After hearing Xuan Zhenghao's words, Qian Zichen said, "this is what you say in your heart?"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I've made it clear what the purpose of lingzun is. They need the earth's energy, they don't care about the future of the earth. You people and snakes are also from the earth. If you really lose the root of the earth, what will be the consequences. I don't think you're sure, are you? "

Thousand purple dust said: "we have never thought of dealing with the earth. Naturally, we also hope that the earth can hold on! "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "in other words, Chen Yang didn't want to deal with you immortals. But when you come to kill him again and again, aren't you pushing him to the enemy? "

Thousand purple dust said: "we just want to destroy the grain country tree."

"The grain, the country, the divine tree and Chen Yang are one, unless Chen Yang dies Of course, you don't care about Chen Yang. But he is the king of heaven chosen by the great emperor of the universe, and he is an important part in dealing with the spirit worship. " Xuan Zhenghao said.

After a pause, he continued: "what if you have destroyed the grain state tree? Can you rest easy from now on? Didn't you go out once? But now, isn't the grain country tree growing up again? "

"Do you know what a heavy price we had to pay for the destruction of the five grain state tree. So today, we can't allow the grain state tree to grow up again. " Qian Zichen said: "this is the consensus of all the immortals. No matter the devil or the emperor, they don't want to see this tree grow up. Our roots come from the earth, but the earth grows this kind of thing again and again. According to the immortal envoy, there is a conspiracy of the great emperor of the universe in it. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "it's just that all things interact with each other. Well, I advise you not to destroy the grain, the country and the tree, and you can't agree. You promised, and the immortals behind you could not. Let's talk about it later. I can provide you with the whereabouts of those spiritual masters on the condition that you don't deal with my Dakang imperial city any more. In addition, I can also be your backup when necessary. As long as you encounter irresistible danger, my Dakang imperial city will accept you. "

"Joke..." Thousand purple dust said.

"There is no joke without a joke. Everything is possible. One more way out is one more way out! " Xuan Zhenghao said.

Qian Zichen said, "the purpose of lingzun is Chen Yang. If they can't find Chen Yang, they will come to you. But we want to help you with Zuncheng. Who do you think is a fool? "

"Well, what do you want to do?" Xuan is Hao helpless, said.

Thousand purple dust tiny a Zheng, she has been thinking of Xuan Zhenghao's attempt, and try not to be cheated by Xuan Zhenghao. So this next Xuan Zheng Hao asks, she stayed for a while.

Thousand purple dust in the heart also know, today and this Xuan Zheng Hao blood fight, really is not worth it. After thinking about it, she said, "well, you promise me something. Then, I will not be embarrassed with you. If you can't do it, then the immortal envoy will let your blood flow out of the imperial city of Dakang. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "OK, I promise you that I will not accept Chen Yang or help him."

Thousands of purple dust slightly a Zheng, then said: "you are really smart."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "well, do I need to provide the whereabouts of lingzun?"

Thousand purple dust said: "you can provide, but as for how we do, it does not need you to worry about."

"Of course," he said

Thousands of purple dust and Xuan Zhenghao then left a mark on each other, in order to achieve communication. Of course, even if they are immortal envoys, they can't communicate with each other through their marks. But Xuan Zhenghao also tells Qian Zichen that once there is news, he will send Yuanshen to inform him. Now, he is also investigating the whereabouts of lingzun.

After that, qianzichen and his party left.

A disaster will be xuanzhenghao easy to eliminate.

The imperial city of Dakang has become an iron mountain. Xuan Zhenghao has been planning for many years, but he hasn't worked hard.

After qianzichen and his party left, they returned to Yuqing world.

This failure, let thousand purple dust heart is not happy.

Yanjing can not go, Tianzhou operation failed

"Immortal envoy, since Chen Yang is not on the earth, now we have to wait. Chen Yang has a lot of tricks, while Xuan Zhenghao has many tricks... " Fu Zhichen gave advice to Qian Zichen. He said: "Chen Yang will definitely return to the earth. If he returns to the earth, he must go to the world. We are on the outskirts of the world. When he is out of the world, we can start. In addition, lingzun will not let Chen Yang go. They will also think of catching Chen Yang's relatives and friends. Therefore, I think that lingzun will attack Dakang, but not Dakang. After that, lingzun may attack Shennong world. On the one hand, we pay attention to Chen Yang, on the other hand, we pay attention to lingzun's actions. It's better to wait for Chen Yang and the spirit masters to get up, and then start again, so that you can take advantage of them. "

"You have a point!" A thousand purple dust eyes a bright.

