen. Fu Zhichen also heard about lingzun. He just didn't expect that lingzun's hands reached the fairyland.

Changhen Tianjun continued: "now, those spiritual elders have come up with a way to send a small number of people to the earth to catch Chen Yang. Their struggle with us has begun. They want to use the grain country tree to deal with us. So now, Chen Yang is the top priority. We must not let them fall into the hands of lingzun. You can kill Chen Yang and destroy the grain state tree. "

"But Isn't the passage destroyed? How did they get here? " Fu Zhichen was surprised.

Changhen Tianjun said: "they left a hand when they destroyed the passage. But you can rest assured that we have gone to ask for instructions from our ancestors. Laozu has figured out a way to send some people to deal with lingzun and help you kill Chen Yang. "

"That's great." Fu Zhichen was overjoyed. Now he feels that he can't even deal with Chen Yang, let alone deal with lingzun from fairyland.

At present, changhen Tianjun said that he would send someone to come. That's great.

Changhen Tianjun said: "neither our channel nor the channel of lingzun elder can bear too strong energy body. Therefore, the experts we sent are at most wuchong. Moreover, we have an agreement with the earth not to let the world power enter. So the people who come here have no power of the world. "

"Where are the gods?" Fu Zhichen was surprised again.

Changhen Tianjun said: "they don't dare to send experts who have the power of the world. There are rules of the universe on earth. What's more, isn't there Yuanjue? "

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