Thousand purple dust act means vigorous and resolute, then said: "after all, the earth is not your people's permanent place. In the future, the fairyland passage will be opened again sooner or later. You are good at living and working. I will record the credit for it. When we arrive at the fairyland, there will be glory. What's more, there are so many treasures that you can't imagine

After the combination of her kindness and power, the elders of the Supreme Court were convinced. In fact, after seeing these immortal envoys, those big guys can't refuse.

In this series, the deterrent power brought by the ten creation masters is more direct than anything else.

After thousands of purple dust like this, the bigwigs said together: "the immortal envoy has orders, but we are willing to go through fire and water

Qian Zichen nodded with satisfaction and said, "well, the first thing is Tianzhou, the imperial city of Dakang! The immortal envoy heard about the emperor Dakang. He is very powerful! Burn our Hunyuan Taiji map, kill zhongchunmou, and make our whole Yuqing world lose its strength. If it wasn't for that Xuan Zhenghao, why bother us today. Therefore, the first thing for the immortal emissary is to attack and kill the imperial city of Dakang and make xuanzhenghao a prisoner. Let his subjects, his children, his wife be slaves. "

After a pause, she asked Fu Zhichen, "Fu Zhichen, do you think it's difficult for us to attack xuanzhenghao?"

Fu Zhichen had already accepted Hunyuan Jinruyi. Then he saluted respectfully and said, "Huixian envoy, according to the truth, should be as easy as the palm of one's hand."

"That's interesting." Thousand purple dust said.

Fu Zhichen said: "at the beginning, we had the power of the world to Fu Xuan Zhenghao, and we also had zhongchunmou's grandmaster. No one thought that he would lose! Now, we don't dare to trust xuanzhenghao any more. This man is really a genius, immortal emissary

Qian Zichen nodded and said, "I know. However, it took him too long to fight that day. Now, it's almost impossible for him to gather so many experts. Moreover, he will not have many pills. "

Fu Zhichen said: "although we think Xuan Zhenghao is hard to deal with, as long as the immortal envoy tells us, we will go through fire and water, and we will not give up!"

Qian Zichen was very satisfied with Fu Zhichen's attitude, she said: "Fu Zhichen, you go to Dakang with our immortal envoy. Conquering Dakang is the first thing we should do. But these are not the two major events in our lower world this time. The first is to destroy the grain, the country and the tree. Second, eliminate the spirit Buddha from the fairyland. And, hidden on earth. Fairyland and the earth are a strip of water. Lingzun is of a different kind. You can't keep it

"Yes Everyone should be.

Qianzichen then ordered troops and generals. She ordered Fu Zhichen to go to Tianzhou with her and the other eight envoys. And make Tan Lao and the rest of the big guys stay in the base camp.

A group of people soon forcibly connected the transmission array of Tianzhou and directly appeared in Tianzhou.

Of course, the transmission array they connected was not in the imperial city of Dakang. The teleportation array of Dakang Imperial City, even qianzichen, has no such ability to connect by force.

The wind and cloud suddenly rose, and heaven and earth surged wildly.

Thousands of purple dust and others appeared in the sky of Tianzhou. The weather of Tianzhou is sunny and sunny.

It was two o'clock at noon.

They're all in the clouds.

Fu Zhichen is behind Qian Zichen, and his mind shoots out. He quickly gains countless information and locks the imperial city of Dakang.

"Fu Zhichen!" Thousand purple dust suddenly called out.

Fu Zhichen served carefully, and immediately said, "immortal envoy, please order."

Thousand purple dust said: "I heard that on that day, when xuanzhenghao burned the Hunyuan Taiji picture, there was a picture of mountains and rivers, country and country, right?"

Fu Zhichen said in a deep voice: "not bad."

Qianzichen said: "the picture of mountains and rivers is the sacred thing of empress Nuwa. I have found out that Suzhen in black, who took part in the war on that day, was the reincarnation of Goddess Nuwa. Originally this time, Shennong world and Suzhen in black could not let it go. But for the sake of empress Nuwa, this matter will not be investigated. "

Fu Zhichen's heart was shocked, and he knew that there was such a source on Suzhen in black.

No wonder that woman is so powerful.

At this time, the world, on Mount Tai.

Although the sun is strong, it can't penetrate one of the clouds.

In the misty mountain peak, the Dharma God sat on his knees. Opposite the God of Dharma, there are also Shendi forest war.

"The world power of the earth has been passed on to you, Lin Zhan." Yuanjue said.

The God Emperor's body already had the infinite prestige, moreover was more and more unable to see through. His cultivation has also reached the five levels of creation!

