Xuan Zhenghao continued: "if the Yuanjue Dharma God is smart enough, with his ability, there is no way to go between heaven and earth. Who can't kill? He's going to stay in the world and guard the rules of the earth In fact, he knew the injury of Yuanjue, but he would not say it and upset people's mood.

"There are more intelligent people. Do our descendants have a way to live? I know that many of you will not care about future generations. Because in our hearts, we have reached the point where we can only be ourselves. " Xuan Zhenghao said: "but I am not a wise man. I will protect the earth. I will not allow the spirit to respect the alien people to cause damage to the earth! Therefore, I am willing to join hands with you to deal with lingzun. "

Yun Hua Ying takes a deep look at Xuan Zhenghao. He then says, "your words are thought-provoking. But I know that those of us here are too smart to listen to anyone. Only interests and lives can drive you. Today, you are also here because of being held. If you were not held, I believe you would not be in charge of the life and death of the immortals. The life and death of immortal envoys and yuqingmen have nothing to do with us. But, lips die, teeth die! Xuan Zhenghao is my great enemy. If others say what he said, I don't believe it. But he said it, I believe it. Just because I know my enemy

Xuan Zheng Hao is tiny a Zheng, he didn't expect cloud to change a shadow to unexpectedly can speak for him.

Maybe it's because the cloud shadow is still young and the blood is still completely retreating.

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Xuan Zhenghao said to Qian Zichen: "now, we have a common enemy. We should treat each other sincerely. Under the premise of our great cooperation, I hope you can remove the mental imprint of people's brain. This is the first step of trust. I know that this step is very difficult to step out. But It's going to be out sooner or later. There must be a first step, then there will be a second step. "

Qianzichen was surprised.

But the experts in the three schools are very happy.

"Yes, if you want to cooperate, you should remove the mark for us!" A master immediately cheered.

All the experts agreed one after another. No one wanted to give his life to others. Especially the experts like them.

Thousands of purple dust cold glance Xuan Zheng Hao, she is very unhappy. She thinks, Xuan Zhenghao is forcing a palace. This matter should be discussed carefully.

At the moment, people are excited.

The thousand purple dust is a little undeveloped. She took a deep breath, and then said, "all of you, life and death, will you really work for the earth? I doubt it, and I doubt even more, that most of you will run away at the critical moment. "

Human nature is selfish.

This is very clear.

Especially the masters who have reached such a state of cultivation, most of them have no father, no mother, no monarch, no father, only themselves. It's extremely selfish.

Qian Zichen thought again, and Xuan Zhenghao said coldly: "do you really think that you can move them with a few words of warm-hearted encouragement? No, some people will never be moved. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I'm not a whimsical person, but since it's cooperation, I should be sincere. Perhaps, among the people present today, some will betray and others will protect themselves. But we showed sincerity. This is a fire of hope. If the fire of hope is ignited, more and more people will come to take refuge in US and raise the banner of resisting alien invasion in the future. Our beginning is the beginning of sincerity, not coercion. "

"We have to pass before we have a future!" Thousand purple dust heavily said.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "after the moment, you are an immortal envoy. When you return to the fairyland, you don't need to have a future. But we have to live in the future! If Immortal envoys only think about themselves, why should we think about you? "

"You..." Thousand purple dust angry, but can't refute Xuan Zhenghao.

That Tan old immediately thought sound to thousand purple dust, persuade thousand purple dust. Although qianzichen is angry in his heart, he is also a person who knows the whole. She then said: "well, Xuan Zhenghao, since you said so, I will depend on you. I want to be in front of you, and you need to have a future. If someone really doesn't care, then such human beings, whether they live or die, don't need me to care. "

Then, the thousand purple dust mana moves.

In a short time, she removed all the mental imprints.

Even some of the masters who didn't show up, their mental imprint was eliminated.

"The mark is gone!" After taking a deep breath, Qian Zichen said to the crowd.

The experts, including Yunhua shadow, were overjoyed.

They said together, "don't worry, immortal envoy. Now we must share a common hatred against the enemy and fight against the alien race."

Qian Zichen said: "I also hope you can understand that fighting against lingzun elder is not only for our yuqingmen, but also for the earth and for everyone. This battle is not just ours! "

"I'll see!" Said the crowd.

Qianzichen doesn't say much now. She doesn't have much confidence in these people. Although they are beautiful now, it's also because she has her own, and she's too embarrassed to talk back. I'm afraid that if I have a chance, I will turn back and leave.At this time, Natan also spoke. "Mr. Xuan, we have done what you asked. Now, what's your plan? I have to go back to the fairyland to report my work. I can't stay here all the time. "

Thousand purple dust also said: "yes!"

Now they feel that the grain country tree has been destroyed, and they are really not interested in staying on the earth. I'm just sorry to leave. After all, yuqingmen is their subordinate. So no matter the subordinates leave, it's always hard to say.

"I have worked out a way to release the news. It is said that tomorrow all the immortal envoys will launch the celestial kingdom edict in my one yuan boat and begin to return to the celestial kingdom. " Xuanzheng Hao said in a deep voice.

"Well?" Thousand purple dust said: "do you want to lead them over?"

"That's right," he said He paused and said, "as long as the battlefield is in the boat of one dollar, then our chances of winning will be much better."

Tan Lao said: "only, will they be deceived?"

"It's not a question of whether they are fooled, it's a question of whether they want to put all their eggs in one basket," he said. Can they tolerate the grain state tree being brought back to the fairyland by you? "

Qian Zichen said: "the grain country tree has been destroyed by me. They should be able to think that we can destroy it here. In this way, they don't have to deal with us. But we can deal with you when we leave. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "they didn't know that the grain country tree was destroyed. My plan is not perfect. I'm just gambling. I hope I can win. "

"What if they don't come?" Thousand purple dust said.

"Then try again!" Xuan Zheng Hao rolled a white eye, say: "do you have absolutely successful method?"

Thousand purple dust of course no absolute success way, but under, she also had to agree to the xuanzhenghao plan.

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