After qianzichen brings Chen Yang to the bedroom, she doesn't continue to talk nonsense with Chen Yang. Instead, he forcibly imprisons Chen Yang, and then searches his whole body with great magic power. In the end, she came back without success, and did not find any clues and breath about the grain, country and divine tree in Chen Yang.

"The elder lingzun clearly said that when you devoured his power, you used the power of the grain state tree. This shows that you still have the grain, the country and the divine tree. " She asked Chen Yang, "my patience is very limited. Tell me, where is the grain country tree? If you have a hard tongue, I will let you live or die. I have a hundred, a thousand ways to torture you. "

Chen Yang said with a smile, "do you really want to know the secret of the grain country tree?"

Thousand purple dust said: "nonsense!"

Chen Yang said: "well, you promise me a condition, I'll tell you."

Thousands of purple dust beautiful eyes a bright, said: "hmm? What conditions, you say

Chen Yang said: "I still need a concubine. If you are my concubine in the future, we will be our own people. I'll tell you the secret about the grain country tree. "

"You want to die!" Qianzichen immediately realized that Chen Yang was teasing and insulting her. She immediately flew into a rage, only to see her forehead veins burst up, followed by a slap in the face toward Chen Yang's cheek.

As soon as Chen Yang's figure was shaken, he leaped back and avoided the slap of the thousand purple dust.

Thousand purple dust slightly pale, but did not expect, Chen Yang broke away her mana imprisonment.

Qianzichen is a group of people who have been tempered by the ancestors of Hongjun in the fairyland. Therefore, under the mana control of Chen Yang, Wugu sheji Shenshu can't turn their mana into fruit.

The real secret of the grain state tree is that it can turn all of them into fruit.

However, although Chen Yang can't turn their mana into fruit, he can still absorb their mana. Thousands of purple dust imprisoned him, he began to absorb, and soon untied this layer of imprisonment.

"That's ridiculous!" Thousand purple dust repeatedly to Chen Yang this creation environment a heavy mole ant hand, but repeatedly hit the wall. This makes her extremely angry, can be said to be angry.

At present, the cold light in qianzichen's eyes flashed. She quickly stretched out a slender hand, then, five fingers open, the five nails into five general whip will be directly wrapped around Chen Yang.

These five whips are ever-changing and cover the whole palace.

Then, the five magic whips attacked and killed, just like flying catkins in the sky, which could not be avoided.

Ever changing, the power of all things!

Qianzichen no longer retains its power.

Chen Yang only felt that there were a lot of things in front of him, but he couldn't do it. He wants to start to use the big phagocytosis to absorb, but the thousands of catkins suddenly come close to his body, turn into a soft whip, and instantly tie Chen Yang up.

Chen Yang's eyes flashed, spewing out the black hole crystal. The black hole crystal quickly turned into armor and wrapped Chen Yang. The whip of the thousand purple dust was also wrapped in it.

Then, Chen Yang performed a great phagocytosis to absorb

A ray of cold light flashed in qianzichen's eyes.

She's impulsive, but she's not mindless. At the moment, she just wants to feel Chen Yang's power and see if he has any grain, country and divine tree.

Her anger is real, but it's just scheming.

Unfortunately, Qian Zichen is smart, and Chen Yang is not stupid. At this time, he did not urge the power of xuanhuang Shengu seed, but simply operated the great phagocytosis and the light thunder scissor to kill the whip of thousand purple dust.

But it's obviously not going to work. Thousands of purple dust creation of five strong, all-round power, all inclusive.

Chen Yang made several breakthroughs, but none of them helped.

Thousand purple dust suddenly smile, smile like silver bell: "Chen Yang, let you treacherous and treacherous, at this time you are still exposed."

Chen Yang's heart slightly faded, but his face was indifferent. He sneered and said, "is that right?"

Thousand purple dust trapped Chen Yang, she also sneered, said: "you defuse my power several times before, I can feel the mystery, it should be related to the grain country tree. But I'm not sure, and now, you guess I'm going to test you, but you deliberately stop using that power. That means that the grain state tree is really in you. "

"On me? How could you not find it? " Chen Yang can't help but be surprised. He thought the woman was stupid. Now it seems, but it is not so simple!

Thousand purple dust said: "there is only one possibility, the grain country tree has been smashed. I don't know why it will shatter, but I am sure that the grain country tree has been integrated with your blood and body. You are a living tree of grain and country

"Ha ha..." Chen Yang laughed and said, "I really admire your rich imagination. Can man be integrated with trees? "

Thousand purple dust said: "originally I still doubt, your reaction now, more confirmed my idea. So, you no longer have any use value. You can die. "

At the end of the day, Qian Zichen was awe inspiring. She hates Chen Yang to the bone, but she has no pity at all.Then, her mana through the five whip crazy fierce cut to Chen Yang.

