Thousands of purple dust gathered all the experts of Yuqing gate in Yunding heavenly palace.

She has already known the situation outside the world of Yuqing. At present, Yuqing gate is facing another crisis comparable to when chuxuan is burning Yuqing gate.

But thousand purple dust appears very calm.

Facing the people below, she said two things calmly.

The first thing is that Chen Yang is dead. The five grain country God tree and Chen Yangrong are one. Now, the five grain country God tree is gone with Chen Yang.

"Really, dead?" Even Fu Zhichen was surprised at the news. He always felt that it was not very true, because Chen Yang was too hard to kill.

When yazhenyuan below heard the news, her delicate body suddenly trembled.

She felt an unspeakable sadness in her heart and began to surge upward. She hates this kind of feeling very much. She can't help asking herself, shouldn't she want Chen Yang to die the most?

"That's ridiculous." Yazhenyuan felt that she despised herself. She secretly asked herself, "yazhenyuan, why do you feel sad? Don't you feel ashamed? Are you really in love with a rapist? That's ridiculous, isn't it? "

"No..." Immediately, there was another voice in her heart. "No, I'm not in love with that rapist at all, but you don't understand. He, after all, is the father of the child. Shouldn't I be sad when the child's father died? I'm grieving for yalo, nothing else

Yazhen yuan suddenly understood his heart.

Woman, mother is just!

But in fact, after being a mother, my heart will be especially soft.

She realized that her grief was not for Chen Yang's death, but for poor Yaluo. Before I met my father, I lost my father's Yaluo.

All the people present were relieved to hear that Chen Yang and the five grain state tree were destroyed together.

Qian Zichen said to Fu Zhichen: "the envoy himself broke his body into pieces, which dissipated in the air, equivalent to ashes. Do you think he has the ability to come back from the dead? "

Tan old smile, said: "he will not have this ability, after the ashes, no one can resurrect."

Thousand purple dust satisfied smile. Then, her face was straight again, and she said, "at the moment, lingzun is gathering people to try to attack us. This is the most important battle. With the presence of the emissary, the emissary can assure you that the failure of burning yuqingmen will never happen again. "

Qianzichen is full of fighting spirit, and her confidence also gives people more confidence.

"Prepare to meet the enemy!" Thousand purple dust after said.

War is coming, rain is coming, wind is all over the building!

Thousand purple dust is not aimless, she has her own preparation at the same time.

After God's innocence summoned many experts under his command, God's innocence broke the boundary of Yuqing world.

And at the same time that the barrier broke, qianzichen also did something.

She passed on her idea, which was passed on through the spiritual imprint of yunhuaying and others. Because the boundary of Yuqing world was destroyed, and qianzichen was the five fold cultivation of the creation environment, she finally broke the barrier of the boundary and passed on the information.

Qianzichen has conquered yuntianzong, yuhuamen and Protoss.

She wants all the three groups to go to the imperial city of Dakang and wait for Xuan Zhenghao's order.

Thousand purple dust can't contact xuanzhenghao directly, but she has confidence in xuanzhenghao. She also believes that Xuan Zhenghao will fight for the earth.

The city is under the pressure of black clouds!

There are fifty-three masters gathered here, including thirty-two of lingzun himself. Plus we have 21 experts from all over the world.

In the whole earth, Tianzhou should be the place with the most experts. This place is rich in natural resources and local treasures.

However, Tianzhou was occupied by qianzichen in advance.

As for God's innocence, although he has won many masters in the world, not many of them can win.

For example, there is only one Tang Yin in the central world.

For the rest, there is no master of creation.

God is innocent. This attack is very meaningful. No matter what the result is, as long as more creation masters are killed by energy consumption, the resistance of imperial heavenly boat to earth will be less and less in the future.

It's just a pity that there are many divine beasts and Warcraft in the doomsday cemetery, which can be called a world with extraordinary strength. But God is innocent, but he can't use them, because the border of the graveyard of doomsday is one of the rules of the earth. It's a special ban on those beasts, Warcraft.

The boundary of Yuqing world is different. It was sealed by Yuqing people. So even if you tear it up, it doesn't matter.

God and his group quickly came to the sky of Yuqing gate.

Then, God released his Prajna wisdom world.

In an instant, the white fog enveloped the whole Yuqing door, covering the whole area.

The battle on earth is always more restrained than that in the universe. The competition among many powers is about the understanding of the world. No strong people will want to damage the earth. It's not that the strong people cherish the earth, but that they have caused enough damage to the earth, and the earth's backfire is quite terrible.Moreover, the reason why the earth has 3000 worlds is that the way of heaven is to deal with the battle of the strong. Lest the battle of the strong destroy the earth!

Therefore, among the earth, the great world is the general outline of the three thousand world!

And in the vast world, we will never allow the appearance of great powers. Except for the destiny! And the guardian has to stay in the world, also in order to guard the world.

The whole system on earth is extremely perfect and perfect.

At present, the wisdom of Prajna has formed a white mist like frost, which is like water mist, and the tentacles are moist.

A hundred Li square has become a white world.

This scene is also terrifying.

After the wisdom of Prajna is diffused, in addition to qianzichen, qianzichen can barely break through the doubts and perplexities caused by the wisdom of Prajna. Others, even the four masters of creation, doubt the truth and falsehood of things.

As for the triple and double masters of creation, it is difficult to mobilize the external magic field. Because the boss is here, we have to listen to him.

Before, Chen Yang created an environment to fight against God's innocence, which was to absorb the power of God's innocence. He had no ability to mobilize external forces. In other words, before God's innocence, there was no wide range of Prajna wisdom world.

In the sky of yuqingmen, qianzichen has already run the power of all things, enveloping the experts in a small group.

In the Vientiane world, the power of Prajna wisdom has not been expelled.

Driven by qianzichen, the wisdom of Prajna was expelled from the Vientiane world.

Tan said in a deep voice: "girl, if you are in a wise world like this, you are really terrible. In Prajna world, his experts can attack at will, but we depend on your Vientiane world to protect us. This is not a long-term plan! "

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