Chen Yang is very single, and many lingzun also believe in his heart to die.

In the hearts of all the lingzun and the experts in Jialan hall, Chen Yang came here today to die.

Chen Yang then said, "anyway, it seems that you are not going to let go of me and the people of Jialan hall. In this case, fairyland immortals and our earth is a strip of water feelings. They will have a chance to avenge us in the future. "

Chen Yang sneered and said, "so why do I want to give you the grain country tree? You are not the only smart people in this world. "

God is innocent and says: "in front of me, even if you want to die, you can't!"

"Is it?" Chen Yang doesn't believe it.

God's innocent eyes suddenly shriveled, and the light of the universe bloomed in his eyes. This divine light immediately enveloped Chen Yang. Actually relying on eye attack, Chen Yang really didn't react.

This moment, time, space, everything seems to be static.

Chen Yang finds himself unable to move.

Even the mind is still.

In the eyes of God and others, Chen Yang has not moved.

But Chen Yang didn't know that he was settled, because his mind was still. If time is still and thought is still, then the outside world still can't feel the passage of time in the past 100 years.

Chen Yang feels that something is wrong. He is, after all, the creation of the universe. Enough knowledge of the universe and wormholes.

His mind is just a moment, and the God of innocence and others are well prepared to look at the settled Chen Yang.

"What to do next?" God without dirt asks God not guilty.

The God is innocent and says in a deep voice: "I will remove the Yuanshen bomb in his brain first and control him completely. And then slowly torture him, there will always be times when he succumbs. "

Shenwugou nodded.

After that, God's innocence will be dealt with again.

Just at this time, Chen Yang, who was settled, suddenly turned his eyes. Chen Yang's reaction is very fast. After he is fixed, he quickly runs the mana, and the crystal of the black hole spreads out to absorb the power of the outside world.

The many powers and laws of God's innocence are absorbed by the black hole crystal.

The great phagocytosis and xuanhuang divine Valley's seed hegemony are unparalleled, which directly dissolve those rules that are difficult to solve.

So Chen Yang regained his freedom.

Chen Yang twisted his neck and said to God, "you seem to be a little more confident. You really think that you can trap me with this little trick. If I wanted to explode just now, could you stop me? "

God is not guilty, and his spiritual respect can't help losing color.

God said in a deep voice: "I really underestimated you, but you didn't choose to explode. It shows that you are not so determined to die as you said

"No one wants to die." Chen Yang said: "besides, I come here in the hope of exchanging the grain, country and divine tree for the safety of Jialan hall. But that doesn't mean I don't have a bottom line. I just want to ask you the terms. Do you want to talk about it? Don't talk about it, just give me a good word. "

One side of the God without dirt said: "your conditions, too much."

"That's right!" The rest of lingzun also agreed.

Some of them come from the fairyland. Some of them are killers sent by imperial Tianzhou.

In the killer troops, the highest is the creation environment quadruple. What they learn from their information is that there are really not many terrible masters on earth. For example, the great gods of Yuanjue, they didn't plan to kill them. It's impossible to kill them.

At this time, Chen Yang said, "my request is not excessive. At the end of the day, I'm asking you to plant a bomb in your humble mind. Is that ok? If I die, the grain country tree will be destroyed. But if I threaten my life and death, I believe that my wife and my apprentice are willing to change them. After all, we're just like fairyland. But fairyland doesn't seem to regard us as friends. You must have heard something about yuqingmen. We don't have to worry about ourselves for the sake of the immortal world. It's not human! "

Chen Yang's words are well founded.

After pondering for a long time, the God said, "I can let the people in the Jialan hall go. I can also let your apprentice go to report to you. The two elders of Donglin and xuanming, you don't mind staying here? "

Chen Yang shook his head and said, "that's no good. When the seed comes, I won't have any conditions for negotiation. You have to release all the seeds, and you have to think of a good way to exchange the seeds. Make sure you don't go back. "

God said, "don't push an inch!"

Chen Yang laughs and says, "I'll give you my life, but you say I've got more money. That's funny! "

God was not guilty and gritted his teeth, but in the end, he agreed. "Well, I promise you that. Now, I'm going to put down the Yuanshen bomb in your brain

Chen Yang said, "it's OK to set off bombs. You have to set them off first."God said, "OK, you first talk about your second condition."