All the magic power, all the mysteries and all the magic power swarmed into Chen Yang's body. Chen Yang knows that he must die now. But now that we have reached this point, we still need to stand well at the last post. He must fight to death. At present, Chen Yang spared no effort to mobilize the power of xuanhuang Shengu seed.

The magic power of qianzichen is hard to crack and absorb. But with the help of xuanhuang Shengu seed, Chen Yang directly cracked it and absorbed it.

At this moment, the external forces exploded and poured into Chen Yang's body.

Chen Yang looks dignified. At this moment, he looks solemn.

Qianzichen also felt the change in Chen Yang's body, but she was ecstatic: "the grain, the country and the divine tree are really integrated with you."

In her heart, she was even more startled: "this grain country tree is really terrible, and naturally restrained the blood of our people and snakes. How could I have killed him now, if it had not been for Lao Zu's tempering? "

"A sword to the East!" At this moment, Chen Yang roared. He has gathered too much power. When his body is about to explode, he will learn from his whole life. He will learn all his life.

This sword, cut off the past, cut off all the bondage of the future!

Thus, the five magic whips of qianzichen were directly cut off.

Collapse, collapse, collapse, collapse!

Five nails, they all broke.

these five fingernails are thousands of years of strength, and after countless times of quenching, plus how many days of material treasure...

"Damn it Thousand purple dust rage.

She then, a palm burst out.

Chen Yang has lost his strength, and his whole body seems to be in vain


Chen Yang's head exploded in an instant, and then his whole body exploded into countless pieces, molecules, magnetic fields

The debris, the molecules, the magnetic field quickly drifted into the air, and then nothing was seen.

If there are demons practicing martial arts, they may choose to capture and absorb all the soul fragments of the opponent. However, such a practice, there will be a lot of cause and effect backfire, so few experts will do so. Just like the blue purple clothes, she did not dare to absorb more. Even after absorption, she had to use Naihe bridge to wash, and big super technique to super. Even so, she felt there was cause and effect.

At that time, Suzhen in Heiyi absorbed a lot of fragments and strength. He thought that nothing would happen if he was tempered with thunder. Later, cause and effect backfired, and he almost died at the hands of the Buddha.

As for Chen Yang, he absorbed a lot of soul power. He didn't do anything, which is probably the special feature of his identity as the king of destiny.

Apart from other things, qianzichen is a famous master, naturally disdaining to absorb such soul fragments. What's more, Chen Yang's strength is not much to her liking. Even if it looks good, she won't absorb it. This is not the right way, let alone the king's way.

At this moment, thousands of purple dust long sigh of relief.

The grain, the country and the sacred tree were finally destroyed.

The biggest hidden danger in fairyland has finally been eliminated.

Chen Yang finally He died.

At this moment, the God is innocent and feels that the Yuanshen bomb has exploded.

His heart sank.

At this time, the God of innocence has been informed, that is, the grain country tree fell into the hands of the thousand purple dust.

God felt that Chen Yang was dead, and he became more and more convinced that the five grain country tree was in the hands of the thousand purple dust.

Outside the world of Yuqing, at the border of hunmeng, the experts of God's innocence are waiting outside the border.

God's innocent eyes are cold.

Shenwugou said: "brother, do we really want to fight with the immortal envoy? What about Pan Gu fan

God said: "if the grain state tree is brought back to the fairyland by them, then we will fall short."

Should not forget to say: "but Elder, have you ever thought about it? It's very likely that the grain country tree has been destroyed. Even if they don't destroy it, they can choose to destroy it when we come to the city. "

God said, "no, I can feel that breath. There is some connection between Wugu sheji Shenshu and my Yuanshen bomb. That's because Yuanshen bomb has been in Chen Yang's brain for too long. Now I feel that the Yuanshen bomb has been destroyed and Chen Yang is dead. But The breath of grain, country and tree is still there. It shows that the tree has not been destroyed

"If they attack like this, they may jump over the wall in a hurry!" The God has no dirt to say.

God said, "anyway, this is the last chance. As long as we get the grain, the country and the divine tree, the fairyland will not be enough. At present, we should try our best to seize the grain, the country and the divine tree. If you can't get it, you should also take Pan Gu's flag in your hand and kill all these immortal envoys. " There was a terrible glow in his eyes.

"Yes God has no dirt and so on.

At this time, outside the border, all the experts from other worlds came one after another.The first one to come is Tang Yin: "see elder!" Tang Yin was dressed in a red robe and full of evil spirit. He came to all the gods.

God innocent look at Tang Yin, he nodded with satisfaction, said: "Tang Yin, you come in time."

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