At that moment, the fire scarves were full of tears.

At this time, Chen Yang also looked at the invading lingzun troops. Thirty two in all! The leader is an old lingzun, who seems to be a little old. But it also gives people a sense of dignity and coldness.

This old lingzun's cultivation has reached the sixth level of creation!

Chen Yang can't really see it, but he can feel its horror.

The most powerful of the thirty-two is the old one. Among the others, the weakest is the heaven position realm master, the strongest is the creation realm quadruple, and there are only two creation realm quadruple.

There are three aspects in the creation environment. The rest are Yichong and Tianwei, most of them are Yichong and Tianwei.

The old God is called sinless!

God looks at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also looked at God's innocence.

"Are you Chen Yang?" God spoke without sin. When they came to the earth, they immediately learned all the language of the earth. So at this moment, God is using Chinese language to ask Chen Yang.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I am Chen Yang."

God said, "do you know sin?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "sin? What crime do I have? You are different. It is our duty to fight against and kill different people. "

God is innocent, light cold, said: "instant no sin, at the moment, you should do is kneel down, a good confession. It seems that you don't understand the truth, then I will let you understand it! "

After he finished, he said to his subordinates, "kill his apprentice huohongjin."

"Yes Immediately, a lingzun master came down. The master of lingzun is the cultivation of Tianwei, and he wants to kill huohongjin.

"Wait!" Chen Yang immediately gave a loud drink.

"What's the matter? When you know the crime, kneel down. If you confess, you have to have the appearance of pleading guilty! " God looked at Chen Yang and said word by word.

"Now that I'm here alone, I'm not going to leave alive. But since I dare to come, I must rely on it. I know that you are all for the grain, the country and the divine tree. You want the sacred tree to deal with the immortals. It's the biggest killer. But I've put the grain, country and divine tree in Yanjing and in my friend's hands. If I don't go back, he will destroy the grain country tree! "

"The grain country tree has been transformed into the seed of Xuanhuan Shengu, and the seed of xuanhuang Shengu has been integrated into your eyebrows and can't be separated." A spirit Zun with four levels of creation opened his mouth. He is called shenwugou, and he is God's sinless younger martial brother.

Shenwugou said with a sneer, "do you think we know nothing?"

"The information is valid, but I'm sorry, your information has expired." Chen Yang said: "it's no use to say that. Come and see if there are xuanhuang seeds in my eyebrows."

Lingzun originally intended to capture Chen Yang alive, and then went to study how to grab the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu. Or refining Chen Yang into a puppet under their command.

And now, Chen Yang is very single, without any resistance to open his arm, let the spirit Zun search.

It's not surprising that Chen Yang's Micro cultivation of creating the environment is the most important. Now that he's here, it doesn't make much sense to resist or not.

The spirit has no dirt also not many words, immediately bent a finger to flick, point out the magic power of a finger. His magic power contains the power of creation, which immediately envelops Chen Yang. Moreover, this magic power searched Chen Yang's whole body.

It's like soul searching.

"Why, you are so strange. Although it is only one of the cultivation of the creation environment, the powerful mana is incredible. In addition, your body cells also contain great magic power. " No wonder.

Chen Yang said, "I am the king of heaven's destiny in the world, the man chosen by the great emperor of the universe. If you don't have something special on you, how can you be worthy of this name. But now, you should also see clearly, do I have xuanhuang Shengu seed? "

As soon as Shen Wugou's face sank, he said to God, "brother, he really has no xuanhuang Shengu seed."

God's innocence is also a slight change of face. Then he gazed at Chen Yang again: "go and get the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu, otherwise, you should know the consequences."

"Xuanhuang Shengu seed is my only card!" Chen Yang immediately said, "if it was you, would you just hand it over?"

God's sinless eyes narrowed slightly and said, "what do you want?"

Chen Yang said, "I have two conditions. As long as you agree, I will hand over the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu."

"Tell me!" God said without sin.

"The first condition is to let everyone in the Jialan hall go. The experts of Jialan hall can't be a real threat to the future Empire Tianzhou. In particular, the biggest threat to Jialan palace comes from me and Bai Suzhen. It's meaningless for you to kill them, because there's no master of creation. Don't you think so? "

"You can do it!" God said, "as long as you bring the seeds of xuanhuang God valley."Chen Yang said, "that's impossible. Once I get it, you put it on or on, it has the final say. If you say no, I can't beat you. It has to be, and it has to be all

God is innocent and says, "I can't release people without seeing the seeds of xuanhuang holy valley."

Chen Yang said: "if you don't release people, you can't see the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu. I know that you can still kill them one by one in front of me and force me like this. However, I have already planted the Yuanshen bomb in my brain. As long as you dare to kill one of them, I will die here. Anyway, it's all a matter of shooting and scattering. "

God said, "this matter needs to be discussed. I can release some people, all of them. That's impossible. Well, I'll let go of most of the people in Jialan hall. Only your apprentices and the two elders are in my hands. "

"Actually, I have an idea!" Chen Yang immediately said, "I have arranged everything in Yanjing. I need my great apprentice huohongjin to go to the world. I'm here as your hostage. She's going to get the seeds of xuanhuang valley. You let everyone go, and I'll be the hostage. "

"You are in our hands." Another lingzun master spoke, and he sneered: "you're just a fool."

"Not everyone can go to the world." God is innocent and says, "just send someone with lower accomplishments to get it."

"I don't know many people in Jialan hall. You can't get it if you send anyone Chen Yang said.

"You can make a mental imprint, or lay down a void spirit to explain it." God said coldly, "Chen Yang, I've heard of you. You are a crafty man. But don't think of other creatures as idiots. What kind of wishful thinking do you want to do? It's all around you, isn't it

Chen Yang was silent.

After a while, he said, "forget it, we can't get along. Let's not talk about it! You can kill them all. I don't want to live any more, and I don't care about the flood after his death. "

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