The giant hand grabs the picture, so it is necessary to take Chen Yang away by force. Chen Yang feels the power of the other side, which is full of creation and contains the terrible pressure. Chen Yang is now the power of creating the universe, and he feels that he can't easily break the easy grasp of those who come.

But Chen Yang is not worried at this time.

Because soon, outside the passage, another golden giant hand also grabbed it. The golden hand is the sinless hand of God. The God was innocent and collided with the immortal envoy's giant hand for several times. Finally, the immortal envoy's giant hand had to be taken back.

At the same time, Chen Yang came out of the passage to Tianzhou.

He went to the transmission array of Tianchi Pavilion outside the imperial city.

Then, the figures in the air flashed again. But the people of fairyland came to capture Chen Yang again.

Chen Yang did not blink. He left directly.

Those figures want to intercept Chen Yang, but the God's sinless party also follows and quickly blocks those immortal envoys.

Chen Yang doesn't care whether they are alive or dead. The next second he arrives at the imperial city of Dakang.

Xuanzhenghao immediately arranged Yuanshen to come over, but he has been paying attention to the situation.

"Thank you, Emperor." Chen Yang holds his fist.

Xuanzhenghao smile, said: "rest assured."

Chen Yang gives the Prajna bell to Xuan Zhenghao. Meanwhile, the red towel flashes out of the Prajna bell.

"Master, what do you do?" The red scarf is red in the eyes. She then said, "I'll go to the world now to help you get the seeds."

"Silly girl." "Seeds are not in the world at all," Chen said

"Ah?" The scarlet towel suddenly froze.

Xuan Zhenghao is also puzzled.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "that kind of seed has already been destroyed. I have no seed at all."

"What about that?" The scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet scarlet.

Xuan Zhenghao was also surprised: "you have been planted with the spirit bomb of lingzun in your mind. Lingzun, according to his cultivation, has reached the sixth level of creation. No one can solve this How reckless

With a faint smile, Chen Yang said, "you don't have to worry about me. Now, my death is the best solution. But I'll be back. "

He then said to huohongjin, "you're staying in the imperial city. Don't run around. Master can save you this time, but I can't say it next time. "

"Master, will you really come back?" Fire scarlet sad asked.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "when did I cheat you?"

Fire scarlet said: "pull hook!"

Chen Yang also with fire red towel hook, fire red towel this just closed tears. She vaguely knows that the situation is very serious, but she has a blind trust in Chen Yang.

As for Xuan Zhenghao, his eyes are complicated.

He took Chen Yang, huohongjin and Prajna bell to the boat of one yuan in the imperial city.

At the same time, xuanzhenghao hides the red scarf in the space world.

So, in the vast starry sky, only Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao were left.

Xuan Zheng Hao said in a deep voice: "at this time, don't hide with me. Do you have a plan? "

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "of course there are moves. If I really want to die, how can I be so reckless. Emperor, don't worry. If I say I will come back, I will come back. "

"But I can't figure out how you can deal with lingzun's Yuanshen bomb? This kind of bomb was planted in my head. Only a god like Yuanjue can dissolve it? " Xuan Zhenghao doesn't understand.

"We'll talk about it later!" Chen Yang said, "I have to go first."

Xuanzhenghao see Chen Yang don't say, he also not good again reluctantly. Although he couldn't figure it out, Chen Yang was so determined, but he also had some faith. No matter how strange it is, it's not surprising that something outrageous happened to Chen Yang.

Xuan Zhenghao then asked, "where's Qiao Ning? What about blue girl? Why didn't you come back with them? Still haven't found Qiao Ning? "

Chen Yang said, "it has been found." He simply told xuanzhenghao about rosefinch star.

Then Chen Yang said to Xuan Zhenghao, "I'm still worried about the Moon Palace..."

"I've sent someone to pick it up. I'll send someone at the first time when the immortal envoy and lingzun fight." Xuan Zhenghao said.

Chen Yang laughs. "It's a pleasure to be with you, your majesty."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "you should take care of yourself. Besides, you have too many friends. There's always something we can't take care of... "

Chen Yang said: "I understand that. I really can't take everyone into consideration. Do your best

Between the words, the shadows in the sky flickered.

Later, all the women in Mingyue palace, including Li tianruo, Jian Hongchen, etc., entered the boat of yuan. Chen Yang did not catch up with them and left first. It's not a good time to talk about the past.

Chen Yang left Tianzhou and went to the world first. He went around the world again, and then returned to Shennong.On the Galan platform of the Galan hall, the spiritual masters still stood in place.

Chen Yang also saw God's innocence.

God is not guilty and God is not dirty and others are there, the rest of the gods are also there, so there is no shortage.

It seems that there were no casualties in their battle with the immortal envoy.

Chen Yang came to God's innocence.

He felt that God's innocent face was not very good-looking. Chen Yang was immediately surprised and said: "the master's skill is advanced. On the earth, there are enemies besides Yuanjue. Are you still at a loss in the hands of the envoys? "

God looked at Chen Yang coldly.

One side of the God without dirt said: "hum, if that woman is not relying on Pangu banner, how is my elder brother's opponent!"

Chen Yang then confirmed the situation of God's innocence from the sentence "God without dirt". It seems that God's innocence is not a small loss.

God didn't pay attention to this. He looked at Chen Yang and said, "where are the seeds of the grain state tree?"

Chen Yang took out a seed.

Naturally, this seed is not the seed of the five grain country God tree, but an ordinary seed. However, Chen Yang dyed the supernatant of xuanhuang Shengu seed on it. So it looks like it's a bit of a miracle.

The pupil in the eyes of God's sinless and others is dilated, and God's sinless grasps the seed.

God without dirt also looks forward to the seed.

"Sure enough, there is a breath. There is the breath of grain, country and tree God is innocent, and Lao Chen is a little excited now.

Shenwugou and others are more excited.

But soon, God's innocent face changed dramatically. He burst into a rage: "false, false!" He crushed the seed and glared at Chen Yang: "how dare you cheat me? You want to die! "

God is innocent and in a rage.

He felt that he had been fooled.

At this moment, he wanted to tear Chen Yang to pieces.

"How can it be false." Chen Yang also changed his face and said, "this is from my eyebrow heart. Is the seed in my eyebrow heart fake all the time? It's impossible

"Enough, Chen Yang God is innocent and shouts: "you don't have to act any more. I will treat you sincerely. You tease me like a fool. "

"No, I didn't!" Chen Yang said: "my life is in your hands, how dare I tease you."

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