Xuan Zhenghao and Qian Zichen then made a detailed plan. He would set up the array in the boat of one yuan, so that all the pills, manpower and strength would gather. Let's help qianzichen to urge pan Gufan.

Although there are sages, they are all mole ants. However, if the ants gather more, they can also kill the elephants. What xuanzhenghao is good at is array. Besides, he has Tianlong eight Fu Tu and Yiyuan boat. Once upon a time, Xuan Zhenghao watched the earth in the magic canon. Now, he watches the universe in the boat of one yuan.

Few people in the world can match him in the amount of knowledge he has.

Xuanzhenghao said to qianzichen, "I don't have enough pills."

Thousand purple dust also don't say much, she knows Xuan Zheng Hao is intentionally want to error some Dan medicine to go. But there's no way. If you want others to do something, you have to pay something. "How many pills do you need?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "a trillion!"

"I don't have that much either." Thousands of purple dust surprised, said.

Xuanzhenghao smiles and says, "you don't have it. Yuqingmen has it. One trillion is not a big number

Thousand purple dust said: "it's not a small number, I can give you half of a trillion at most."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "that's OK, deal!"

He is very simple, but qianzichen has an impulse to vomit blood. It's obvious that she's lost in xuanzhenghao's routine.

Xuan Zhenghao then said, "don't think I'm blackmailing you. I'll use all the pills you give in this battle, and I'll fill in a lot of pills. It's all about killing the enemy, isn't it? "

Thousand purple dust said: "but in case, the spirit elder elders didn't come?"

"If you don't use your pills, I'm sure I'll give them back. I will not take advantage of you. " Xuan Zhenghao said.

Thousand purple dust said: "good, I hope you keep your word."

"Of course," he said

After that, Qian Zichen went to find Fu Zhichen and yuqingmen to discuss the pills.

Xuanzhenghao and Dixuan went to one side.

"Do you think elder lingzun will be deceived?" To one side, when it's convenient to speak, Emperor Xuan directly asks Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I said before, it's not a matter of not being cheated. It's a question of how determined these elders are to get the grain state tree. Thousand purple dust they think I'm gambling, they think they have destroyed the grain country tree. And the most critical problem is that the grain, the country and the tree are still in good condition. The breath was felt by the elder lingzun. Therefore, could he watch the envoys leave with the grain state tree and return to the fairyland? I guess not! "

Emperor Xuan said: "come in to die? They will not

Xuan Zhenghao said: "in this era, everyone will have a card. Of course, they will have their cards. Tomorrow, they may not know what the result will be He paused and said, "now you have to spread the news quickly."

Emperor Xuan said, "good. But there's one more thing you probably forgot. "

"What?" Xuan Zhenghao asked.

Emperor Xuan said, "what if they attack the three factions? We should protect the disciples of the three sects. "

"Do you think they will attack the three factions?" Xuan Zhenghao said.

Emperor Xuan said: "I don't think that if they capture the disciples of the three sects, let the three sects stop participating in our battle. Do you think these experts will stop? "

"That must stop. They want to stay out of it. " Xuan Zheng Hao said with a smile.

Emperor Xuan said, "that's why I said we should protect the three factions."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "what you said is reasonable, but I didn't think so much. Because elder lingzun can definitely guess that the three masters are controlled by qianzichen. But he couldn't guess that we had released the three factions. So, it's useless to threaten the three masters. "

Xuan Zheng haodun, then said: "however, there are many treasures in the three schools, and we can't give them a chance to take advantage of them. So it's still necessary to protect them. "

Emperor Xuan said, "well, I'll do these things at once. What's more, I don't quite understand. Why do you want qianzichen to remove his mark? Those people may not accept your good idea. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I do it for my own reason. You'll understand later. Also, I asked qianzichen for half a trillion pills. "

Emperor Xuan immediately great joy, said: "she promised?"

Xuanzhenghao nodded and said, "of course I have to promise."

Emperor Xuan said, "how many pills do you need for this battle?"

