It's no accident that Chen Yang came here. After thousands of purple dust smashed Chen Yang's body, Chen Yang's various fragments still have thoughts. And under the attraction of the eternal spar, it can agglomerate automatically. However, Chen Yang did not cohere, but floated out. He quickly floated hundreds of miles away, and then began to gather his body.

After the success of body cohesion, even the blue clothes also follow the recovery. But at the same time, Chen Yang controlled the Yuanshen bomb and did not recover it. Before the explosion, he didn't know how to operate, but now he has mastered some essentials.

What makes Chen Yang feel terrible is that the star master's mark cannot be destroyed. It's like it's fused with the eternal spar. No matter how it explodes, it can't be destroyed.

Chen Yang thought about it and didn't get tangled. Just think of it as a memorial and put it in your mind. Anyway, you are not afraid of its explosion.

Chen Yang watched from a distance when the God was innocent and the spirit Zun attacked the jade gate. He's not in the mood to help. Who can he help? Qianzichen killed him. It's even more impossible to help lingzun.

Chen Yang's overall view is not as good as Xuan Zhenghao's.

"How did you escape the killing of the thousand purple dust?" Xuan Zhenghao is also curious.

Chen Yang doesn't plan to hide Xuan Zhenghao either, and says directly: "how can you escape? She has been blasted into countless pieces by her magic power. I run these pieces and they float out for hundreds of miles before they come together. "

"You're not kidding, are you?" Emperor Xuan was stunned.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I don't think I'm joking. Today I met Tang Yin, who was blown to pieces and came back to life. Today's young people, one is more evil than the other

Emperor Xuan said: "that Tang Yin is much bigger than you."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "who said that? Don't forget that I have been in the boat of one yuan for thousands of years."

Emperor Xuan rolled his eyes.

With a smile, Xuan Zhenghao looked at Chen Yang and said, "well, the God bomb of lingzun elder?"

"No more." Chen Yang said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "that's good." After that, he stopped asking Chen Yang.

Emperor Xuan is curious about the mystery of Chen Yang's immortality, but just as he is about to speak, Xuan Zhenghao changes the topic.

Emperor Xuan and Xuan Zhenghao are close friends. You can see what Xuan Zhenghao means. In fact, it is not easy to ask. Because everyone has his own secret.

Emperor Xuan then asked Xuan Zhenghao: "next, do you have any plans?"

Xuan Zhenghao looked at Chen Yang and said, "do you have any plans?"

Chen Yang was stunned, and then he said: "I have no plans, and I plan to wait and see what happens. Now qianzichen thinks I'm dead. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "yes, you still have to keep feigning death. I'll do the rest. "

"What's your plan, emperor?" When Chen Yang heard the speech, he couldn't help cheering up.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "at present, we have thousands of purple dust here, and Pangu banners here. There is also a struggle with lingzun. If we can put the battlefield in my boat of one yuan, then we have an absolute chance of winning the battle with lingzun. "

Emperor Xuan immediately said: "but those lingzun elders are not fools. How can they come to fight in you?"

"So it's going to take a long-term view," he said. We also have a bait in, that is the grain country tree! Elder lingzun is determined to get this thing, although qianzichen thinks that the grain, country and divine tree has been destroyed. But lingzun elder, that is, the elder who is the leader, has sensed the wisdom of Prajna and the grain state tree, and can feel that the grain state tree still exists. "

Emperor Xuan said: "nevertheless, it is almost impossible to lead them into the boat of one yuan."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "it's up to people."

He paused and said, "well, next I'm going to see qianzichen."

Emperor Xuan said, "I'll go with you."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "also OK!" He then looked at Chen Yang and said, "you should stay in my boat of one yuan first, so as not to let out any information."

"I think of one thing. I want to go to a place right now," Chen said

"Oh?" "It's very important," he said

Chen Yang said, "yes!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "if you leave, the breath of the grain country tree will move with you. I'm afraid that the lingzun elder will come after me. "

Chen Yang said: "I wrapped it with black hole crystal. I don't know if it will leak the breath?"

"It may be useful, but you can't take the risk easily," he said. Let's see if I can send someone to handle your business? "

Chen Yang thought about it and said, "that's OK."

What he wants to do is to let Xuan Zhenghao send people to the lost mainland to find yalina, and then take the Taiyu Scepter for use. He once developed an array with the Taiyu scepter, which can be used for one day inside and ten years outside. Now he wants to seize the time to improve his accomplishments. Along the way, Chen Yang seldom has such a sense of urgency. But now, he feels he can't afford to slack off any more. So, I put my mind on the Taiyu scepter.Xuanzhenghao after listening, but immediately said: "useless."

