Chen Yang said: "the grain state tree can't be fake, it can't be fake." He was like a sudden loss of heart, constantly talking, eyes full of disbelief.

"How can it be false." Later, Chen Yang angrily said to God, "if you want to kill me, you can kill me. Why do you want to visit me like this?"

He's acting like that.

Even if God is not guilty, he doubts whether he has made a mistake.

But God is innocent, and he knows that he is absolutely right.

At this time, Chen Yang suddenly seems to understand something. He pointed to God's innocence and said, "I know, I know. You know very well that the immortal envoys in the fairyland are peeping on one side. You want them to take it lightly and think that you don't have the grain, the country and the divine tree. So, you came to wrongly me. My life is in your hands. Can I tell you such big lies? How poisonous you are

Chen Yang's grief and indignation reached a climax.

God's innocence is more surprised and angry: "you are a beast, I will kill you."

God is furious at his innocence. But in the eyes of those immortals, he was a little annoyed.

Chen Yang said, "kill me. I'm going to die anyway. But the seed I gave you is absolutely true. You don't want to blame me. "

God was not guilty, and he almost wanted to detonate the Yuanshen bomb to kill this hateful little beast in front of him. However, he immediately resisted the impulse.

How can we kill this little beast before the real seeds are found?

"Little beast, you dare to play with me. I'm sure you can't live or die! " God said without sin.

"He is my son, you dare to call him a beast!" At this moment, in the void, the human figure flickers.

A solemn and cold voice came, and then a man in black appeared in front of Chen Yang. This man in black is no other than Emperor Chen Tianya.

Chen Tianya came and stood in front of Chen Yang, but he never looked at him.

"Are you the devil?" God's innocent gaze at Chen Tianya.

Chen Tianya said coldly: "yes, I am!"

For a moment, Chen Yang was stunned.

He planned everything, but never thought that at this juncture, Chen Tianya would come.

For a moment, there was a surge of emotional heat in Chen Yang's chest, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

He is so eager for affection, but he dare not admit it. And at present, the devil emperor Chen Tianya actually jumped out without hesitation in such a situation.

Grief, tears.

But soon, Chen Yang accepted the tears that almost fell out. He sneered and said, "Chen Tianya, I'm not blessed to be your son. If you come from there, get out of there. "

"Little beast!" Chen Tianya didn't look back and scolded: "I gave you your life. If you want to kill me, I have to kill you. Other people don't have that qualification. "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "Chen Tianya, don't think I don't understand you. Chen Yihan is dead. You suddenly find that I'm your son, right? But I will not lead you, I will never recognize you as a father. You get out of here now. I don't need you to interfere in my affairs. "

"If I want to intervene, I will intervene. I'll let you talk a lot Chen Tianya said angrily.

"Enough!" At this moment, the God was not guilty and burst out.

His voice is like thunder on the ground, which immediately makes Chen Yang and Chen Tianya shut up.

God's innocence sweeps Chen Tianya, and then sweeps Chen Yang.

"Ha ha ha!" God Laughs. "It's drowsiness. Someone gave me a pillow. Chen Yang, you don't have to show off in front of me. Since you fool me with fake seeds, I'll take your father and see whether the seeds or your father's life are important. "

Chen Yang had a very good plan. He wanted to blame God for his innocence. Let the immortals think that God is innocent and gets the seed. Then, his body explodes, and all the grudges seem to have nothing to do with Chen Yang.

It's a wonderful plan.

No one doubts a dead man.

But at this juncture, Chen Tianya came.

Now, how can Chen Yang watch his father die?

"Catch me? Do you have the ability? " Chen Tianya said coldly to God.

"Don't be ashamed God said without sin.

War between the two sides is imminent.

Chen Yang has never been afraid of any Yuanshen bomb, and now, God's innocence will never detonate Yuanshen bomb. He stepped forward and stood side by side with Chen Tianya. "Well, today, our father and son will fight against the demons together."

"Father and son?" At this moment, Chen Tianya's heart trembled. But he did not speak, just a gentle, cold hum.

But this hum is equivalent to Chen Yang's.

God's innocence is a step forward.

He's direct.Chen Yang's hand is faster, he instantly unfolds the black hole crystal. The space power of the black hole crystal enveloped the whole Jialan hall.

The colorful and dense space trapped all the deities in the heaven, the creation and the duality.

Those experts with low accomplishments come here to make soy sauce.

However, this dense space can not trap the God without sin, nor can it trap the God without dirt. There is also another spirit God who creates four aspects of the world. The lingzun is called should not forget.

Then, there are three masters of triple creation!