"Maybe SHAOHAO wants more than 200 billion," he said. It's not a big deal. Before the advent of the imperial sky boat, I need to save enough two trillion pills, and then start the time reversal of the one yuan boat again. Last time we built a 1000 year period with 10 trillion, but now two trillion can only have a 100 year period. One hundred years, put in all those destiny people, sect master and my experts. At that time, I won't go in, you go to practice By the way, I will also bring in the God Emperor. ""Two trillion pills, all for others!" Emperor Xuan said: "you are more and more noble now."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "noble, not to mention. It's just a cold mouth. You can also choose some people to come in

Emperor Xuan said, "it doesn't matter to me. How can I practice higher? He was defeated by lingzun one day, and he didn't know how to be cleaned up by the emperor of the universe. That's why I'm so frustrated! "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "what do you think? You can go to fairyland at that time. Let's have more friends here. We'd better go together and take care of them. "

Emperor Xuan said, "I hope we can live to that day."

In the boat of one yuan, Chen Yang also went to see huohongjin and met some experts in Jialan hall. For Chen Yang, the king of Jialan, who fought to save each other that day, all the experts in Jialan hall were very grateful for Chen Yang's kindness. At the same time, it can be regarded as a real recognition of Chen Yang, the king of Jialan.

Huohongjin is worried. She is worried about Suzhen in black and Chen Yang. But Chen Yang told her not to worry about anything. Everything is in the presence of her master.

Xuan Zhenghao also meets Chen Yang in private and tells him something about the array. Xuan Zhenghao wants to put Chen Yang at the core of the array to make bait. But he won't let anyone find Chen Yang.

At the same time, many members of the three schools and the treasure Pavilion were brought into the boat of one yuan.

There is only an empty shell left in the three schools.

Yuntianzong brought the most important tree of life in the clan.

And now, in the chalk world.

In the Dragon hall.

At noon tomorrow, the envoys will take grain, state and tree to return to the fairyland.

In the side hall of Tianlong hall, God is not guilty and all the masters are there.

As for human experts, only Tang Yin participated in this kind of high-level meeting.

Shenwugou said: "brother, this is obviously a plan. That day continent is the place that Xuan Zheng Hao controls, there are innumerable array. Xuan Zhenghao knows that he can't deal with us in other places, so he wants to lead us in. "

You should not forget to say, "I also agree with elder Wugou."

Others agreed.

God's innocence is to look at Tang Yin. Tang Yin is still a blood robe, full of evil spirit. His eyes were overcast, and he sat at the head of God's innocence, without any awe and formality on his face.

God is innocent, but he is also surprisingly tolerant to Tang Yin. He smiles and says, "Tang Yin, what do you think of this?"

Tang Yin casually replied: "I don't have any opinions. Elder, I will do whatever you say."

His answer is quite satisfactory to God.

"Good, good!" God said without sin. Then he scanned the crowd and said, "the grain state tree is really in Tianzhou, in the boat of one yuan. It can never be wrong. "

"You say it's a stratagem. I believe your judgment!" God went on. "But now, some of you are aware of the fairyland. The identities of the elders have been exposed and they are facing the strangulation of the fairyland. If, that grain country tree was really brought back to the fairyland, fell in the hands of Hongjun ancestors. Then our last hope is gone. "

"They can completely destroy the grain, country and divine tree now." Should not forget to say: "but deliberately do not destroy, put clear is to use the grain country tree to lead us into the urn."

"I don't think so," he said

"Oh?" Should not forget to say: "wish to hear elder's good opinion!"

God said, "if they could be destroyed, I think they would have been destroyed. At that time, in Yuqing world, they should have destroyed it. Now, I think that they can't destroy it, so I want to take the grain country tree back to the fairyland and give it to Hongjun's father. "

"That's why they are anxious to return to the fairyland!" Said God, not guilty.

"But, elder, are you really going to attack the boat of one yuan? It's too weird. I'm afraid we'll never come back if we go in. " Another lingzun Master said.

God said: "I know that there may be no return. When I come here this time, I also have the consciousness of dedicating myself to our great cause. If there is any difficulty, we won't go, then we'll just go straight back to our home. "

"But we can't go to death, either!" The God has no dirt to say.

God said, "of course not to die." There was a cold light in his eyes: "how can I let you die. Xuan Zhenghao, I read too much information about him. Cultivation is not terrible, but the brain is surprisingly powerful. At the beginning, the Taiji map of Zhongchun and Hunyuan was destroyed. I never want to be an enemy with him, but he takes the initiative to be our enemy. It's going to be a tough fight. But I won't flinch! "

Seeing the fighting spirit in God's innocent eyes, Shen Wugou's face sank and said, "brother, are you going to use the jueshun banner?"

God said, "yes!"Everyone was disgraced, except Tang Yin.

Anyway, Tang Yin didn't know what the jueshun banner was and what its power was.

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