"Well?" Chen Yang is puzzled.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "lost in the mainland, I understand that the world is very special. Its currency is different from other world. No matter how high its power cultivation is, it's useless in other worlds. "

Chen Yang said: "but I know that Taiyu's Scepter can really change time."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "well, it's not easy for me to explain it to you. Your previous strength came from the lost continent, so you can change time. Because you and the lost continent are one. But now, your strength is very strong, but you don't belong to the lost continent. Then, the time rule of the whole lost continent can no longer be changed by you. Taiyu's Scepter doesn't work! Unless you cast away your mana and reintegrate into the power of the lost continent. However, no matter how strong you are in it, if you leave the lost continent, you are still nothing. "

"Really? Emperor, how can you know so clearly? " Chen Yang feels very depressed.

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I know the world. If you don't believe me, I can go and get you the Taiyu scepter."

Chen Yang said: "forget it, I naturally believe you."

He then brightened his eyes and said, "can you use the boat of one yuan to change the time?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "now the pills are enough. It's not impossible to change the time. However, there were some problems before. You still need to wait for me to repair it. After I repair it, I'll care about it. Moreover, there is a heavy cause and effect when the boat of one yuan turns on and reverses once. I don't dare to turn on the stove easily. The next time I turn on the stove, it will reverse the time. I have to wait for the door owner and other friends to come

"So it is Chen Yang said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "in a word, I will call you when I turn on the stove again."

Chen Yang said, "thank you very much."

Next, Chen Yang stayed in a hidden place of the one yuan boat for meditation. Xuanzhenghao and Dixuan went to see qianzichen together.

Xuan Zhenghao asked qianzichen to call everyone together for a meeting.

Thousand purple dust now to Xuan Zhenghao or very trust and convinced, so also according to Xuan Zhenghao.

Yuntianzong, yuhuamen and Protoss experts are still there.

All the people of Yuqing sect and the three masters gathered in the hall.

This time, Xuan Zhenghao sat at the top of the main hall. After all, he is the master. Thousand purple dust sat on the vice seat. Emperor Xuan is on the left side of xuanzhenghao, while Tan Lao and Fu Zhichen are on the right side of qianzichen.

In the crowd below, there are three masters, including Nalan Yunxue and yazhenyuan. Yaluo, yazhenyuan's daughter, has always been in her magic weapon, and has not been frightened or hurt. However, Yazhen yuan is still uneasy. At present, the battle level is full of too many variables and crises. She is not afraid that she should be robbed, but she is afraid that her daughter will

At this time, yazhenyuan looks at the elegant and dignified xuanzhenghao above. She suddenly had an idea!

Xuan Zhenghao scanned the crowd and said in a deep voice: "I I have had a lot of grudges with many people present. I know that many of you would like to cramp me. You are all road builders and stand firm. It's not that I can make you give up hatred just by saying a few words. But... "

Xuan Zheng Hao Dun, said: "but I implore you, first, make concerted efforts to deal with the crisis of lingzun. We'll talk about it later. You should also know that elder lingzun wants the grain, the state and the divine tree. This is one of them. Second, their imperial sky boat will come to earth in 18 years. They want to clear the obstacles on the earth before the sky boat comes. Who are these obstacles? I think all of you here must be obstacles. Unless you're willing to take refuge in lingzun and be their running dogs. If not, you will not run away! "

"But I, relying on the boat of one yuan, can live in peace for a while. At least, I am sure that I will be safe if the imperial heavenly boat does not come. In eighteen years, I can think about countermeasures again! "

Xuan Zhenghao's words, every sentence is like a knife, every sentence is reasonable.

These experts are all outstanding people.

The wonderful life they have experienced can be regarded as a legend or a biography. Therefore, they absolutely disdain the brainwashing behavior of others.

But Xuan Zhenghao is not brainwashing, every word he says is reality.

It is true that the crisis of lingzun is coming, either obedient or killed.

Obedience? That is absolutely not reconciled. Thousand purple dust can also give them respect, and their conscience is relatively easy to accept. After all, qianzichen belongs to Xianshi. Fairyland people, snakes and humans are of the same origin.

This is the same as joining the national army or the Japanese army, but the difference is very different.

They also have to admit that xuanzhenghao if hiding in the boat of one yuan, lingzun have absolutely no way for the time being.

So at this time, cloud shadow first opened his mouth. "Xuan Zhenghao, what do you want to express when you say this? Do you want to be wise or not? "

"Ha ha, Yun Zhang Jiao, you asked very well!" Xuan Zhenghao looks at Xiang Yunhua's shadow. "None of the people at the scene were not smart. Smart people, of course, will be wise to protect themselves, but also to see the snipe and clam fight, grab benefits

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