Three days later, the earth, the world!A body glint into the world. This figure is no other than Chen Yang, long lost. Chen Yang experienced in the universe and refined his clothes. Now his clothes can be changed as he wishes. To the world, hair naturally shortened, clothing has become the world's clothing.

After that, Chen Yang entered Yanjing.

It's may weather in Yanjing. It's windy and sunny. It's ten o'clock in the morning, Wednesday.

The children all went to school.

Qin Lin has already left the world, and he doesn't know where to search for the star stone.

Chen Yang went back to the garden villa, where there were only Fu Qingzhu, Liu Ma and Zhao ma. Fu Qingzhu is basking in the sun in the garden of the villa. The sun is very comfortable in May.

Chen Yang falls in front of Fu Qingzhu, who looks like an ordinary young man in his white loose fitting pajamas. It can't be seen at all that he was once the king of destiny in the central world.

"Brother Chen Yang, you are back." Fu Qingzhu was overjoyed to see Chen Yang and stood up from his reclining chair.

He was really happy.

Chen Yang could not help but feel ashamed and said, "I didn't find a way to crack the Qi of creation in your body this time."

Fu Qingzhu said: "what do you do with these things? I feel very free now! I wish my life would be so easy. Xiao AI is very happy, too. "

Although Fu Qingzhu said so, Chen Yang also knew that Fu Qingzhu definitely wanted to restore his strength. A king, used to the king's world, can not adapt to this ordinary life.

"Brother Fu, don't worry. I'll help you find a way out as soon as possible. " Chen Yang once again assured Fu Qingzhu.

"I'm not in a hurry." Fu Qingzhu said.

Two people exchanged greetings for a while, Liu Ma and Zhao Ma gave them tea and snacks. Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu sat together at the door and chatted. Chen Yang simply talked about the adventure, but he didn't mention his promotion. He was also afraid of stimulating Fu Qingzhu. It's just that Qiao Ning has nothing to do with it, which makes Fu Qingzhu feel relieved.

In fact, Fu Qingzhu did not know about the ups and downs of the outside world. So there is no information for Chen Yang.

Chen Yang actually doesn't know what happened to the earth.

But half an hour later, Shen monong came back.

When Chen Yang comes back, Shen monong has already felt his mark.

Shen monong came directly from the void.

"Ink is thick!" Fu Qingzhu smiles.

Shen Mo Nong called politely: "brother Fu!"

Chen Mo Yang got up and gave Shen a big smile. "I miss you so much for coming back so soon and leaving all my work behind?"

Shen Mo Nong's face is dignified: "how is sister Qiao Ning?" She asked first.

"She..." Chen Yang gave a brief account of the incident.

Shen Mo Nong hears that Qiao Ning is OK, and is slightly relieved. Then she said, "there are some things I have to let you know."

"What's the matter?" Chen Yang is surprised to find that Shen's expression is different.

"First thing!" Shen Mo Nong took out the black crystal: "this is from Bai Su Zhen. It says that ling'er is in it. She said she had something to do, and I don't know what it is

"What?" Chen Yang turns pale. He knows Suzhen too well. When she puts ling'er in Yanjing, doesn't it mean that she will only do so when she has an irresolvable danger?

Chen Yang can't calm down any more. He takes over the black spar and quickly looks inside.

Inside, ling'er is still sleeping peacefully.

At the same time, Chen Yang found a star stone inside.

Chen Yang catches the star stone. He knows it was found by Suzhen in Heiyi and left it to himself.

"She'll be all right, she won't be!" Chen Yang murmured.

"There's a second big thing!" Shen continued.

She said that there was no need to avoid Fu Qingzhu.

"What else?" Chen Yang was surprised.

"Xuan Zhenghao has some old friends in Hong Kong. He has passed on the news through Hong Kong," Shen said

"What's the news?" Chen Yang asked.

Shen Mo Nong said: "the celestial kingdom sent down several immortal envoys through the celestial kingdom edict of Yuqing gate. In a word, the cultivation of immortal envoys is all the realm of creation. They came for the sake of the grain, the country and the divine tree. Besides, there's a killer troop on lingzun's side coming from the imperial Tianzhou. This killer force was supposed to carry out the death list ahead of time to wipe out some threats to the earth. But now, their target may be you. From the fairyland, the elders of the spirit also sent some experts to come here by some mysterious means. It is estimated that all of them are the cultivation of the realm of creation. Their goal, it's all you. "

"Besides, Xuan Zhenghao said that he had been besieged by the envoys. And, in order to keep the Imperial City, keep Dakang. He made an agreement with the envoys that Dakang would not take you in or help you. So, Xuan Zhenghao said, "now everything depends on you."

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