Chen Yang takes a deep breath. He glances at Michael and his party. He sighed and said, "let them go, drive them out of the earth and never allow them back. And let them swear that they will never serve humanity or me in the future. If there is any violation of the oath, heaven and earth will destroy it. "

After this condition was said, Michael and others were stunned.

God was not guilty, so was the spirit.

They did not expect that Chen Yang's second condition was to let them go.

"I think your second condition is to make me swear to let you live!" God took a deep look at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang went on in a rusty voice and said, "I'm really tired. Moreover, I've done harm to lingzun. If I don't die, I can't offset my sin. So, I don't want to live. But they were persecuted by me in the beginning. You adult, you also want to know clearly in your heart, even if you, if your life is pinched, can you not yield? Can you not be afraid of death? Fear of death is the real human nature. "

Later, Chen Yang sighed again and said, "their fate today is for me. I don't need them to work for me any more. I just hope that they can survive. "

God was not guilty and did not speak.

"They are traitors," he said in a deep voice. "We don't need you to tell us how to punish traitors."

Chen Yang glanced at all the lingzuns and said, "you are all masters in the world. You know how precious life is. Just ask, if you are forced by the enemy, can you really treat death as if you were home? If you are forced to follow the enemy, do you really not want to be forgiven by your compatriots afterwards? Do you really have no room for your compatriots? "

"You don't have to say that I will agree to your two conditions!" God said without sin, and then he said, "you asked for the life of the house of Garan, and you asked for the life of Micah. I admire you for not asking for your own life. I also promise you that as long as you hand over the grain, the state and the divine tree, I will let you go this time. It's a sign of respect for you

"Thank you very much." Chen Yangchao was innocent and bowed deeply.

God is innocent and says: "however, the old man of Yuanshen bomb will not take it away. That's to make sure you don't become the enemy of the Empire in the future. "

"I'm very satisfied to be able to survive." Chen Yang said.

So next, God's innocence lifted the shackles of Michael and others.

Michael and others got up. They looked at Chen Yang with complicated eyes, and Chen Yang said: "president Michael, the universe is vast, and wandering is not a taste. I know there's a place in the universe where my friends are. You're going to settle down there in the future! " After he finished, he passed on the coordinate information of Danube to Michael.

Michael's eyes were red. He clasped his fist and said, "take care!"

Chen Yang nodded.

Huizhe, Jiatian, Duoyin, Dake and others all come up to say goodbye to Chen Yang.

They said in their hearts that it was false not to be moved.

Chen Yang's action not only moved them. Let God be innocent and look at Chen Yang with new eyes.

Even for a moment, God felt too cold. All the enemies have compassion for the lingzun compatriots. Why do they have to kill them?

Then, Michael and others quickly left Shennong world. Their speed is very fast, from Shennong world to the great world, from the great world quickly flew out of the earth.

They kept on running for fear of any accident. I'm even more afraid that God's innocence will change his mind.

Then, the God said, "now I want to plant the Yuanshen bomb in your brain, and then release people!"

"It should be," Chen said

When the God was innocent, he immediately used his magic power to create the Yuanshen bomb, which was directly thrown into Chen Yang's brain. Chen Yang did not stop him and accepted it.

God waved and said, "take them away. I'll give you five minutes. In five minutes, you'll be back here. After that, you ask your apprentice to bring the grain country tree. We'll let you and your apprentice go when we see the grain country tree. "

Chen Yang said, "good!"

God was not guilty, so he released all the people in the tower. Chen Yang quickly put everyone in with Prajna bell. Including the red scarf!

Then Chen Yang said, "if I guess correctly, the envoys of the fairyland are also guarding outside. I'm just afraid that as soon as I go out, they will attack me. "

God said in a deep voice, "we will escort you. Just leave at ease."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "thank you He pauses, smiles and says, "that's why I'm willing to trade with you. You will care about my life and death, but immortals make a difference. They think killing me is the best thing. It's better that when I die, the grain, the country and the tree will perish. In this case, I have a clear idea of who is close to me. ""You are a wise man and a wise man!" God's innocent smile is rare.

Chen Yang leaves from the transmission array of Shennong world.

When he was in the transmission channel, Chen Yang felt that there was a giant hand outside the channel

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