Moreover, he has mastered the power of the earth.

Now he can turn his hand over to cloud and rain.

The God Emperor is more and more powerful and dignified.But Yuanjue was getting older and his face was wrinkled. At the same time, he was thin and weak.

The emperor looked at Yuanjue and said, "I will remember my duty."

Yuanjue nodded, and then said, "I've walked all the way you've walked. In those years, I took over the Tiandao pen from Taobao Taoist, and became the law enforcer of the earth. "

He pauses and says, "today, however, I don't have any tiandaobi to pass on to you."

God Emperor said: "the way of heaven is in Chen Yang's hand."

Yuanjue said: "Tiandao pen is a waste. It doesn't matter in anyone's hands."

The God Emperor said: "old Hongjun, Taoists of Duobao used to be law enforcers of the way of heaven. You're the third one, but you're dying. Is the replacement of law enforcers ending with death? Also, there are some things that I still don't see clearly. What is Chen Yang? "

Yuanjue said, "both Hongjun and Taobao are not dead. They are different from you and me. You and I come from the universe. They are creatures born out of chaos, they have their own ideas, and they leave after completing some missions. "

Then Tianjue said, "I'm here to serve you."

God said, "I understand."

Yuanjue said: "I will die now, which also means that everything has changed and is no longer under the control of the great emperor of the universe. In such a situation, anything can happen. No one can never be defeated, poor monk can't, you can't. The emperor of the universe will also be defeated, but it doesn't matter if you and I are defeated. If the emperor of the universe is defeated, the earth may still exist. And humans, they will be removed. "

God said: "even if the earth reopens the five elements, it is not uncommon. Isn't human survival important? "

Yuanjue said: "if the earth's resources are exhausted, the five elements must be reopened, of course, there is no problem. But if lingzun's plan succeeds, the universe will be destroyed and you will die. "

God said: "I often think, you and I are procedures, dedicated to the emperor of the universe. But what if I don't want to do it for him? I don't care about all this? "

Yuanjue took a deep look at the emperor and said, "this idea of yours is very dangerous."

God said: "because I saw you today."

Yuanjue said, "I'm not really for the sake of the emperor of the universe. I'm for myself and for the sake of my beloved earth. The earth can reopen the wind and fire of the five elements, but the earth can't be harmed cruelly by lingzun. Lingzun has been wandering in the universe for a long time. They hate the earth and want to grab the energy of the earth. They don't care about the earth. "

After a pause, he looked at the God Emperor again: "you see too thoroughly, so you have doubts. Think about it for yourself. I used to sink in pain with doubts like you, so I don't worry about you. "

God Emperor is about to open his mouth, suddenly his face slightly changed: "the people of fairyland have come, they have arrived at Tianzhou."

Yuanjue said: "now you have the world power of the earth, they are not your opponents. They went to Tianzhou, presumably to repay Xuan Zhenghao's hatred for burning Hunyuan Taiji. What, do you want to do it? "

God Emperor can't help but say: "Xuan Zhenghao is good for the earth. In the future, he will be able to make great achievements in dealing with lingzun. "

With a smile, Yuanjue said: "so, although you say you don't care, in fact, the earth is the place where you are raised. This feeling is deep into the marrow. "

"Should I do it?" The God Emperor was slightly stunned, and then realized.

Yuanjue light said: "you think about it, after thinking clearly, you can do whatever you want."

"I think for myself?" The emperor was slightly surprised.

Although he has always been cold-blooded and arbitrary, he has a strong mind and will. But now, just sitting in the position of law enforcer, he inevitably has doubts and uncertainties.

But soon, the emperor calmed down.

"I think so." Said the emperor.

Yuanjue said, "if you understand."

But he didn't ask much.

God's answer is no hand.

Because the reason is very simple, he is a law enforcement officer. Law is greater than affection!

The iron rules of the earth have been made long ago.

When the enemy abides by the laws and regulations, and the God Emperor, as a law executor, violates the laws of the earth, then

The consequences are serious.

Law is no longer law, but emotion.

Law must always be law.

At this moment, the emperor felt the heavy burden on his body. This burden is the life and death of the whole earth!

Tianzhou, the sky of Dakang is still so bright.

Before qianzichen and his party officially went down, there was a figure flashing in the imperial city of Dakang.

This figure is no other than xuanzhenghao, emperor of Dakang.

But if you look at it carefully, you can distinguish it immediately. This is not Xuan Zhenghao's real body, but a spirit.Xuanzhenghao came to qianzichen and others. He hugged his fist and said with a smile: "it's a great honor for you to come here. Xuanzhenghao, emperor of Dakang, has met you

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