"Xuanzhenghao has launched the ultimate array of the boat of one yuan in order to protect Dakang," Shen said

Chen Yang can't help but look at the blue sky and white clouds. Under the seemingly calm sky, there are so many undercurrents hidden.

"I have to get out." He said to Shen immediately.

Shen Molong was surprised and said, "it's so dangerous outside now. How can you leave Yanjing and the world?"

Chen Yang said: "they can deal with Dakang. Dakang is guarded by the emperor. But what if they go to deal with Shennong world? I need to go to Shennong world. "

Shen Mo Nong said, "but are you an opponent by yourself?"

Chen Yang patted Shen on the shoulder and said, "don't worry about me. I have a way to deal with it. Now that these people are here, they can't escape. "

Fu Qingzhu said: "but at least, we should think of a perfect solution first."

Chen Yang gives the black crystal to Shen monong again and asks Shen monong to take good care of situ linger. At the same time, he took out the star stone that Suzhen gave him.

"This time I gained a lot in space. I got five star stones, and I got two. The rest, you and the elder brother, the second brother, one for each of them. This one is for you first! " He then threw the star stone to Fu Qingzhu.

In fact, he didn't get five star stones at all. The reason for this is to let Fu Qingzhu accept the star stone. After all, Chen Yang feels guilty for Fu Qingzhu's injury. At present, Fu Qingzhu can't go out to look for star stones. Chen Yang naturally wants to help Fu Qingzhu find more star stones.

To his shame, he gave Fu Qingzhu two star stones, but they were all found by Suzhen in black.

Fu Qingzhu didn't think about it. Chen Yang accepted it. He said with a smile, "it's faster than I go out to look for it."

Chen Yang smiles.

Fu Qingzhu said: "but brother Chen Yang, it's too dangerous for you to go out."

"I know the danger, but you don't have to worry about me," Chen said. I don't have many people who can kill me now. If we don't say we are invincible on earth, we should have no big problem in self-protection! "

He is confident.

Fu Qingzhu and Shen monong are still worried, but they also know that it is unrealistic for Chen Yang to shrink all the time.

"Where are you going now?" Shen Molong asked Chen Yang, "go to Shennong world? I'm afraid there's a net ready for you to get in. "

"I will be careful," Chen said

After all, he is a veteran.

Shen also knows that Chen Yang can think of what he can think of.

"I suggest you go to Mount Tai and meet someone before you go to Shennong world." Fu Qingzhu said suddenly.

"Fa Shen Yuan Jue?" Chen Yang's eyes brightened.

Then Chen Yang kisses Shen's lips and says goodbye to her and Fu Qingzhu. He came and went quickly, and he had already left Yanjing. The violent mana in his body and his knowledge of the external magnetic field are as simple as eating and drinking.

On the top of Mount Tai, there is a cloud in the blue sky and white clouds.

Chen Yang met Yuanjue and Shendi in the misty place.

The emperor is still dignified and indifferent.

As for Yuanjue At the moment of seeing Yuanjue, Chen Yang was shocked.

Because Yuanjue is getting older and older, he seems to be an old man who has no magic power at all.

"Dharma, why is that?" Chen Yang is disgraced.

"Sit down!" Shendi was not surprised by Chen Yang's arrival, he said.

Chen Yang sat down with his knees crossed. He still couldn't help saying, "God of Dharma, what's the matter with you? Why does it seem like there's no mana? Are you hurt? Is there anyone else in the world who can hurt you? "

Yuanjue looked at Chen Yang and said with a smile, "no one on earth can hurt me. But there are still such characters in the universe! "

"If you are not defeated, we will not be able to do anything about it." Chen Yang is worried about the safety of the earth.

Yuanjue said: "the universe is vast, and there are countless strong ones in it. The earth has never been at ease, so it needs the rise of your descendants. "

Chen Yang said, "I understand what you said. So who hurt you? How to treat you? As long as I can do it, I will do it for you. "

Yuanjue said, "the Dark Lord in the universe joins hands with his majesty Zong ZuLong, the ancestor of lingzun. Their purpose is to be a poor monk. Poor monk then contacted white girl, still have star Lord. In the end, the Dark Lord and his majesty ZuLong have disappeared. On my side, white girl and the star master have nothing to do, but I have paid some price. "

"Bai Suzhen?" Chen Yang is slightly relieved to hear that Suzhen in black is OK. He immediately asked, "where is Bai Suzhen now? Has he returned to Shennong? "

He was worried about Shennong world. But if Suzhen in Heiyi had returned to Shennong, he would not have to worry too much.Yuanjue said: "white girl will not return to earth in a short time. Because we have captured the heart stone of the Dark Lord. With the heart stone, white girl will go to the depths of the universe to control the dark power of the Dark Lord. When the time comes, maybe the earth will come back to help in the battle of lingzun. "

Chen Yang said: "so Shennong world is now unattended." He became anxious.

The God Emperor said lightly: "in Shennong world, what should have happened has happened. It has been controlled by lingzun's army. But not many people died. "

"That's enough!" Chen Yang jumps up.

"Take it easy, little benefactor!" Yuanjue said, "they are waiting for you to go. You can go later and earlier. It won't get in the way."

Chen Suyang said, "she's very devoted to the world."

Then he looked at Shendi and Yuanjue and said, "now, where is the power of the earth?"

God said: "in this seat."

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "with the power of the earth, it's no problem to kill those lingzun. Master, can you go to Shennong world with me? "

"No!" The emperor refused Chen Yang directly.

Chen Yang was stunned.

Yuanjue said: "Lin Zhan is the successor of the poor monk. He is the fourth generation of law enforcers. He can't break the rules of the earth. When he breaks the rules, the power of the earth will be weakened, which is a matter of credibility. Today, fairyland, lingzun, and the human race all abide by the rules of the earth, so the power of the earth is so powerful. "

It is equivalent to a country with just judicature, whose judicature is of great importance in people's mind. If justice is unfair, justice will be greatly reduced in the hearts of the people.

Chen Yang knows this truth, so he doesn't force others.

He thought for a moment and said, "if there is another cosmic power coming, can the earth resist it?"

Yuanjue said, "I'm afraid I can't."

"Isn't the earth about to fall?" Chen Yang is creepy.

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