God's innocent hand

Chen Yang felt that his space was being torn apart by force.

He didn't expect a space array to trap people. He just took advantage of this gap to convey his ideas to Chen Tianya? "Now I have eternal crystal, immortal body, which can be recovered even if it is blown to pieces. Now if you want to feign death to let them fight with each other, you will leave as soon as you have a chance, never mind me. "

He told Chen Tianya his biggest secret directly.

You know, this secret, even in the face of Xuan Zhenghao, Chen Yang did not say it.

He is not afraid that Chen Tianya knows.

Now, even if Chen Tianya calculated and used him, he was willing.

Chen Tianya is shocked. Of course, he knows what Chen Yang's Secret represents.

"Let's go together. Now I'll go alone. They must be suspicious!" Chen Tianya said.

"But there won't be such a chance!" Chen Yang said.

"Lao Tzu is here!" Chen Tianya said.

At this time, Chen Yang's black hole space has been completely torn by God's sinless hands. With a big hand, Chen Yang turned the whole black hole crystal into armor and put it on his body.

God is innocent and reaches out his hand. He grabs Chen Yang with his left hand and Chen Tianya with his right.

At this level, God is innocent and doesn't expect anyone else to do it. He will hold Chen Yang and Chen Tianya by himself.

Moreover, in principle, to handle Chen Yang and Chen Tianya is like to handle an ant.

God has no dirt, should not forget to wait for the master also not idle, they want to guard against the immortal envoys.

Chen Yang and Chen Yang's fingerprints are almost one of them.

The six levels of creation state are the state of Prajna!

Prajna means wisdom!

Prajna contains six kinds of wisdom, which are called six prajnas. The first is Prajna of reality, the second is Prajna of realm, the third is Prajna of words, the fourth is Prajna of convenience, the fifth is Prajna of dependents, and the sixth is Prajna of observation. The six connotations are Vajra and Prajna.

Prajna is the way of the universe. It is regarded as the most subtle quantum combination that best matches the original features of the world. Prajna can be recognized in the invisible or in the visible. The visible is presented in a quantum state and constitutes all the true knowledge of the world and the universe. Sentient beings also exist in a quantum state. The subtle combination of sentient beings who understand Tao and Prajna is lighter, just like gas, which can enter into the invisible. Seeking the wisdom of Prajna is the final track of nature. It is as natural as the sun, moon and stars floating in the universe. No matter where you see them, they are always here.

This is Chen Yang's first real encounter with the master of creation six.

For Chen Tianya, he is the same.

Before, Chen Yang had a short fight with God. But it was just a look of God's innocence.

Now, God's innocence is the real hand.

Chen Yang immediately felt that he was in an infinite world of Prajna wisdom.

The surrounding is white fog, and there is a faint voice of wisdom in the fog.

Chen Yang felt that the white fog began to invade into his body.

At this time, Chen Yang will not easily blow himself up. It's strange that the enemy doesn't think there is a ghost.

No matter what happened, Chen Yang started the black hole whirlpool first.

Then it absorbs this power with great phagocytosis. The seeds of his xuanhuang God valley are hidden in it. Even if God is innocent, he can't find that there is the power of grain, country and God tree in it.

Chen Yang absorbed a lot of Qi of white fog and Prajna.

"Roar!" At that moment, Chen Yang suddenly felt terrible.

The air of the white fog is not a simple breath. The wisdom in it has thousands of years, and the breath of space is in it. This is not magic power, but it can be filled in every cell of Chen Yang's body.

Chen Yang immediately felt that his body was full of impurities, and his body would explode the next second.

"Terrible Chen Yang was shocked: "it's not magic power, but it can make my body explode. That's not good! "

"This is Prajna wisdom!" God's sinless voice came and said, "your great phagocytosis is just one of the three thousand avenues. Three thousand avenues are not worth mentioning in the universe. How can great phagocytosis devour the power of wisdom of Prajna? "

Chen Yang takes a deep breath, and then condenses the power of creation in the universe. He condensed two-thirds of his strength into a sword!A sword to the East!

The universe is full of wisdom and truth.

Originally, Chen Yang's full strength, coupled with the morality of giving up one's life and forgetting one's death, would double his strength. Unfortunately, Chen Yang does not dare to injure himself now. Therefore, this sword is also a big discount.

Nevertheless, the light of the sword flashed, leaving a scar on God's sinless hand.

But the scar, soon disappeared.

And the big fingerprints, after all, did not break.

The power of Prajna's wisdom continues to invade Chen Yang's whole body

Chen Yang's headache is extreme.

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