Chen Yang stands in the main hall of Yunding heavenly palace.

All the big men who went up to the grand building were there, the real people in the cemetery, the strong men in the triple realm of creation. When the three friends of winter and winter were still there, and when the plan of spring was still there, the real people in the cemetery were just the double realm of creation. At that time, all his light was covered by them.

Today, the real person in the cemetery is a well deserved big man in the taishangzunlou.

Yazhen yuan is also here.

At this time, yazhenyuan was wearing a light green dress and a red belt around her waist, which made her waist soft and slim. She is now a mother, with less indifference on her face, but more indifference. She is more beautiful than before.

It's more sacred.

When yazhenyuan saw Chen Yang, she was shocked. She didn't expect that Chen Yang's cultivation was so fierce that he had already reached the cultivation of creation.

Although fengjunlang was captured, he still stood upright. Yazhenyuan suddenly feels that Chen Yang has some charm.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Yang did not look at yazhenyuan.

In the field, Nalan Yunxue, the deputy leaders and the elders are all there.

Thousand purple dust, Tan old these people are at the top, Fu Zhichen standing in the thousand purple dust side.

"Fu Zhichen, it seems that you really don't have a long memory!" Chen Yang, standing in the center, laughs. "Before, when you arrested me once, yuqingmen was almost destroyed. Now, you've got me again. I estimate that Yuqing gate will be completely destroyed this time! "

Fu Zhichen's face turned blue.

The original yuqingmen incident was a disgrace to the whole yuqingmen!

Fu Zhichen did not speak.

Thousand purple dust is light cold said: "kneel down!"

"On your knees?" Chen Yang shook his head and said, "you are not qualified to let me kneel down."

Thousand purple dust sneer a, say: "be?"

Chen Yang said, "I advise you to take precautions as soon as possible. I'm no longer the God bomb hiding in my brain. The elder lingzun already knows that you are about to destroy the seeds of the grain, the state and the divine tree. I'm afraid you will come soon. "

"You want to die!" Thousands of purple dust quickly flick, she pop up a few streamers, the streamer will wrap the whole hall in an instant, also cut off the connection between the Yuanshen bomb in Chen Yang's brain and the outside world.

The current situation is that God's innocence can still detonate the Yuanshen bomb. But he can no longer spy on the scene through the Yuanshen bomb.

"It seems that I have to kill you at once so as to avoid future trouble!" In the eyes of qianzichen, the opportunity to kill is obvious.

There's really no need for her to keep hands on Chen Yang.

Yazhenyuan is frightened when she hears the speech. She can't help caring about Chen Yang. This change of feeling was unexpected to her. Probably because Chen Yang is her daughter's father after all. In addition, today, Chen Yang's accomplishments do not seem to be under her.

Chen Yang's elegant demeanor also made her a little intoxicated.

At this time, Chen Yang said: "you can kill me, as long as you can guarantee, killing me is equivalent to destroying the grain country tree. I'm afraid that if I die like this, you can't answer any questions when you go back. In the end, it's not easy to hand over! "

"You..." Qianzichen is furious.

She wanted to kill Chen Yang, but Chen Yang's words really made her hesitate. She had to make a detailed investigation of such events! Now they have caught Chen Yang, but they can't act impulsively. In the end, they let the grain state tree escape again.

"You're lucky! I'll let you live a little longer. But now you Kneel down The last two words of "thousand purple dust" contain the prestige like a hundred thousand mountains. The power of these two words immediately enveloped Chen Yang

Chen Yang suddenly felt as if there were a hundred thousand mountains on his body.

One hundred thousand mountains are not enough for fear.

The key point is that the two words of thousand purple dust also contain the five aspects of creation, the creation Qi and creation rules of all things. That is a field that Chen Yang has never experienced!

Chen Yang's forehead was full of sweat, but just at this time, Chen Yang just turned on the black hole crystal, and then started the great phagocytosis, the power of xuanhuang divine Valley seed.

Soon, Chen Yang absorbed the power of qianzichen. His people also relaxed, then smile at the thousand purple dust, said: "that lingzun elder, the six fold power of creation, has exerted all his strength, but has not yet taken me down. You want me to kneel down in two words. I'm afraid it's wishful thinking. "

"Is it?" Thousand purple dust hands again, her palm turned, instantly in Chen Yang's head condensed a golden big fingerprints. The golden seal is like the spirit and power of ten thousand ancient gods.

Vientiane! There are not only the power of ten thousand ancient gods, but also the law of all things.

Chen Yang suddenly felt the endless terror, the endless power to suppress down. This makes him have no reason to fear!

"I'll blow myself up." Chen Yang is a bachelor. He just uses his own mana and starts to prepare to blow up his brain

"Wait a minute!" Tanlao on the other side was worried. He quickly hands, unpredictable hands, offering a mysterious seal will Chen Yang imprisoned.Chen Yang Meng struggled, but he broke Tan Lao's seal.

But at this time, thousand purple dust also took back the golden fingerprints.

Encounter Chen Yang this kind of role, thousand purple dust also quite helpless.

"I said, you have no right to make me kneel down!" Chen Yang also continued to provoke qianzichen.

"Girl, business matters!" Tan Lao is helpless, he is also secretly surprised by Chen Yang's power. At the same time, he admonished qianzichen.

Thousand purple dust is not particularly irritable, just meet Chen Yang, Xuan Zhenghao some can't help it.

Yazhenyuan on one side breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone in the audience was paying attention to Chen Yang, and no one found her face changed.

"The rest of the people were on guard against the world of Yuqing. Today, the envoys wanted to search this son all night to find out the grain, the country and the divine tree as soon as possible." Thousand purple dust said later.

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "if you can't search it, you still have a way to live. If the search comes out, our fairy emissary will slap his ass and go. Lingzun will kill him. I'm afraid none of you can stop him! " Chen Yang said slowly.

Everyone was frightened.

Fu Zhichen's face also changed.

Thousand purple dust heart a jump, her hatred to Chen Yang also deeper. However, she ignored Chen Yang and said to the public, "just rest assured, we will never ignore your safety. Yuqingmen and fairyland are one. We will never sit back and ignore them. "

She was going to leave. But with the development of the situation, it seems that we can't just walk away.

The situation is moving in a complex direction.

Qianzichen decided to ignore the others. She had to find out the grain and country tree before the elders of lingzun killed her, and then destroyed it. As long as this is done, then her purpose of going down this time will be achieved.

After Fu Dingchen and others ate a thousand pills, they no longer said that.

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