Thousands of purple dust looked at Xuan Zhenghao, she sneered, said: "is you, fire Hunyuan Taiji map, big break Yuqing door?"

Xuan Zheng Hao is tiny a Zheng, he also can't deny, then say a way: "yes, really is under."

Thousands of purple dust said: "you have great prestige!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I've heard that you are the envoys of the fairyland. Today, I'm here to raise my teacher's conscience. But... "

"Do you want us to retreat with your eloquence?" Thousands of purple dust's side, a creation environment triple immortal make also sneer a, say. This fairy emissary is called yunlifei.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "today, I sincerely come to see you. But it's not that I'm afraid of you, it's just that... "

"Don't be ashamed Thousand purple dust no longer talks with Xuan Zhenghao. She flashed a sword power, which was like a flash of light, but extremely fierce. In an instant, the yuan God of xuanzhenghao was cut to pieces.

But soon, the cut spirit recovered again.

This is the territory of the imperial city of Dakang, and xuanzhenghao is the master here. What's more, it's just a God that has been destroyed.

Therefore, xuanzhenghao can immediately gather the spirit again.

Xuan Zhenghao appears again in front of Qian Zichen and others.

From beginning to end, Fu Zhichen did not speak.

Xuan Zhenghao was no longer polite at this time. He just sneered and said, "it seems that you fairy envoys are just fools. I really think highly of you. Now that you think you've won, come on. "

After he finished, he dispersed the spirit.

Xuan Zhenghao has always been proud.

It was a big concession that he was willing to discuss in a low voice. But at the moment, these immortals are arrogant, which completely obliterates Xuan Zhenghao's patience.

At present, thousands of purple dust a people are not polite, directly toward the imperial city inside.

They quickly entered the Imperial City, but the scene of the imperial city was very different. The imperial city is not what it used to be, but the immortal envoys have arrived The interior of the boat of one dollar.

In the boat of one yuan, there is an endless sea of stars.

There are countless dense spaces in the space, some of which are colorful, and some of which are like glass.

Qianzichen and others felt that they were surrounded by thick fog.

What's more, the idea of thousands of purple dust shoots out, and you will feel that the world in ten directions, hundreds of millions of miles, is full of this kind of thick fog.

The space is mysterious and unimaginable.

In such a vast space, qianzichen feels all kinds of complex array procedures in the space. She can crack some, but it will be very slow. If forced to tear, but the space is too large, I don't know when to tear.

At the same time, the dense space began to attack the thousand purple dust group. In the blink of an eye, all the people were scattered.

"What's your name?" At this time, the voice of the cold dust appeared in the ear.

"Are you entitled to know?" Thousand purple dust cold hum.

"Outside, I'm not your opponent. But now you are trapped in this, and I am in charge of your life! " Xuanzhenghao said word by word.

Thousands of purple dust smile, but her words are with a chill: "yes, you this array, very powerful. The source of this array is the boat of one yuan. The boat of one yuan is an existence spread from the gate of eternal life. But if you think that the means of fairyland is only what you see, it's really ridiculous. "

At this time, a magic weapon was offered by qianzichen. The magic weapon is Pan Gu fan!

When Xuan Zhenghao saw pan Gufan, he was shocked.

"You took Pan Gu fan? This flag is a sacred thing handed down to the emperor of Yuanshi by Hongjun's ancestors. It has the power to crush time and space. " Xuan Zhenghao said with trembling voice.

"You forced me to do it." Thousand purple dust said. She said that she was going to open the ancient flag.

"Slow down," he said

Thousand purple dust said: "afraid?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "it can't be used easily, otherwise there must be cause and effect. Didn't the person who gave it to you tell you that? "

Thousand purple dust heart a surprised, she said: "you know, pour or many."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "even if you use Pan Gu's banner, you can't break the power of my one yuan boat. I just can't keep you. But I can also kill the masters in your cultivation and creation environment. "

"Then you are looking for death!" Thousand purple dust suddenly angry.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "your Pangu banner really surprised me, but if you insist, I'm not afraid of losing both sides. At the beginning, I dare to give up my life to fight against Hunyuan Taiji. Today I will not die with you without the courage. This is not the way I want to choose. Now, you can see my card. Can we talk about it? "

Qian Zichen pondered for a long time, and then she received Pan Gu's flag. This Pan Gu banner is very powerful. It can't be used easily. So she didn't want to do it until she had to.At this time, thousands of purple dust said: "what do you want to talk about?"

"Maybe we can work together to attack lingzun," he said. Don't forget, our common enemy is lingzun. Now lingzun's Empire Tianzhou has sent experts to come here, and lingzun of fairyland has also sent experts to come here. Their goal is Chen Yang. Have you ever thought about the disastrous consequences that fairyland will face if Chen Yang falls into their hands? "

"Do you know where Chen Yang is?" Thousand purple dust asked immediately.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I know where Chen Yang has gone. If he comes back, he will definitely come to me. Now, Chen Yang is not in the earth at all. However, Chen Yang and I are close friends and do not intend to hand him over to you. "

Qian Zichen said, "if we don't pay Chen Yang, what else can we talk about?"

"You are a woman who seems to be highly cultivated and beautiful. I don't want to, but I'm as stupid as a pig! " Xuan Zhenghao was a little annoyed: "maybe you have been in fairyland for a long time. Your brain has degenerated. You'd better not force us. We're in a hurry. I'll join Chen Yang to take refuge with lingzun. Then we'll see if you still have this sense of superiority. "

"You..." Qianzichen is furious.

Xuan Zhenghao said, "what happened to me? Can you kill me? "

Thousand purple dust can't help but dumb, she is full of confidence before coming. But now, after learning the power of this one yuan boat array, she also realizes that she is absolutely hard to catch Xuan Zhenghao.

"We can't keep the grain, the country and the sacred tree." After taking a deep breath, qianzichen said, "this is our bottom line."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "this matter can be discussed later. The important thing is, what do you want to do now? It's working with us against lingzun. Or choose to let us cooperate with lingzun to deal with you? The reason why I am willing to cooperate with you is not because you have any advantages. Instead, the fairyland and the earth are a strip of water. We are compatriots after all. Although you are human snakes, we are also human beings. Lingzun is a completely different race

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